Number of time series in Index: 24243

Time series length (mean ± SD): 12.5 ± 9.2

Number of samples (years) per time series (mean ± SD): 7.5 ± 6.6

Number of data sources in Index: 316

Number of taxa in Index: 335

Taxon name Taxon scientific name Functional group IUCN status EPBC status # data sources # time series Mean time-series length Spatial representativeness
None Mastacomys fuscus fuscus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 3 18.0 -
None Potorous tridactylus apicalis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 8 11.1 -
None Dasyurus maculatus maculatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Endangered 1 1 4.0 -
None Conilurus penicillatus melibius 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 20 21.4 -
None Conilurus penicillatus penicillatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 10 6.0 -
Arnhem Land Rock-rat Zyzomys maini 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 15 11.5 -
Banded Hare-wallaby Lagostrophus fasciatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None 2 2 7.0 -
Banded Hare-wallaby, Merrnine, Marnine, Munning Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 1 4.0 -
Bilby Macrotis lagotis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 6 9 8.6 -
Bindjulang, Spotted-tailed Quoll Dasyurus maculatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 3 2.7 -
Black-flanked Rock-wallaby, Moororong, Black-footed Rock Wallaby Petrogale lateralis lateralis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 1 1 8.0 -
Black-tailed Antechinus Antechinus arktos 50-5000g,Terrestrial None Endangered 1 2 2.0 -
Boodie, Burrowing Bettong (Shark Bay) Bettongia lesueur lesueur 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 5 6 7.5 -
Bridled Nailtail Wallaby Onychogalea fraenata 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 4 6 12.0 -
Broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fuscus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 5 19.8 -
Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat, Brush-tailed Tree-rat Conilurus penicillatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 22 9.5 -
Burrowing Bettong Bettongia lesueur 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 2 2 13.0 -
Central Australian Rock-wallaby, Warru Petrogale lateralis centralis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 5 5.8 -
Chuditch, Western Quoll Dasyurus geoffroii 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 3 30 18.5 -
Crest-tailed Mulgara Dasycercus cristicauda 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 2 2 9.0 -
Dibbler Parantechinus apicalis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered 1 2 14.0 -
Digul, Northern Quoll Dasyurus hallucatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered 8 102 10.6 -
Eastern Barred Bandicoot Perameles gunnii 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 2 29 10.0 -
Eastern Quoll, Luaner Dasyurus viverrinus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered 1 2 11.0 -
Golden Bandicoot (Barrow Island) Isoodon auratus barrowensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 1 7.0 -
Golden Bandicoot (mainland) Isoodon auratus auratus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 20 5.9 -
Greater Stick-nest Rat Leporillus conditor 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 1 1 19.0 -
Hastings River Mouse Pseudomys oralis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 1 3 17.7 -
Julia Creek Dunnart Sminthopsis douglasi 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 1 4 3.2 -
Konoom, Smoky Mouse Pseudomys fumeus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 3 3 5.7 -
Kowari Dasyuroides byrnei 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 3 7 10.0 -
Long-nosed Potoroo Potorous tridactylus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 2 37 11.8 -
Long-nosed Potoroo (northern) Potorous tridactylus tridactylus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 2 8 4.6 -
Long-nosed Potoroo (southern mainland) Potorous tridactylus trisulcatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 1 2 4.0 -
Mala Lagorchestes hirsutus subsp. 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 1 1 6.0 -
Northern Bettong Bettongia tropica 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered 1 30 2.0 -
Numbat Myrmecobius fasciatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered 4 5 11.2 -
Platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 28 2.7 -
Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier Island) Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 1 9.0 -
Sharman's Rock-wallaby Petrogale sharmani 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 3 2.7 -
Southern Brown Bandicoot (eastern), Southern Brown Bandicoot (south-eastern) Isoodon obesulus obesulus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered 2 121 4.0 -
Spotted-tailed Quoll (North Queensland), Yarri Dasyurus maculatus gracilis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Endangered 1 4 2.0 -
Tasmanian Bettong Bettongia gaimardi 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 6 11.0 -
Warabi Petrogale burbidgei 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 1 3.0 -
Western Barred Bandicoot Perameles bougainville 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 4 5 8.2 -
Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong Bettongia penicillata 50-5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered None 3 134 4.5 -
Woylie, Brush-tailed Bettong Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi 50-5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered 3 15 16.9 -
Black-footed Tree-rat (Kimberley and mainland Northern Territory), Djintamoonga, Manbul Mesembriomys gouldii gouldii 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Endangered 1 20 16.8 -
Black-footed Tree-rat (Melville Island) Mesembriomys gouldii melvillensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 44 21.0 -
Black-footed Tree-rat (north Queensland), Shaggy Rabbit-rat Mesembriomys gouldii rattoides 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 2 7.0 -
Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale tapoatafa 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None 1 163 6.7 -
Golden-backed Tree-rat Mesembriomys macrurus 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None 1 24 6.1 -
Leadbeater's Possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 19 19.8 -
Western Ringtail Possum, Ngwayir, Womp, Woder, Ngoor, Ngoolangit Pseudocheirus occidentalis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 2 4 20.2 -
Christmas Island Flying Fox Pteropus natalis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Critically Endangered 1 106 5.0 -
Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 405 8.0 -
Southern Greater Glider Petauroides volans 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Endangered 1 293 9.0 -
Spectacled Flying-fox Pteropus conspicillatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Endangered Endangered 1 1 15.0 -
Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened Endangered 4 348 8.6 -
Carpentarian Pseudantechinus Pseudantechinus mimulus <50g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 1 4.0 -
Dusky Hopping-mouse Notomys fuscus <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 53 2.0 -
False Water-rat Xeromys myoides <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 5 4.0 -
Fawn Antechinus Antechinus bellus <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 23 16.1 -
Kakadu Pebble-mound Mouse Pseudomys calabyi <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None 1 11 17.6 -
Mountain Pygmy-possum Burramys parvus <50g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered 2 7 34.4 -
New Holland Mouse Pseudomys novaehollandiae <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 8 22.4 -
Plains Rat Pseudomys australis <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 1 22.0 -
Silver-headed Antechinus Antechinus argentus <50g,Terrestrial None Endangered 1 2 5.0 -
Red-tailed Phascogale Phascogale calura <50g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened Vulnerable 1 1 5.0 -
Large Pied Bat, Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Endangered 2 3 17.3 -
Little Pied Bat Chalinolobus picatus <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened None 1 96 5.0 -
None Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda >5000g,Marine Endangered Endangered 1 1 2.0 -
Australian Hump-backed Dolphin, Australian Humpback Dolphin Sousa sahulensis >5000g,Marine Vulnerable None 1 1 2.0 -
Australian Sea-lion Neophoca cinerea >5000g,Marine Endangered Endangered 1 40 17.8 -
Australian Snubfin Dolphin Orcaella heinsohni >5000g,Marine Vulnerable None 1 1 5.0 -
Dugong Dugong dugon >5000g,Marine Vulnerable None 1 3 30.0 -
Southern Elephant Seal Mirounga leonina >5000g,Marine Least Concern Vulnerable 1 1 34.0 -
Southern Right Whale Eubalaena australis >5000g,Marine Least Concern Endangered 1 1 33.0 -
Subantarctic Fur-seal Arctocephalus tropicalis >5000g,Marine Least Concern Endangered 1 1 26.0 -
Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat Lasiorhinus krefftii >5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 17.0 -
Tasmanian Devil Sarcophilus harrisii >5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered 3 136 21.4 -
Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby Petrogale xanthopus >5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None 1 2 41.0 -
Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (SA and NSW) Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus >5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 1 1 9.0 -
Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (central-western Queensland) Petrogale xanthopus celeris >5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable 1 1 12.0 -
Koala Phascolarctos cinereus >5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Endangered 7 115 15.1 -
Armoured Mist Frog Litoria lorica Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 2 3 7.0 -
Australian Lace-lid Litoria dayi Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 2 14.5 -
Booroolong Frog Litoria booroolongensis Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Endangered Endangered 1 3 3.3 -
Common Mist Frog Litoria rheocola Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Near Threatened None 6 8 6.5 -
Eungella Dayfrog Taudactylus eungellensis Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Endangered Endangered 1 7 4.4 -
Fleay's Barred Frog Mixophyes fleayi Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Endangered Endangered 2 5 6.0 -
Giant Barred Frog Mixophyes iteratus Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 4 16.5 -
Kroombit Tinker Frog Taudactylus pleione Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 31.0 -
Kroombit Tree Frog Litoria kroombitensis Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 3 23.0 -
Northern Tinker Frog Taudactylus rheophilus Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 3.0 -
Spotted Tree Frog Litoria spenceri Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 2 2 34.0 -
Southern Heath Frog Litoria watsoni Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding,Wetland breeding Endangered Endangered 1 12 6.0 -
Baw Baw Frog Philoria frosti Chytrid impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 35 15.7 -
Northern Corroboree Frog Pseudophryne pengilleyi Chytrid impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 5 103 9.8 -
Southern Corroboree Frog Pseudophryne corroboree Chytrid impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 2 24 12.1 -
Alpine Tree Frog Litoria verreauxii alpina Chytrid impacted,Wetland breeding Least Concern Vulnerable 1 12 8.0 -
Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea Chytrid impacted,Wetland breeding Near Threatened Vulnerable 11 132 5.8 -
Southern Bell Frog Litoria raniformis Chytrid impacted,Wetland breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable 7 143 13.5 -
Kuranda Tree Frog Litoria myola Chytrid non-impacted,Stream breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 2 7.0 -
Orange-bellied Frog Anstisia vitellina Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 3 5.7 -
Red and Yellow Mountain Frog Philoria kundagungan Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered Endangered 1 1 5.0 -
Richmond Range Mountain Frog Philoria richmondensis Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered Endangered 1 1 8.0 -
White-bellied Frog Anstisia alba Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 3 6.3 -
Southern Owl Frog Heleioporus australiacus flavopunctatus Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered Vulnerable 1 28 14.0 -
Sunset Frog Spicospina flammocaerulea Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered Vulnerable 2 29 12.3 -
Tasmanian Tree Frog Litoria burrowsae Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Near Threatened None 1 2 3.0 -
Wallum Sedge Frog Litoria olongburensis Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable 3 18 5.4 -
None Neoastelia spectabilis Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 4 5.5 -
Austral Toadflax, Toadflax Thesium australe Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 6 14.5 -
Button Wrinklewort Rutidosis leptorhynchoides Herbaceous None Endangered 1 1 7.0 -
Ginninderra Peppercress Lepidium ginninderrense Herbaceous None Critically Endangered 1 4 5.2 -
Isoglossa Isoglossa eranthemoides Herbaceous None Endangered 1 4 3.2 -
Large-fruit Fireweed, Large-fruit Groundsel Senecio macrocarpus Herbaceous None Vulnerable 3 15 9.1 -
Matted Flax-lily Dianella amoena Herbaceous None Endangered 1 1 6.0 -
Monarto Mintbush Prostanthera eurybioides Herbaceous None Endangered 2 20 9.8 -
Red Darling-pea, Red Swainson-pea Swainsona plagiotropis Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 27 17.7 -
Salt Pipewort, Button Grass Eriocaulon carsonii Herbaceous None Endangered 1 8 15.0 -
Silver Candles Angianthus phyllocalymmeus Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 1 7.0 -
Slender Darling-pea, Slender Swainson, Murray Swainson-pea Swainsona murrayana Herbaceous Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 15 14.7 -
Small Purple-pea, Mountain Swainson-pea, Small Purple Pea Swainsona recta Herbaceous Endangered Endangered 1 3 17.3 -
Southern Shepherd's Purse Ballantinia antipoda Herbaceous None Endangered 1 11 16.0 -
Spiny Peppercress Lepidium aschersonii Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 7 14.7 -
Stiff Groundsel, Behr's Groundsel Senecio behrianus Herbaceous None Endangered 1 4 3.8 -
Stilted Tinsel Lily Calectasia pignattiana Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 1 2.0 -
Superb Groundsel Senecio megaglossus Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 4 11.5 -
Swamp Everlasting, Swamp Paper Daisy Xerochrysum palustre Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 4 5.0 -
Wrinkled Buttons Leiocarpa gatesii Herbaceous None Vulnerable 1 11 14.2 -
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Least Concern Vulnerable 2 5 37.6 0.0
Grey-headed Albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Endangered 1 1 26.0 -
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross Phoebetria palpebrata Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened None 1 7 20.0 -
Northern Giant-Petrel Macronectes halli Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Least Concern Vulnerable 1 17 17.2 -
Shy Albatross Thalassarche cauta Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened Endangered 3 4 22.8 -
Southern Giant-Petrel Macronectes giganteus Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Least Concern Endangered 2 11 37.0 -
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 2 29.5 -
Australian Fairy Tern Sternula nereis nereis Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 53 8.3 -
Houtman Abrolhos Lesser Noddy Anous tenuirostris melanops Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Least Concern Vulnerable 1 8 17.9 0.0
Australian Gould's Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable Endangered 1 1 14.0 -
Flesh-footed Shearwater Ardenna carneipes Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None 1 6 25.0 0.0
Gould's Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None 1 2 3.5 -
Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None 1 15 3.1 0.1
Western Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta neglecta Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Least Concern Vulnerable 1 1 5.0 -
Abbott's Booby Papasula abbotti Marine:Tropicbirds Frigatebirds Gannets Boobies Endangered Endangered 1 455 5.0 0.3
None Diuris byronensis Orchid Critically Endangered None 1 1 9.0 -
Bald-tip Beard-orchid Calochilus richiae Orchid None Endangered 1 1 21.0 -
Basalt Greenhood Pterostylis basaltica Orchid None Endangered 1 1 23.0 -
Bayonet Spider-orchid, Clubbed Spider-orchid Caladenia gladiolata Orchid None Endangered 2 7 12.6 -
Brindabella Midge-orchid, Ectopic Midge-orchid Corunastylis ectopa Orchid None Critically Endangered 1 1 11.0 -
Buttercup Doubletail Diuris aequalis Orchid Endangered Endangered 1 3 9.7 -
Canberra Spider Orchid Caladenia actensis Orchid None Critically Endangered 1 1 10.0 -
Coloured Spider-orchid, Small Western Spider-orchid, Painted Spider-orchid Caladenia colorata Orchid None Endangered 1 27 5.6 -
Copper Beard Orchid Calochilus cupreus Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 4.0 -
Crowded Leek-Orchid Prasophyllum crebriflorum Orchid None Endangered 1 1 7.0 -
Fleurieu Leek Orchid Prasophyllum murfetii Orchid None Critically Endangered 1 5 2.8 -
Fragrant Leek-orchid Prasophyllum suaveolens Orchid None Endangered 1 5 11.0 -
Ghost Spider-orchid Caladenia intuta Orchid None Critically Endangered 1 8 9.2 -
Halbury Greenhood Pterostylis lepida Orchid None Endangered 1 2 12.0 -
Halbury Rustyhood Pterostylis vernalis Orchid None Critically Endangered 1 4 5.0 -
Illawarra Greenhood, Rufa Greenhood, Pouched Greenhood Pterostylis gibbosa Orchid None Endangered 1 4 4.0 -
Jervis Bay Leek Orchid, Culburra Leek-orchid, Kinghorn Point Leek-orchid Prasophyllum affine Orchid None Endangered 1 1 19.0 -
Kangaroo Island Spider-orchid Caladenia ovata Orchid None Vulnerable 1 3 2.7 -
Large-club Spider-orchid Caladenia macroclavia Orchid None Endangered 1 3 18.3 -
Leafy Greenhood Pterostylis cucullata Orchid None Vulnerable 2 45 2.9 -
Lesser Swamp-orchid Phaius australis Orchid None Endangered 1 2 4.0 -
Lowly Greenhood Pterostylis despectans Orchid None Endangered 1 13 8.9 -
Maroon Leek-orchid, Slaty Leek-orchid, Stout Leek-orchid, French's Leek-orchid, Swamp Leek-orchid Prasophyllum frenchii Orchid None Endangered 1 5 6.4 -
Metallic Sun-orchid Thelymitra epipactoides Orchid None Endangered 1 16 9.4 -
Pale Golden Moths Diuris ochroma Orchid None Vulnerable 1 2 16.0 -
Pale Leek-orchid Prasophyllum pallidum Orchid None Vulnerable 1 1 8.0 -
Pale Yellow Doubletail, Wingham Doubletail Diuris flavescens Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 4 3.0 -
Pingaring Spider-orchid, Granite Spider-orchid Caladenia graniticola Orchid Endangered Endangered 1 2 23.0 -
Pink-lipped Spider-orchid Caladenia behrii Orchid None Endangered 2 10 2.4 -
Plum Leek-orchid Prasophyllum pruinosum Orchid None Endangered 1 32 2.6 -
Pretty Beard Orchid, Pretty Beard-orchid Calochilus pulchellus Orchid None Endangered 1 2 4.0 -
Pretty Leek-orchid Prasophyllum pulchellum Orchid None Critically Endangered 1 1 12.0 -
Sandhill Greenhood Orchid Pterostylis arenicola Orchid None Vulnerable 2 9 2.2 -
Stiff White Spider-orchid Caladenia rigida Orchid None Endangered 1 8 2.0 -
Tailed Spider-orchid Caladenia caudata Orchid None Vulnerable 1 1 11.0 -
Tarengo Leek Orchid Prasophyllum petilum Orchid None Endangered 2 6 8.8 -
Thick-lipped Spider-orchid, Daddy Long-legs Caladenia tessellata Orchid None Vulnerable 1 2 4.0 -
Two-bristle Greenhood Pterostylis psammophila Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 17 2.6 -
White-beauty Spider-orchid Caladenia argocalla Orchid None Endangered 2 23 6.7 -
Woolcock's Spider-orchid Caladenia woolcockiorum Orchid None Vulnerable 1 6 10.0 -
Yellow Gnat-orchid, Bauer's Midge Orchid, Brittle Midge Orchid Genoplesium baueri Orchid Endangered Endangered 2 5 9.0 -
Yellow-lip Spider-orchid Caladenia xanthochila Orchid None Endangered 1 6 2.0 -
Alaskan Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica baueri Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Endangered 1 580 18.7 0.1
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Endangered 2 284 22.2 0.2
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Endangered 2 871 20.9 0.1
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Critically Endangered 2 741 22.5 0.2
Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis Shoreline (migratory) Endangered Critically Endangered 2 698 16.3 0.1
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Shoreline (migratory) Endangered Vulnerable 2 444 16.1 0.2
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable 2 347 14.4 0.1
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus Shoreline (migratory) Endangered Endangered 2 428 20.9 -
Red Knot Calidris canutus Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Vulnerable 2 390 17.3 0.3
Red-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None 2 1084 20.1 0.2
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata Shoreline (migratory) Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 777 16.4 0.1
Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable 2 367 17.1 0.1
Yakutian Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica menzbieri Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Endangered 1 227 16.3 0.1
None Banksia ionthocarpa subsp. chrysophoenix Shrub Endangered Endangered 1 4 9.0 -
None Banksia ionthocarpa subsp. ionthocarpa Shrub Endangered Endangered 1 1 22.0 -
None Banksia vincentia Shrub Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 11.0 -
None Bossiaea fragrans Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 7 4.0 -
None Acacia gordonii Shrub None Endangered 1 1 4.0 -
None Pimelea cremnophila Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 2.0 -
None Asterolasia elegans Shrub None Endangered 1 1 4.0 -
None Grevillea acropogon Shrub Endangered Endangered 1 2 10.0 -
None Kunzea similis subsp. similis Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 8.0 -
None Lambertia orbifolia subsp. orbifolia Shrub None Endangered 1 2 15.0 -
None Micromyrtus blakelyi Shrub None Vulnerable 1 9 4.0 -
None Persoonia hindii Shrub Endangered Endangered 1 30 6.0 -
None Pomaderris delicata Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 2 3.0 -
None Pultenaea sp. Genowlan Point (NSW 417813) Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 4.0 -
None Xerothamnella parvifolia Shrub None Vulnerable 1 10 24.0 -
None Astrotricha roddii Shrub None Endangered 1 5 7.0 -
Albany Cone Bush, Hook-leaf Isopogon Isopogon uncinatus Shrub Critically Endangered Endangered 1 3 16.0 -
Anglesea Grevillea Grevillea infecunda Shrub None Vulnerable 1 26 9.1 -
Araluen Zieria Zieria adenophora Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 19.0 -
Avenue Cassinia Cassinia tegulata Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 4 7.0 -
Box Range Zieria Zieria buxijugum Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 33.0 -
Brown's Banksia, Feather-leaved Banksia Banksia brownii Shrub Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 3 8.7 -
Cactus Dryandra Banksia anatona Shrub Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 2 17.0 -
Clandulla Geebung Persoonia marginata Shrub Endangered Vulnerable 1 9 2.0 -
Concave Pomaderris Pomaderris subplicata Shrub None Vulnerable 1 7 10.6 -
Coochin Hills Grevillea Grevillea hodgei Shrub Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 28.0 -
Cotoneaster Pomaderris Pomaderris cotoneaster Shrub None Endangered 1 10 3.4 -
Curly-bark Wattle Acacia curranii Shrub None Vulnerable 1 4 5.0 -
Davies' Waxflower, St Helens Waxflower Phebalium daviesii Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 2 27.5 -
Dungowan Starbush Asterolasia beckersii Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 4 13.0 -
Fat-leaved Wattle, Fat-leaf Wattle Acacia pinguifolia Shrub None Endangered 1 18 12.7 -
Flame Spider-flower Grevillea kennedyana Shrub Endangered Vulnerable 1 8 20.0 -
Foote's Grevillea, Cataby Grevillea, Black Magic Grevillea Grevillea calliantha Shrub Critically Endangered Endangered 1 7 10.9 -
Forked Spyridium Spyridium furculentum Shrub None Endangered 1 5 12.2 -
Giant Andersonia Andersonia axilliflora Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 9.0 -
Grampians Bitter-pea Daviesia laevis Shrub None Vulnerable 1 1 5.0 -
Grampians Globe-pea Sphaerolobium acanthos Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 2 5.0 -
Grampians Pincushion-lily Borya mirabilis Shrub None Endangered 1 1 13.0 -
Granite Zieria Zieria obcordata Shrub None Endangered 1 11 10.4 -
Grey Grevillea Grevillea obtusiflora Shrub Endangered Endangered 1 8 4.4 -
Hill Thomasia Thomasia montana Shrub None Vulnerable 1 1 2.0 -
Jumping-jack Wattle Acacia enterocarpa Shrub None Endangered 2 12 12.0 -
Lake King Eremophila Eremophila subteretifolia Shrub None Endangered 1 2 8.0 -
Lemon-scented Zieria Zieria citriodora Shrub None Vulnerable 1 1 12.0 -
Little Pine Verticordia, Pine-like Featherflower Verticordia pityrhops Shrub None Endangered 1 1 8.0 -
Lowan Phebalium Phebalium lowanense Shrub None Vulnerable 1 7 12.0 -
Maroon-flowered Daviesia Daviesia glossosema Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 17.0 -
Maxwell's Grevillea Grevillea maxwellii Shrub Critically Endangered Endangered 1 2 15.0 -
Menzel's Wattle Acacia menzelii Shrub None Vulnerable 2 29 11.6 -
Neat Wattle, Resin Wattle (SA) Acacia rhetinocarpa Shrub None Vulnerable 2 30 9.5 -
Oval-leaf Adenanthos Adenanthos ellipticus Shrub Endangered Vulnerable 1 1 8.0 -
Pale Pomaderris Pomaderris pallida Shrub None Vulnerable 1 2 2.0 -
Rusty Desert Phebalium Phebalium glandulosum subsp. eglandulosum Shrub None Vulnerable 1 5 5.0 -
Shapely Zieria Zieria formosa Shrub None Endangered 1 1 32.0 -
Silver Daisy-bush, Silver-leaved Daisy, Velvet Daisy-bush Olearia pannosa subsp. pannosa Shrub None Vulnerable 1 52 11.4 -
Small-flowered Snottygobble Persoonia micranthera Shrub Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 2 15.5 -
Somersby Mintbush Prostanthera junonis Shrub None Endangered 1 34 2.8 -
Spiny Everlasting, Spiny Daisy Acanthocladium dockeri Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 8 7.1 -
Spiral-fruited Wattle Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. cochlocarpa Shrub None Endangered 1 5 10.2 -
Stirling Range Beard Heath Leucopogon gnaphalioides Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 11.0 -
Stirling Range Daviesia Daviesia pseudaphylla Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 1 17.0 -
Stirling Range Dryandra Banksia montana Shrub Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 23.0 -
Swamp Mint-bush Prostanthera palustris Shrub None Critically Endangered 1 7 3.3 -
Thick-leaf Star-hair Astrotricha crassifolia Shrub None Vulnerable 1 2 3.0 -
Tuggeranong Lignum Muehlenbeckia tuggeranong Shrub None Endangered 1 1 23.0 -
Tumut Grevillea Grevillea wilkinsonii Shrub Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 28.0 -
Two Peoples Bay Andersonia Andersonia pinaster Shrub None Vulnerable 1 1 14.0 -
Warty Zieria Zieria tuberculata Shrub None Vulnerable 1 3 12.0 -
Wellington Mintbush Prostanthera galbraithiae Shrub None Vulnerable 1 3 7.7 -
Wittwer's Mountain Bell Darwinia wittwerorum Shrub None Endangered 1 1 16.0 -
Yornaning Wattle Acacia insolita subsp. recurva Shrub None Endangered 1 2 7.5 -
a shrub Boronia capitata subsp. capitata Shrub None Endangered 1 1 5.0 -
a shrub Baeckea kandos Shrub None Endangered 1 1 2.0 -
None Eucalyptus camphora subsp. relicta Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None 1 2 5.0 -
Birds Nest Wattle Acacia pickardii Shrub,Tree None Vulnerable 1 4 7.0 -
Coastal Fontainea Fontainea oraria Shrub,Tree None Critically Endangered 1 1 13.0 -
Scrub Turpentine, Brown Malletwood Rhodamnia rubescens Shrub,Tree None Critically Endangered 1 8 4.0 -
Slender Bell-fruit, Camel Poison Codonocarpus pyramidalis Shrub,Tree Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 3 6.0 -
Velvet Wattle Acacia pubifolia Shrub,Tree None Vulnerable 1 3 3.0 -
Willi Willi Zieria Zieria lasiocaulis Shrub,Tree None Endangered 1 8 17.8 -
Alligator Rivers Yellow Chat Epthianura crocea tunneyi Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered 1 1 2.0 -
Capricorn Yellow Chat Epthianura crocea macgregori Terrestrial Least Concern Critically Endangered 1 14 12.3 1.0
Diamond Firetail Stagonopleura guttata Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 1035 10.5 -
Eastern Major Mitchell's Cockatoo Cacatua leadbeateri leadbeateri Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered 1 293 12.7 -
Eastern Regent Parrot Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable 2 161 11.3 0.0
Gang-gang Cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 1 1126 9.7 -
Gould's Mouse, Shark Bay Mouse (Djoongari) Pseudomys gouldii Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 2 2 5.5 -
Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix Terrestrial Least Concern Critically Endangered 1 2 26.5 0.7
Murray Mallee Striated Grasswren Amytornis striatus howei Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered 2 39 17.8 0.0
Northern Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus monoides Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered 1 36 11.7 0.1
Orange-bellied Parrot Neophema chrysogaster Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 7 28.3 0.0
South-east Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis leucopsis Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 1069 10.3 -
South-eastern Boobook Ninox boobook boobook Terrestrial Least Concern None 1 1313 11.5 -
South-west Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis castaneiventris Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 99 11.2 -
Southern Yellow-throated Scrubwren Sericornis citreogularis citreogularis Terrestrial Least Concern None 1 243 10.7 -
Strong-billed Honeyeater Melithreptus validirostris Terrestrial Vulnerable None 1 94 4.5 -
Western Boobook Ninox boobook ocellata Terrestrial Least Concern None 1 548 12.9 -
Baudin's Black-Cockatoo Zanda baudinii Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Critically Endangered Endangered 1 85 7.5 0.0
Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo Zanda latirostris Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Endangered Endangered 1 219 8.6 0.0
Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Vulnerable 1 234 5.7 0.2
Painted Honeyeater Grantiella picta Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Vulnerable 1 199 11.9 -
South-eastern Brown Treecreeper Climacteris picumnus victoriae Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Vulnerable 2 1681 10.2 0.0
South-eastern Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata cucullata Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Endangered 1 961 11.0 -
Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Vulnerable 2 357 11.1 -
Bulloo Grey Grasswren Amytornis barbatus barbatus Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Endangered 1 29 6.1 -
Plains-wanderer Pedionomus torquatus Terrestrial:Grassland Endangered Critically Endangered 3 4 12.5 -
Eastern Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus wallicus Terrestrial:Heathland Least Concern Critically Endangered 4 50 4.4 0.0
Southern Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus brachypterus Terrestrial:Heathland Vulnerable Endangered 2 91 8.2 0.0
Western Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus flaviventris Terrestrial:Heathland Least Concern Critically Endangered 1 2 9.0 -
Christmas Island Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus natalis Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered 1 225 5.6 0.4
Christmas Island Grey-capped Emerald-Dove Chalcophaps indica natalis Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered 1 417 6.5 -
Christmas Island Thrush Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered 1 998 5.5 0.4
Dirk Hartog White-winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus leucopterus Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable 1 13 2.0 0.2
Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus Terrestrial:Island endemic Vulnerable Endangered 2 25 10.1 0.4
Lord Howe Pied Currawong Strepera graculina crissalis Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable 1 1 4.0 -
Lord Howe Woodhen Hypotaenidia sylvestris Terrestrial:Island endemic Endangered Endangered 1 1 25.0 -
Black-eared Miner Manorina melanotis Terrestrial:Mallee woodland Endangered Endangered 2 103 14.4 0.2
Mallee Emu-wren Stipiturus mallee Terrestrial:Mallee woodland Endangered Endangered 1 25 10.0 0.1
Malleefowl Leipoa ocellata Terrestrial:Mallee woodland Vulnerable Vulnerable 3 175 16.5 0.1
Red-lored Whistler Pachycephala rufogularis Terrestrial:Mallee woodland Vulnerable Vulnerable 1 46 8.9 0.0
Northern Rufous Scrub-bird Atrichornis rufescens rufescens Terrestrial:Rainforest Endangered Endangered 2 37 11.2 0.0
Southern Rufous Scrub-bird Atrichornis rufescens ferrieri Terrestrial:Rainforest Endangered Endangered 2 12 11.8 0.0
Gouldian Finch Chloebia gouldiae Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern Endangered 3 114 12.8 0.0
Southern Black-throated Finch Poephila cincta cincta Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern Endangered 1 23 7.7 0.0
Western Purple-crowned Fairy-wren Malurus coronatus coronatus Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern Endangered 1 9 13.7 0.0
None Eucalyptus ornans Tree Critically Endangered None 1 1 3.0 -
None Callitris baileyi Tree Near Threatened None 1 1 2.0 -
Angle-stemmed Myrtle Gossia gonoclada Tree None Endangered 1 7 16.0 -
Mongarlowe Mallee Eucalyptus recurva Tree Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 4 9.8 -
Spidery Wattle, Balcanoona Wattle Acacia araneosa Tree None Vulnerable 1 6 13.0 -
Waddy, Waddi, Waddy-wood, Birdsville Wattle Acacia peuce Tree None Vulnerable 1 1 29.0 -
Wollemi Pine Wollemia nobilis Tree Critically Endangered Critically Endangered 1 1 25.0 -
Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus Wetland Vulnerable Endangered 1 2 4.0 -
None Axis porcinus porcinus None Endangered None - - - -
None Cervus timorensis moluccensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cervus timorensis russa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cervus unicolor equinus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cervus unicolor unicolor None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Oryctolagus cuniculus cuniculus None Endangered None - - - -
None Drosera bulbigena None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera depauperata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera dichrosepala None Endangered None - - - -
None Drosera gibsonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera graniticola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera lasiantha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera leioblastus None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Drosera leucostigma None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera monticola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera nivea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera orbiculata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera oreopodion None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Drosera paleacea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Drosera patens None Endangered None - - - -
None Drosera pedicellaris None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera prolifera None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Drosera salina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera schizandra None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia phlebophylla None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Acacia porcata None None Endangered - - - -
None Elaeocarpus miegei None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
None Endiandra cooperana None None Endangered - - - -
None Endiandra globosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Endiandra limnophila None Endangered None - - - -
None Epacris hamiltonii None None Endangered - - - -
None Epacris sparsa None None Endangered - - - -
None Eremochloa muricata None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia repanda None Endangered None - - - -
None Eremophila glabra subsp. chlorella None None Endangered - - - -
None Eremophila glabra subsp. Scaddan (C.Turley s.n. 10/11/2005) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Eremophila rostrata subsp. rostrata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Eremophila rostrata subsp. trifida None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Eremophila subangustifolia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Erythroxylum sp. Cholmondely Creek (J.R.Clarkson 9367) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus absita x Eucalyptus loxophleba None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus adesmophloia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus aequioperta None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus albida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus albopurpurea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus alipes None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus amplifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. amplifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus amplifolia subsp. sessiliflora None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus amygdalina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus angulosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus angustissima None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus annettae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus annulata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus aquilina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus arcana None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus armillata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus aromaphloia subsp. aromaphloia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus aromaphloia subsp. Major Mitchell Plateau (K.Rule 04127) None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus aurifodina None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus bancroftii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus banksii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. baueriana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. deddickensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus bensonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus boliviana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus brachycalyx None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus brandiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus bridgesiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus brockwayi None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus brookeriana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus broviniensis None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus buprestium None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus buprestium x Eucalyptus marginata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus burracoppinensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calcareana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calcicola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calcicola subsp. calcicola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calcicola subsp. unita None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calycogona None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. calycogona None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. miraculum None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. spaffordii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. trachybasis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. acuta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. arida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. minima None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. obtusa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. refulgens None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. simulata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. Torrumbarry (S.Orscheg 1) None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cambageana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus campaspe None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camphora None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camphora subsp. camphora None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Acacia serpentinicola None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus capillosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus capillosa subsp. capillosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus capillosa subsp. polyclada None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus capitellata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus captiosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus carolaniae None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus celastroides None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus celastroides subsp. celastroides None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus celastroides subsp. virella None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cephalocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cerasiformis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus chloroclada None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cinerea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. cinerea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. triplex None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cinerea subsp. victoriensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cladocalyx subsp. cladocalyx None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cladocalyx subsp. crassa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cladocalyx subsp. petila None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cladocalyx x Eucalyptus peninsularis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus clivicola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cneorifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cometae-vallis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conferruminata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conferruminata subsp. conferruminata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conferruminata subsp. recherche None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conferta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conglobata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conglobata subsp. conglobata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conglobata subsp. perata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conica None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus conica x Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. nubilis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus coolabah None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus copulans None None Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus cordata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cordata subsp. cordata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cordata subsp. quadrangulosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cornuta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cretata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus crucis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus crucis subsp. lanceolata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cunninghamii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus curtisii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cyanophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dawsonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus decipiens None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus decurva None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus densa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus densa subsp. densa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus densa subsp. improcera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus desmondensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dielsii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dielsii x Eucalyptus platypus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus diminuta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus discreta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dissimulata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus diversifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. diversifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. hesperia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dolichocera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dolichorhyncha None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dunnii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ecostata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus elaeophloia None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus erectifolia None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus erythronema None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus erythronema subsp. erythronema None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus erythronema subsp. inornata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus erythronema var. erythronema x Eucalyptus orthostemon None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus erythronema var. marginata x Eucalyptus orthostemon None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus eudesmioides None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus eudesmioides subsp. Pallida (D.F.Blaxell 1981 et al.) None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus eudesmioides subsp. Selachiana (M.I.H.Brooker 8129) None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus extensa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus falciformis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus farinosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus fasciculosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus filiformis None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus flocktoniae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus flocktoniae subsp. flocktoniae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus flocktoniae subsp. hebes None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus foliosa None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus forrestiana None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus fracta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus froggattii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus fulgens None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus georgei None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus georgei subsp. fulgida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus georgei subsp. georgei None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus gittinsii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus gittinsii subsp. gittinsii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus gittinsii subsp. illucida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus gomphocephala None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. exposa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. fallax None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. goniocalyx None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. Grampians (N.G.Walsh 4643) None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. laxa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. viridissima None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus goniocarpa None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus grandis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus pellita None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus gunnii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. gunnii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus haemastoma None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus halophila None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus hebetifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus helidonica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus horistes None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ignorabilis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus incrassata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus indurata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus insularis subsp. continentalis None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus insularis subsp. insularis None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus jacksonii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus jimberlanica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus johnstonii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus jucunda None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus jutsonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus jutsonii subsp. jutsonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus jutsonii subsp. kobela None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kessellii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kessellii subsp. eugnosta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kessellii subsp. kessellii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kitsoniana None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kochii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kochii subsp. amaryssia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kochii subsp. borealis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kochii subsp. kochii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kochii subsp. yellowdinensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kondininensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus kumarlensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus lacrimans None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus laevopinea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus lane-poolei None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus latens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leptocalyx None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leptocalyx subsp. leptocalyx None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leptocalyx subsp. petilipes None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. connata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. megalocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. stephaniae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ligulata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ligulata subsp. ligulata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ligulata subsp. stirlingica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus litoralis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus litorea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus longicornis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus longifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus loxophleba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. gratiae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. lissophloia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. loxophleba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. supralaevis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus luculenta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus luehmanniana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus luehmanniana x Eucalyptus obstans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus macrocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp. elachantha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp. macrocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus magnificata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus major None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus marginata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus marginata subsp. thalassica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus mcquoidii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus megacornuta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus melanoleuca None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus micranthera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus microcorys None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus mimica None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus mimica subsp. continens None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus mimica subsp. mimica None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus moderata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus moluccana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus molyneuxii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus myriadena None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus myriadena subsp. myriadena None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus myriadena subsp. parviflora None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus neutra None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus newbeyi None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus nova-anglica None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus nutans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus obesa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus obtusiflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. cowcowensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. dongarraensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus obtusiflora subsp. obtusiflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus occidentalis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus odorata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. ampliata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. corvina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. cylindroidea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus olivina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus orgadophila None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus orthostemon None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus orthostemon x Eucalyptus vegrandis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus orthostemon x Eucalyptus wandoo subsp. wandoo None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ovata var. grandiflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ovata var. ovata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus paniculata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus parramattensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. parramattensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus parramattensis var. sphaerocalyx None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus patens None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. acerina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. debeuzevillei None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. parvifructa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora var. x cylindrocarpa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora var. x densiflora None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora var. x rusticata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus peninsularis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus perangusta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus percostata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus petiolaris None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus petrensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus phaenophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus phaenophylla subsp. interjacens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus phaenophylla subsp. phaenophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus phenax None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus phenax subsp. compressa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus phenax subsp. phenax None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pileata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pilularis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus platypus None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus platypus subsp. congregata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus platypus subsp. platypus None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pleurocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pluricaulis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pluricaulis subsp. pluricaulis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pluricaulis subsp. porphyrea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. longior None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. polyanthemos None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus populnea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus populnea x Eucalyptus thozetiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus porosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus praetermissa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus preissiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus preissiana subsp. lobata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus preissiana subsp. preissiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pulchella None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus purpurata None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pyriformis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus quadrans None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus quaerenda None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus radiata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus radiata subsp. radiata x Eucalyptus stricta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus radiata subsp. robertsonii None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus radiata subsp. sejuncta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus relicta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus remota None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus retusa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rhodantha var. rhodantha None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus rhodantha var. x petiolaris None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus rhomboidea None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rigens None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus risdonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus robusta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rubida subsp. rubida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rudis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rudis subsp. rudis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rugosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rugulata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sabulosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus salicola None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus salmonophloia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus salubris None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sargentii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sargentii subsp. onesis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sargentii subsp. sargentii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus scias None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus scias subsp. apoda None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus scias subsp. scias None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus scopulorum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus seeana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus semota None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sheathiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus siderophloia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus silvestris None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus socialis subsp. eucentrica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus socialis subsp. victoriensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus socialis subsp. viridans None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sp. Cattai (Gregson s.n. 28 Aug 1954) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus spathulata None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus spathulata subsp. salina None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus splendens None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sporadica None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus squamosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus staeri None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus stoatei None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus sturgissiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus subangusta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. cerina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. pusilla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. subangusta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus subangusta subsp. virescens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus suggrandis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus suggrandis subsp. promiscua None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus suggrandis subsp. suggrandis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus talyuberlup None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus tenera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus tenuiramis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus tetraptera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus thamnoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus thamnoides subsp. megista None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus thamnoides subsp. thamnoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus thozetiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus todtiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Acacia ammophila None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus tumida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus uncinata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus urna None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus valens None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus varia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus varia subsp. salsuginosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus varia subsp. varia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus vegrandis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus vegrandis subsp. recondita None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus vegrandis subsp. vegrandis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus vesiculosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. cygnetensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. hentyensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. siliceana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus virens None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus virginea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus walshii None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wandoo None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wandoo subsp. pulverea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wandoo subsp. wandoo None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wimmerensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wimmerensis subsp. arapilensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wimmerensis subsp. grata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wimmerensis subsp. pallida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wimmerensis subsp. parviformis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wimmerensis subsp. wimmerensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus woollsiana None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wubinensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus wyolensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x alpina None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x balanopelex None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x beyeri None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x brachyphylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x conjuncta None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x kalangadooensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x lamprocalyx None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x leptoscyphocalyx None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x macmahonii None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x missilis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x paludicola None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus x stoataptera None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x tokwa None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus x urnularis None Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus xanthonema None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus xanthonema subsp. apposita None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus xanthonema subsp. xanthonema None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus yarriambiack None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Eucryphia wilkiei None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Euphorbia carissoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Euphrasia arguta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Euphrasia bowdeniae None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Fimbristylis adjuncta None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia stictophylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Fontainea rostrata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Fontainea venosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Frankenia plicata None None Endangered - - - -
None Franklandia triaristata None Endangered None - - - -
None Freycinetia baueriana None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Freycinetia baueriana subsp. baueriana None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Gardenia actinocarpa None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia symonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Gastrolobium humile None None Endangered - - - -
None Gastrolobium stipulare None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Gastrolobium tenue None Endangered None - - - -
None Gastrolobium vestitum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Geniostoma huttonii None None Endangered - - - -
None Germainia capitata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia tetraneura None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Gompholobium wonganense None Endangered None - - - -
None Goodenia quadrifida None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea acrobotrya None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea althoferorum None None Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea althoferorum subsp. althoferorum None None Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea althoferorum subsp. fragilis None None Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea amplexans None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea amplexans subsp. adpressa None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea amplexans subsp. amplexans None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea amplexans subsp. semivestita None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea anethifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea angustiloba None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea angustiloba subsp. angustiloba None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea angustiloba subsp. wirregaensis None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea armigera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea asparagoides None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea aspleniifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea asteriscosa None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea banyabba None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea baueri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea baueri subsp. asperula None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea baueri subsp. baueri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea bemboka None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea benthamiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea brachystachya None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea brachystylis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea brachystylis subsp. australis None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea bracteosa subsp. howatharra None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea brevifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea calcicola None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea candicans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea commutata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea commutata subsp. commutata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea commutata subsp. pinnatisecta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea cravenii None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea crowleyae None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea curviloba None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea dilatata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea diminuta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea divaricata None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea drummondii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea dryandroides None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea epicroca None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea erectiloba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea erinacea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea eriobotrya None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea evanescens None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea evansiana None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea fastigiata None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea florida None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea fulgens None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea fuscolutea None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea glossadenia None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea guthrieana None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea halmaturina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea halmaturina subsp. halmaturina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea halmaturina subsp. laevis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea hirtella None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea ilicifolia subsp. lobata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea incrassata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea incurva None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea insignis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea insignis subsp. elliotii None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea insignis subsp. insignis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea intricata None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea irrasa None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea irrasa subsp. didymochiton None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea irrasa subsp. irrasa None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea johnsonii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea kedumbensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea kenneallyi None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea leiophylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea levis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea longicuspis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea longifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea lullfitzii None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea maherae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea makinsonii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea marriottii None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea masonii None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea mollis None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea molyneuxii None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea muricata None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea neurophylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea neurophylla subsp. fluviatilis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea neurophylla subsp. neurophylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea newbeyi None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea nivea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea obtusifolia None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea oldei None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea oligomera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea parviflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea parviflora subsp. supplicans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea patentiloba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea patentiloba subsp. patentiloba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea patentiloba subsp. platypoda None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea pauciflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea pauciflora subsp. leptophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea pauciflora subsp. pauciflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea pauciflora subsp. psilophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea pauciflora subsp. saxatilis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea petrophiloides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea petrophiloides subsp. magnifica None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea petrophiloides subsp. petrophiloides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea petrophiloides subsp. remota None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea pinifolia None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea polybotrya None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea polybractea None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea punctata None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea quadricauda None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea quinquenervis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea raybrownii None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea renwickiana None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea rhizomatosa None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea rhyolitica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea rhyolitica subsp. rhyolitica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea rhyolitica subsp. semivestita None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea rosieri None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea scabrida None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea scortechinii None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea scortechinii subsp. sarmentosa None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea secunda None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea shiressii None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
None Grevillea sp. Gillingarra (R.J.Cranfield 4087) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea speciosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea spinosissima None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea squiresiae None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea stenomera None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea subtiliflora None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea sulcata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea synapheae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea synapheae subsp. A Flora of Australia (S.D.Hopper 6333) None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea synapheae subsp. latiloba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea synapheae subsp. minyulo None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea synapheae subsp. pachyphylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea synapheae subsp. synapheae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea tenuiloba None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea tetragonoloba None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea tetrapleura None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea thyrsoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea thyrsoides subsp. pustulata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea thyrsoides subsp. thyrsoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea triloba None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea uniformis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Grevillea velutinella None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea venusta None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea virgata None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea wiradjuri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea wittweri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea xiphoidea None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea yorkrakinensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Grevillea zygoloba None Endangered None - - - -
None Guichenotia seorsiflora None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Hakea acuminata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea adnata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea aenigma None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea ambigua None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea anadenia None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea archaeoides None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Hakea auriculata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea bakeriana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea baxteri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea benthamii None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea brachyptera None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea brownii None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea bucculenta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea carinata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea chromatropa None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea cinerea None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea circumalata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea collina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea commutata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea conchifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea cristata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea cucullata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea cygnus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea cygnus subsp. cygnus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea cygnus subsp. needlei None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea denticulata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea ednieana None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea eneabba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea erecta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea flabellifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea florulenta None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea grammatophylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea hastata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea horrida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea ilicifolia None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea incrassata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea kippistiana None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea lasiantha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea lasiocarpha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea laurina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea lehmanniana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea longiflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea loranthifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea maconochieana None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
None Hakea macrorrhyncha None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Hakea meisneriana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea neospathulata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea neurophylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea nitida None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea ochroptera None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea oldfieldii None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea oligoneura None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea orthorrhyncha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea orthorrhyncha var. filiformis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea orthorrhyncha var. orthorrhyncha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea pachyphylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea platysperma None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea polyanthema None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea psilorrhyncha None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea purpurea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea pycnoneura None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea rigida None Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea scoparia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea scoparia subsp. scoparia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea scoparia subsp. trycherica None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea smilacifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea standleyensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea strumosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea subsulcata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea sulcata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea undulata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea vittata None Endangered None - - - -
None Hedyscepe canterburyana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Helichrysum calvertianum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Helicia ferruginea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Helicteres macrothrix None None Endangered - - - -
None Hexaspora pubescens None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Hibbertia acaulothrix None None Endangered - - - -
None Hibbertia barrettiae None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Hibbertia circinata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Hibbertia cistiflora subsp. quadristaminea None None Endangered - - - -
None Hibbertia marginata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Hibbertia priceana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Acrophyllum australe None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Hibiscus cravenii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Hollandaea diabolica None Endangered None - - - -
None Hollandaea sayeriana None Endangered None - - - -
None Homoranthus bebo None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Homoranthus bruhlii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Homoranthus darwinioides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Homoranthus elusus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Homoranthus floydii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Homoranthus lunatus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Homoranthus montanus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Homoranthus porteri None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Homoranthus prolixus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Actephila foetida None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Howea belmoreana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Howea forsteriana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hymenasplenium wildii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Hypocalymma angustifolium subsp. Hutt River (S.Patrick 2982) None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
None Hypocalymma sp. Cascade (R.Bruhn 20896 CAS) None None Endangered - - - -
None Indigofera bancroftii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Indigofera efoliata None None Endangered - - - -
None Indigofera schultziana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Indigofera verruculosa None Endangered None - - - -
None Intsia bijuga None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Adenanthos acanthophyllus None Endangered None - - - -
None Adenanthos apiculatus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Adenanthos argyreus None Endangered None - - - -
None Adenanthos barbiger None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Adenanthos cygnorum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Adenanthos cygnorum subsp. chamaephyton None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Adenanthos cygnorum subsp. cygnorum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon alcicornis None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon asper None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Adenanthos detmoldii None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon axillaris None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Isopogon baxteri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon buxifolius None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon buxifolius var. buxifolius None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon buxifolius var. obovatus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon crithmifolius None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon cuneatus None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon divergens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon drummondii None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon gardneri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon inconspicuus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon latifolius None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon linearis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Adenanthos drummondii None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon longifolius None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Isopogon panduratus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon panduratus subsp. palustris None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon panduratus subsp. panduratus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon polycephalus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Isopogon pruinosus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon pruinosus subsp. glabellus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Adenanthos filifolius None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon pruinosus subsp. pruinosus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon scabriusculus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon scabriusculus subsp. pubifloris None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon scabriusculus subsp. scabriusculus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon scabriusculus subsp. stenophyllus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Adenanthos flavidiflorus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon teretifolius None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Isopogon tridens None Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon trilobus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Isopogon villosus None Endangered None - - - -
None Acacia armitii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Adenanthos linearis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Jacksonia divisa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Adenanthos macropodianus None Endangered None - - - -
None Adenanthos meisneri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Jacksonia sericea None Endangered None - - - -
None Adenanthos pungens None Endangered None - - - -
None Adenanthos terminalis None Endangered None - - - -
None Kardomia prominens None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Kennedia retrorsa None Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia asepala None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Kunzea cambagei None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Kunzea cambagei x Kunzea capitata subsp. seminuda None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Kunzea cambagei x Kunzea parvifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Kunzea cambagei x Kunzea parvifolia A None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Kunzea cambagei x Kunzea parvifolia B None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Kunzea ericifolia subsp. subulata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Kunzea rupestris None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Labichea digitata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Lambertia echinata None Endangered None - - - -
None Lambertia echinata subsp. citrina None Endangered None - - - -
None Lambertia ilicifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Lambertia inermis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Lambertia inermis var. drummondii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Lambertia inermis var. inermis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Lambertia multiflora None Endangered None - - - -
None Lambertia multiflora var. darlingensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Lambertia multiflora var. multiflora None Endangered None - - - -
None Lamprolobium grandiflorum None Endangered None - - - -
None Lasiopetalum joyceae None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Lasiopetalum longistamineum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Lasiopetalum moullean None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Lasjia claudiensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Lasjia grandis None Endangered None - - - -
None Latrobea colophona None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Lawrencia buchananensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leichhardtia araujacea None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Leichhardtia brevifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leichhardtia paludicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leionema ceratogynum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Leionema lachnaeoides None None Endangered - - - -
None Leionema lamprophyllum subsp. fractum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Leionema obtusifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leionema ralstonii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Lenwebbia sp. Main Range (P.R.Sharpe+ 4877) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Agathis atropurpurea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Agathis microstachya None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Aglaia australiensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Aglaia brassii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Leptospermum benwellii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Leptospermum petraeum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Acacia ataxiphylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Leucopogon nitidus None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. ataxiphylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Arrino (M.Hislop 2675) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Avon (J.Buegge D34) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Badgingarra (R.Davis 421) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Barren Range (A.S.George 10092) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Bindoon (F.Hort 2766) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Boddington (D.Halford 80746) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Bolgart (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH 2486) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Bonnie Hill (K.R.Newbey 9831) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Boolbunda Rock (K.M.Sparshott+ KMS623) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Boorabbin (K.R.Newbey 8374) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Boyup Brook (A.Webb BNC1025) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Bremer Bay (K.R.Newbey 4667) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Brookton (K.Kershaw & L.Kerrigan KK2192) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Bungulla (R.D.Royce 3435) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Burrum Heads (A.R.Bean 7802) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Busselton (D.Cooper 243) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Cape le Grand (G.Byrne 2584) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Carnamah (M.Hislop 2898) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Clyde Hill (M.A.Burgman 1207) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Cockleshell Gully (J.M.Powell 1749) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Coolgardie (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH3197) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Coolmunda (D.Halford Q1635) None None Endangered - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Coomallo (R.J.Cranfield 1457) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Corrigin (K.Kershaw KK 2091) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Coujinup (M.A.Burgman 1085) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Dongolocking (K.Kershaw KK2333) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Dragon Rocks (A.M.Coates 2609) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Dumbleyung (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH3239) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Fitzgerald peaks (F.Obbens 19/97) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Flynn (F.Hort, J.Hort & A.Lowrie 859) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Forrestania (G.F.Craig 2386) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Frank Hann (K.R.Newbey 11499) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Gingilup (N.Gibson & M.Lyons 590) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Great Southern (R.S.Cowan A-586) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Gunapin (F.Hort 808) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Howatharra (D. & N.McFarland 1046) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Ironcaps (N.Gibson & K.Brown 3070) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Israelite Bay (G.F.Craig 2558) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Jaurdi (M.Hislop 4172) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Kalbarri (J.M.Powell 1695) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Kambalda (J.Williams s.n. PERTH 07305028) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Karroun Hill (K.R.Thiele 4167) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Kau Rock (M.A.Burgman 1126) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Lake King (A.J.G.Wilson 65) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Lake Magenta (K.R.Newbey 3387) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Lake Tay (W.R.Archer 2104138) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Lamington (G.Leiper AQ633386) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Lort River (M.Golding 3) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Manypeaks (A.S.George 6488) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Margaret River (J.Scott 207) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Mid West (J.S.Beard 7388) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Moresby Range (S.Patrick 2614) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Mount Heywood (M.A.Burgman 1211) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Murchison (R.J.Cranfield 9224) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Nabawa (M.Hislop 2765) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Newdegate (M.Hislop 3585) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Northern ciliate (R.Davis 3393) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Northern Scarp (M.Hislop 2233) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Ongerup (A.S.George 16682) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. outer wheatbelt (M.Hislop 30) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Parkerville (A.Meebold 11654) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Pingrup (W.E.Blackall 3010) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Port Gregory (C.Page 33) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Salt Lake (G.F.Craig 3069) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. short style (S.Barrett 1578) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Southern Forests (B.G.Hammersley 1000) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Southern Granite (E.D.Middleton EDM 266) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Tathra (M.Hislop 2900) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Three Springs (M.Hislop 2504) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Twertup (K.Newbey 10859) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Varley (M.Hislop 3659) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Walpole (R.J.Cranfield 10940) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Wandering (F.Hort 419) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Wessell Islands (P.K.Latz 3329) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Wheatbelt (S.Murray 257) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Yanchep (M.Hislop 1986) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Yandanooka (M.Hislop 2507) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Yanneymooning (F.Mollemans 3797) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leucopogon sp. Yellowdine (M.Hislop & F.Hort MH3194) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Leuzea australis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Lindsaea pulchella var. blanda None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Linospadix palmerianus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Albizia carrii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Livistona drudei None Endangered None - - - -
None Livistona nasmophila None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Lobelia claviflora None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Logania diffusa None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Aldrovanda vesiculosa None Endangered None - - - -
None Alectryon repandodentatus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Alectryon tropicus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macropteranthes montana None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia attenuata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Macrozamia cardiacensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Macrozamia conferta None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Macrozamia cranei None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Macrozamia crassifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Macrozamia elegans None Endangered None - - - -
None Macrozamia fawcettii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macrozamia flexuosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macrozamia humilis None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Macrozamia johnsonii None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Macrozamia lomandroides x Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Macrozamia longispina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macrozamia machinii None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Macrozamia moorei None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macrozamia occidua None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Macrozamia parcifolia None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
None Macrozamia plurinervia None Endangered None - - - -
None Macrozamia secunda None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Macrozamia serpentina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macrozamia spiralis None Endangered None - - - -
None Macrozamia stenomera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Macrozamia viridis None Endangered None - - - -
None Mallotus dispersus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Medicosma elliptica None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Medicosma obovata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Megahertzia amplexicaulis None Endangered None - - - -
None Melaleuca kunzeoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Melaleuca nanophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Allocasuarina glareicola None None Endangered - - - -
None Allocasuarina grampiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Melaleuca sp. Wanneroo (G.J.Keighery 16705) None None Endangered - - - -
None Melichrus sp. Bruce Rock (J.Buegge D36) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Melichrus sp. Bungalbin Hill (F.H. & M.P.Mollemans 3069) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Melichrus sp. Coolgardie (K.R.Newbey 8698) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Melichrus sp. Inglewood (A.R.Bean 1652) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Melichrus sp. Isla Gorge (P.Sharpe+ 601) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Melichrus sp. Tara (D.Halford Q2259) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Allocasuarina luehmannii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Microcarpaea agonis None None Endangered - - - -
None Microlepidium alatum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Micromyrtus grandis None None Endangered - - - -
None Micromyrtus minutiflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Allocasuarina thalassoscopica None None Endangered - - - -
None Mitrantia bilocularis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Mnesithea annua None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Alloxylon pinnatum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Musa jackeyi None Endangered None - - - -
None Myristica insipida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Myristica insipida var. cimicifera None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Myristica insipida var. insipida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Myristica lancifolia subsp. australiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Neisosperma kilneri None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Nematolepis rhytidophylla None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Neoroepera buxifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Newcastelia velutina None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Normanbya normanbyi None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Notelaea ipsviciensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Nothofagus gunnii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Nothofagus moorei None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Nothorites megacarpus None Endangered None - - - -
None Olearia cordata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Olearia macdonnellensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Olearia rugosa subsp. distalilobata None None Endangered - - - -
None Omphalea celata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Oreogrammitis reinwardtii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Ozothamnus eriocephalus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Ozothamnus tesselatus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pandanus spiralis None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
None Paragoodia crenulata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia acerosa x Persoonia levis None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia acicularis None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia angustiflora None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia baeckeoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia biglandulosa None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia brachystylis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia brevirhachis None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia chamaepitys None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia chapmaniana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia cordifolia None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia coriacea None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia daphnoides None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia elliptica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia filiformis None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia flexifolia None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia hakeiformis None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia hirsuta subsp. evoluta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia hirsuta subsp. hirsuta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia inconspicua None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia iogyna None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia katerae None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia microphylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia mollis subsp. revoluta None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Persoonia moscalii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Ambuchanania leucobryoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia oxycoccoides None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia procumbens None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia pungens None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia quinquenervis None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia recedens None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia rufa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia rufiflora None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia saccata None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia saundersiana None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia scabra None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia stradbrokensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia stradbrokensis x Persoonia virgata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia striata None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia stricta None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia subvelutina None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Persoonia sulcata None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia terminalis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia terminalis subsp. recurva None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia terminalis subsp. terminalis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia trinervis None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia tropica None Endangered None - - - -
None Persoonia volcanica None Endangered None - - - -
None Acacia baueri subsp. aspera None None Endangered - - - -
None Phaius pictus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Phaleria biflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Phebalium speciosum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Phebalium whitei None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pherosphaera hookeriana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Philotheca papillata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Phlegmariurus lockyeri None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Phyllota squarrosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Pimelea bracteata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pimelea leptospermoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pimelea leptospermoides subsp. bowmanni None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pimelea leptospermoides subsp. leptospermoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pimelea venosa None None Endangered - - - -
None Pityrodia scabra subsp. scabra None None Endangered - - - -
None Pityrodia sp. Marble Bar (G.Woodman & D.Coultas GWDS Opp 4) None None Endangered - - - -
None Planchonella costata None None Endangered - - - -
None Planchonella xylocarpa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Plectranthus gratus None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Plectranthus habrophyllus None None Endangered - - - -
None Plectranthus leiperi None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Plectranthus nitidus None None Endangered - - - -
None Plectranthus omissus None None Endangered - - - -
None Plectranthus torrenticola None None Endangered - - - -
None Plesioneuron tuberculatum None None Endangered - - - -
None Polianthion minutiflorum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Polyalthia longirostris None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Acacia bifaria None Endangered None - - - -
None Polyscias bellendenkerensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pomaderris clivicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pomaderris cocoparrana None None Endangered - - - -
None Pomaderris gilmourii var. gilmourii None None Endangered - - - -
None Posidonia australis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Posidonia sinuosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Pouzolzia australis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Andersonia annelsii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Prostanthera albohirta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Prostanthera cineolifera None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Prostanthera clotteniana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Prostanthera discolor None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Prostanthera gilesii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Prostanthera schultzii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Prostanthera sp. Dunmore (D.M.Gordon 8A) None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Prostanthera spathulata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Prumnopitys ladei None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Androcalva adenothalia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Ptilotus brachyanthus None None Endangered - - - -
None Androcalva procumbens None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Ptilotus uncinellus None None Endangered - - - -
None Pultenaea aristata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pultenaea brachytropis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Pultenaea echinula None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Pultenaea parrisiae None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pultenaea parviflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Pultenaea pinifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Pultenaea setulosa None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Pultenaea villifera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Pultenaea villifera var. villifera None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Pultenaea whiteana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Rhaphidospora bonneyana None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Rhinerrhizopsis matutina None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Rhodamnia longisepala None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Angophora floribunda None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Angophora hispida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Ristantia gouldii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Romnalda strobilacea None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Samadera sp. Moonee Creek (J.King s.n. Nov. 1949) None None Endangered - - - -
None Sankowskya stipularis None None Endangered - - - -
None Sannantha whitei None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Santalum album None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Santalum spicatum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Sarcochilus hirticalcar None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Sclerolaena blakei None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Sclerolaena walkeri None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Solanum dissectum None None Endangered - - - -
None Solanum dunalianum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Apatophyllum olsenii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Solanum johnsonianum None None Endangered - - - -
None Solanum sulphureum None None Endangered - - - -
None Diplolaena andrewsii None None Endangered - - - -
None Sonneratia ovata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Sophora fraseri None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Apium prostratum subsp. phillipii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Sphaerolobium pubescens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Sphaerolobium pulchellum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Aponogeton bullosus None None Endangered - - - -
None Spyridium cinereum None None Endangered - - - -
None Stenocarpus cryptocarpus None Endangered None - - - -
None Stenocarpus davallioides None Endangered None - - - -
None Stirlingia abrotanoides None Endangered None - - - -
None Stirlingia divaricatissima None Endangered None - - - -
None Stirlingia tenuifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Strangea cynanchicarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Stylidium amabile None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
None Stylidium coroniforme subsp. amblyphyllum None None Endangered - - - -
None Araucaria heterophylla None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Archidendron vaillantii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Stylidium semaphorum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Archidium elatum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Styphelia longissima None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Styphelia perileuca None None Endangered - - - -
None Synaphea aephynsa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Synaphea bifurcata None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea brachyceras None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea canaliculata None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea cervifolia None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea constricta None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea decumbens None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea diabolica None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea drummondii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Synaphea endothrix None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea flexuosa None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea grandis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea hians None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea incurva None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea interioris None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Synaphea lesueurensis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea macrophylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea nexosa None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea odocoileops None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea oulopha None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea panhesya None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea parviflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Synaphea platyphylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea preissii None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea rangiferops None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Synaphea recurva None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain (A.S.George 17182) None None Endangered - - - -
None Synaphea sp. Serpentine (G.R.Brand 103) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Synaphea trinacriformis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Synaphea tripartita None Endangered None - - - -
None Synaphea xela None Endangered None - - - -
None Arenga listeri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Syzygium velarum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Tarennoidea wallichii None None Endangered - - - -
None Tectaria devexa var. devexa None None Endangered - - - -
None Tectaria devexa var. minor None None Endangered - - - -
None Telopea aspera None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
None Tephrosia leveillei None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Aristida annua None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Tetratheca aphylla subsp. aphylla None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Tetratheca aphylla subsp. megacarpa None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Tetratheca nephelioides None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Tetratheca paynterae subsp. cremnobata None None Endangered - - - -
None Tetratheca paynterae subsp. paynterae None None Endangered - - - -
None Aristida granitica None None Endangered - - - -
None Toechima pterocarpum None None Endangered - - - -
None Triflorensia cameronii None Endangered None - - - -
None Triplarina imbricata None None Endangered - - - -
None Triplarina nitchaga None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Trymalium urceolare None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Typhonium johnsonianum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Typhonium taylorii None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia cangaiensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Utricularia byrneana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Utricularia cheiranthos None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Vandiemenia ratkowskiana None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Velleia perfoliata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Veronica ciliolata subsp. ciliolata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Veronica ciliolata subsp. fiordensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Veronica lithophila None None Endangered - - - -
None Eremophila ciliata None None Endangered - - - -
None Vicia sativa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Vincetoxicum forsteri None None Endangered - - - -
None Vincetoxicum rupicola None None Endangered - - - -
None Vincetoxicum woollsii None None Endangered - - - -
None Arytera lineosquamulata None Endangered None - - - -
None Westringia davidii None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Westringia kydrensis None None Endangered - - - -
None Westringia parvifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Westringia rupicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Wetria australiensis None Endangered None - - - -
None Xanthostemon formosus None None Endangered - - - -
None Xylomelum angustifolium None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Xylomelum occidentale None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Xylosma parvifolia None None Endangered - - - -
None Zieria bifida None None Endangered - - - -
None Zieria collina None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Zieria floydii None None Endangered - - - -
None Zieria involucrata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Zieria obovata None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Zieria odorifera subsp. warrabahensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Zieria rimulosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Zieria verrucosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia forsteri None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Fontainea sp. Coffs Harbour (A.S.Benwell 341, NSW1102027) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Pultenaea aculeata None None Endangered - - - -
None Asplenium pellucidum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Asterolasia buxifolia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Asterolasia grandiflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia chapmanii subsp. australis None None Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus x impensa None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Eucalyptus x lateritica None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Astrotricha sp. Howe Range (D.E.Albrecht 1054) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Atalaya brevialata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Athrotaxis cupressoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Athrotaxis selaginoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Athrotaxis x laxifolia None Endangered None - - - -
None Acacia chrysotricha None Endangered None - - - -
None Atriplex infrequens None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia clandullensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Austromuellera valida None Endangered None - - - -
None Austrostipa bronweniae None None Endangered - - - -
None Austrostipa jacobsiana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Austrostipa metatoris None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Austrostipa wakoolica None None Endangered - - - -
None Avicennia integra None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Backhousia tetraptera None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Banksia aculeata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia acuminata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia alliacea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia arctotidis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia attenuata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia baueri None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia baxteri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia bella None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia benthamiana None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia biterax None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia blechnifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia borealis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia borealis subsp. borealis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia borealis subsp. elatior None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia brunnea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia burdettii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia caleyi None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia calophylla None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia chamaephyton None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia cirsioides None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia coccinea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia columnaris None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia comosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia concinna None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia conferta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia corvijuga None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia croajingolensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia densa None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia densa var. densa None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia densa var. parva None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia densa var. Wheatbelt (M.Pieroni s.n. PERTH 04083407) None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia drummondii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia drummondii subsp. drummondii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia drummondii subsp. hiemalis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia drummondii subsp. macrorufa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia dryandroides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia elegans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia epimicta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia falcata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia fasciculata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia fililoba None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia foliolata None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia foliosissima None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia formosa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia gardneri None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia gardneri var. brevidentata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia gardneri var. gardneri None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia gardneri var. hiemalis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia grandis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia grossa None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia heliantha None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia hirta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia hookeriana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia horrida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia idiogenes None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia ilicifolia None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia insulanemorecincta None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia laevigata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia laevigata subsp. fuscolutea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia laevigata subsp. laevigata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia lanata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Goodenia arthrotricha None None Endangered - - - -
None Banksia laricina None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia lemanniana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia lepidorhiza None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia littoralis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia media None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia meganotia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia meisneri None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia meisneri subsp. ascendens None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia meisneri subsp. meisneri None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia micrantha None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia mucronulata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia nutans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia nutans var. cernuella None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia nutans var. nutans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia obovata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia occidentalis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia octotriginta None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia oreophila None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pallida None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia paludosa subsp. astrolux None Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
None Banksia pellaeifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia penicillata None None Endangered - - - -
None Banksia petiolaris None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pilostylis None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia plagiocarpa None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia platycarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia plumosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia plumosa subsp. denticulata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia plumosa subsp. plumosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia polycephala None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia porrecta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia prionophylla None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia prionotes None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia prolata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia prolata subsp. archeos None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia prolata subsp. calcicola None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia prolata subsp. prolata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia proteoides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pteridifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pteridifolia subsp. inretita None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pteridifolia subsp. pteridifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pteridifolia subsp. vernalis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia pulchella None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia purdieana None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia quercifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia recurvistylis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia repens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rosserae None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia rufa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. chelomacarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. flavescens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. magna None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. obliquiloba None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. pumila None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. rufa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufa subsp. tutanningensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia rufistylis None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia saxicola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia scabrella None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia sclerophylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia seneciifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia serra None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia serratuloides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia shanklandiorum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia solandri None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia speciosa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia sphaerocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia sphaerocarpa var. caesia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia sphaerocarpa var. latifolia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia sphaerocarpa var. pumilio None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia sphaerocarpa var. sphaerocarpa None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia splendida None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia splendida subsp. macrocarpa None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia splendida subsp. splendida None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia subpinnatifida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia subpinnatifida var. imberbis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia subpinnatifida var. subpinnatifida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia subulata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia telmatiaea None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia tenuis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia tenuis var. reptans None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia tenuis var. tenuis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea murex None None Endangered - - - -
None Banksia trifontinalis None Endangered None - - - -
None Banksia undata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia undata var. splendens None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia undata var. undata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia vestita None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia victoriae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia violacea None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Banksia viscida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Banksia wonganensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Bertya mollissima None None Endangered - - - -
None Bertya opponens None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Bertya sp. Clouds Creek (M.Fatemi 4) None None Endangered - - - -
None Billardiera uniflora None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Acacia dallachiana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Acacia dangarensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Boronia boliviensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Boronia deanei subsp. acutifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Boronia deanei subsp. deanei None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Boronia imlayensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Boronia inflexa subsp. torringtonensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Acacia deuteroneura None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Bossiaea lenticularis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Bossiaea oligosperma None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Bossiaea oxyclada None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Bossiaea sp. Frankland (E.M.Sandiford EMS 896) None None Endangered - - - -
None Brachychiton collinus None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Brachyscome brownii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Breynia macrantha None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Buckinghamia ferruginiflora None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Burmannia sp. Bathurst Island (R.Fensham 1021) None None Endangered - - - -
None Burmannia sp. Melville Island (R.J.Fensham 2909) None None Endangered - - - -
None Byblis gigantea None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Byblis guehoi None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Byblis lamellata None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Caladenia amnicola None None Endangered - - - -
None Caladenia dundasiae None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Acacia epacantha None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Acacia eremophiloides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Marianthus paralius None None Endangered - - - -
None Amyema plicatula None None Endangered - - - -
None Callitris acuminata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Callitris drummondii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Callitris monticola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Callitris oblonga subsp. parva None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Callitris roei None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Calophyllum bicolor None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Calystegia affinis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Calytrix gurulmundensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Canarium acutifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Canarium acutifolium var. acutifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Capparis thozetiana None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Petrophile nivea None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Carronia pedicellata None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia grandifolia None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Cassinia heleniae None None Endangered - - - -
None Cephalotus follicularis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Chamelaucium sp. Gingin (N.G.Marchant 6) None None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia hexaneura None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cheirostylis notialis None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Chingia australis None None Endangered - - - -
None Chorizema carinatum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Clausena excavata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Clausena excavata var. excavata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Ricinocarpos brevis None None Endangered - - - -
None Conospermum acerosum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum acerosum subsp. acerosum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum acerosum subsp. hirsutum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum amoenum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum amoenum subsp. amoenum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum amoenum subsp. cuneatum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum boreale None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum boreale subsp. ascendens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum boreale subsp. boreale None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum brachyphyllum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum brownii None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum canaliculatum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum canaliculatum subsp. apiculatum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum canaliculatum subsp. canaliculatum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Acacia jacksonioides None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Conospermum coerulescens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum coerulescens subsp. adpressum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum coerulescens subsp. coerulescens None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum coerulescens subsp. dorrienii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum crassinervium None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum densiflorum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum densiflorum subsp. densiflorum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum distichum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum ephedroides None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum floribundum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Conospermum galeatum None Vulnerable Critically Endangered - - - -
None Conospermum glumaceum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum incurvum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum leianthum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Conospermum leianthum subsp. leianthum None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Conospermum leianthum subsp. orientale None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Conospermum multispicatum None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum nervosum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum patens None Endangered None - - - -
None Conospermum polycephalum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum scaposum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum triplinervium None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum unilaterale None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum wycherleyi None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum wycherleyi subsp. glabrum None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Conospermum wycherleyi subsp. wycherleyi None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Coopernookia scabridiuscula None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Corokia whiteana None None Endangered - - - -
None Correa calycina var. calycina None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Correa calycina var. halmaturorum None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia lanigera var. gracilipes None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
None Corunastylis sp. Fraser Island NP (R.Crane 2063) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Corunastylis sp. Wyberba (D.L.Jones+ 2557) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Corybas dienemus None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
None Corymbia calophylla None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Corymbia calophylla x Corymbia haematoxylon None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Corymbia clandestina None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Corymbia ficifolia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Corymbia paractia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Corymbia rhodops None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Corymbia tessellaris None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Tetraria australiensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia leptoneura None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Cryptocarya zollingeriana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Ctenopterella blechnoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Ctenopteris walleri None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Cullen walkingtonii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Verticordia crebra None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Acacia loderi None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cycas armstrongii None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cycas brunnea None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cycas calcicola None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cycas candida None Endangered None - - - -
None Cycas conferta None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cycas couttsiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cycas cupida None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cycas desolata None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cycas distans None Endangered None - - - -
None Cycas megacarpa None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Cycas ophiolitica None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Cycas rumphii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Cycas semota None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cycas silvestris None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Cycas terryana None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cycas tuckeri None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Cycas yorkiana None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hibbertia puberula subsp. glabrescens None None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Cyperus cephalotes None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
None Cyperus semifertilis None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Cyphanthera odgersii subsp. occidentalis None None Endangered - - - -
None Darwinia biflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Daviesia chapmanii None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Daviesia discolor None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Atriplex yeelirrie None None Endangered - - - -
None Daviesia mollis None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Denhamia sp. Jardine River (B.P.Hyland 10250) None None Endangered - - - -
None Denhamia sp. Junee Tableland (T.J.McDonald 553) None None Endangered - - - -
None Desmocladus glomeratus None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Dillwynia pungens None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Dioscorea nummularia None Near Threatened None - - - -
None Diospyros areolifolia None Endangered None - - - -
None Acacia octonervia None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Diplazium cordifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Diplazium pallidum None None Endangered - - - -
None Dipodium pictum None None Endangered - - - -
None Dischidia litoralis None None Vulnerable - - - -
None Banksia catoglypta None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
None Drosera allantostigma None Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Drosera bicolor None Vulnerable None - - - -
None Drosera bindoon None Vulnerable None - - - -
A native bee Neopasiphae simplicior None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Abba Bell Darwinia whicherensis None None Endangered - - - -
Albatross Mallee, Green Mallee Ash Eucalyptus langleyi None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Alpine Leafy Liverwort Pseudocephalozia paludicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
Alpine Stonefly Thaumatoperla alpina None None Endangered - - - -
Alpine Water Skink Eulamprus kosciuskoi None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Ammonite Pinwheel Snail Ammoniropa vigens None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Anemone Buttercup Ranunculus anemoneus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Angus's Onion Orchid Microtis angusii None None Endangered - - - -
Annual Stackhousia, Annual Candles Stackhousia annua None None Vulnerable - - - -
Ant Plant Myrmecodia beccarii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Antbed Parrot Moth Trisyntopa scatophaga None None Endangered - - - -
Antelope Orchid Dendrobium antennatum None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Apsley Heath Epacris apsleyensis None None Endangered - - - -
Araluen Gum Eucalyptus kartzoffiana None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Arckaringa Daisy Olearia arckaringensis None None Endangered - - - -
Arid Bronze Azure Ogyris subterrestris petrina None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Arthurs Paragalaxias Paragalaxias mesotes None None Endangered - - - -
Asymmetric Triggerplant Stylidium asymmetricum None None Endangered - - - -
Augusta Kennedia Kennedia lateritia None None Endangered - - - -
Australian Fritillary Argynnis hyperbius inconstans None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Australian Grayling Prototroctes maraena None None Vulnerable - - - -
Australian Lungfish, Queensland Lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bacon Wood, Tulip Siris Archidendron lovelliae None None Vulnerable - - - -
Badgingarra Box Eucalyptus absita None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Baeuerlen's Gentian Gentiana baeuerlenii None None Endangered - - - -
Bahrs Scrub Croton Croton mamillatus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bald Carp Gudgeon Hypseleotris gymnocephala None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Ball Nut, Possum Nut, Big Nut, Beefwood Floydia praealta None None Vulnerable - - - -
Balston's Pygmy Perch Nannatherina balstoni None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bancrofts Symonanthus Symonanthus bancroftii None None Endangered - - - -
Bandalup Buttercup Hibbertia abyssus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Banished Stink Bush Zieria exsul None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Banksia brownii plant louse Trioza barrettae None None Endangered - - - -
Banksia montana mealybug Pseudococcus markharveyi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Banyabba Shiny-barked Gum Eucalyptus pachycalyx subsp. banyabba None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Barbalin Boronia Boronia adamsiana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bargo Geebung Persoonia bargoensis None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Barred Galaxias Galaxias fuscus None None Endangered - - - -
Barrens Wedding Bush Ricinocarpos trichophorus None None Endangered - - - -
Basalt Guinea-flower Hibbertia basaltica None None Endangered - - - -
Bastard Oak Ungeria floribunda None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bathurst Copper Butterfly, Purple Copper Butterfly, Bathurst Copper, Bathurst Copper Wing, Bathurst-Lithgow Copper, Purple Copper Paralucia spinifera None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bathurst Grassland Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis mccartneyi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Baudin's Sea-lavender Limonium australe var. baudinii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Beadle's Grevillea Grevillea beadleana None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Beaked Eremophila Eremophila rostrata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Beaked Lepidosperma Lepidosperma rostratum None None Endangered - - - -
Bean's Ironbark Eucalyptus beaniana None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Beard's Mallee Eucalyptus beardiana None Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Bearded Heath, Freycinet Heath Epacris barbata None None Endangered - - - -
Beautiful Daviesia Daviesia speciosa None None Endangered - - - -
Bednall's Land Snail Sinumelon bednalli None None Endangered - - - -
Beech Myrsine ralstoniae None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bega Wattle Acacia georgensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bell Flower Hyacinth Orchid Dipodium campanulatum None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Belson's Panic Homopholis belsonii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bent Pomaderris Pomaderris sericea None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Biconvex Paperbark Melaleuca biconvexa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bidhawal Crayfish, Bidawal Crayfish, East Gippsland Spiny Crayfish Euastacus bidawalus None None Endangered - - - -
Black Grevillea Grevillea scortechinii subsp. scortechinii None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Black Ironbox Eucalyptus raveretiana None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Black Rockcod, Black Cod, Saddled Rockcod Epinephelus daemelii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Black-eyed Susan Tetratheca juncea None None Vulnerable - - - -
Blackbutt Candlebark Eucalyptus rubida subsp. barbigerorum None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Blackstriped Dwarf Galaxias, Black-stripe Minnow Galaxiella nigrostriata None None Endangered - - - -
Blay's Wattle Acacia blayana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Blind Cave Eel Ophisternon candidum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Blind Velvet Worm Leucopatus anophthalmus None None Endangered - - - -
Bloodclaw Crayfish, Blood Crayfish Euastacus gumar None None Endangered - - - -
Blotched Sarcochilus, Weinthals Sarcanth Sarcochilus weinthalii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Blue Devil Eryngium fontanum None None Endangered - - - -
Blue Tinsel Lily Calectasia cyanea None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Blue-black Crayfish Euastacus jagabar None None Critically Endangered - - - -
BlueTassel-fern Phlegmariurus dalhousieanus None None Endangered - - - -
Blunt Wattle Acacia aprica None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Bodallin Poison Gastrolobium diabolophyllum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bog Grevillea Grevillea acanthifolia subsp. paludosa None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Bog Willow-herb Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei None None Vulnerable - - - -
Boggomoss Snail, Dawson River Snail, Dawson Valley Snail Adclarkia dawsonensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bolivia Wattle Acacia pycnostachya None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bomaderry Zieria, Bomaderry Creek Zieria Zieria baeuerlenii None None Endangered - - - -
Boonah Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis tomentella None None Vulnerable - - - -
Border Heath, Bordered Heath Epacris limbata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Border Ranges Lined Fern, Lamington Ox Tongue Fern Antrophyum austroqueenslandicum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bornemissza's Stag Beetle Hoplogonus bornemisszai None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Boscabel Conostylis Conostylis setigera subsp. dasys None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Branched Hemigenia Hemigenia ramosissima None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bredbo Gentian Gentiana bredboensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bremer Boronia Boronia clavata None None Endangered - - - -
Brigalow Woodland Snail Adclarkia cameroni None None Endangered - - - -
Broad-fruited Haloragis Haloragis platycarpa None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Broad-leaf Daviesia Daviesia ovata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Broad-leaved Gastrolobium Gastrolobium modestum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Broad-toothed Stag Beetle, Wielangta Stag Beetle Lissotes latidens None None Endangered - - - -
Brumby Mallee-gum Eucalyptus phoenix None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Brumby Sallee Eucalyptus forresterae None None Endangered - - - -
Budawangs Bush-pea Pultenaea baeuerlenii None None Endangered - - - -
Budawangs Cliff-heath Epacris gnidioides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Budawangs Wallaby-grass Plinthanthesis rodwayi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Buftons Eyebright, Hairy Cliff Eyebright Euphrasia phragmostoma None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bulberin Nut, Bulburin Nut Tree Macadamia jansenii None None Endangered - - - -
Bulloak Jewel Butterfly Hypochrysops piceatus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bundanoon Guinea-flower Hibbertia praemorsa None None Endangered - - - -
Bungalbin Tetratheca Tetratheca aphylla None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bungonia Rice-flower Pimelea axiflora subsp. pubescens None None Endangered - - - -
Burdett Gum Eucalyptus burdettiana None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Burnie Burrowing Crayfish Engaeus yabbimunna None None Vulnerable - - - -
Burrowa Grevillea Grevillea burrowa None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Butterfly Spyridium Spyridium coactilifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
Butterfly-leaved Gastrolobium Gastrolobium papilio None None Endangered - - - -
Byfield Matchstick Comesperma oblongatum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Bynoe's Wattle, Tiny Wattle Acacia bynoeana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Cadda Road Mallee, Cadda Mallee Eucalyptus x balanites None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Cairns Rainbowfish, Northern Soft-spined Sunfish Cairnsichthys rhombosomoides None None Endangered - - - -
Caley's Grevillea Grevillea caleyi None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Camden White Gum, Nepean River Gum Eucalyptus benthamii None Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Camden Woollybutt, Paddys River Box Eucalyptus macarthurii None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Camfield's Stringybark Eucalyptus camfieldii None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Campbell's Keeled Glass-snail Advena campbellii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Campion Eremophila, Green-flowered Emu bush Eremophila virens None None Endangered - - - -
Canberra Grassland Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis lineata None Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Cape Range Cave Gudgeon, Blind Gudgeon Milyeringa veritas None None Vulnerable - - - -
Cape Range Remipede Kumonga exleyi None None Vulnerable - - - -
Cape York Vanda Vanda hindsii None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Capella Potato Bush Solanum orgadophilum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Carrington Falls Grevillea Grevillea rivularis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Carrington Falls Pomaderris Pomaderris walshii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Carter's Freshwater Mussel, Freshwater Mussel Westralunio carteri None None Vulnerable - - - -
Cauliflower Soft Coral Dendronephthya australis None None Endangered - - - -
Cave Fern Tectaria devexa None None Endangered - - - -
Central Australian Cabbage Palm, Red Cabbage Palm Livistona mariae subsp. mariae None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Central North Burrowing Crayfish Engaeus granulatus None None Endangered - - - -
Chaff Tree, Soft-wood Achyranthes arborescens None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Chalky Wattle Acacia cretacea None None Endangered - - - -
Chapman's Bell Darwinia chapmaniana None None Endangered - - - -
Chapman's Hensmania Hensmania chapmanii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Charmhaven Apple Angophora inopina None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Chef's Cap Correa baeuerlenii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Chiddarcooping Wattle Acacia lobulata None None Endangered - - - -
Chinocup Wattle Acacia leptalea None None Endangered - - - -
Chocolate Tea Tree Orchid Dendrobium johannis None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Christine's Grevillea Grevillea christineae None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Christmas Island Spleenwort Asplenium listeri None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Ciliolate Hebe Veronica ciliolata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Clarence Galaxias Galaxias johnstoni None None Endangered - - - -
Clarence River Cod, Eastern Freshwater Cod Maccullochella ikei None None Endangered - - - -
Clear Milkvine Leichhardtia longiloba None None Vulnerable - - - -
Climbing Bent-grass Deyeuxia ramosa None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Club-leafed Synaphea Synaphea sp. Pinjarra (R.Davis 6578) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Clubmoss Bush-pea Stonesiella selaginoides None None Endangered - - - -
Coast Featherflower Verticordia helichrysantha None None Vulnerable - - - -
Coastal Coprosma Coprosma baueri None None Endangered - - - -
Collie Jacksonia Jacksonia velveta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Column Hakea Hakea aculeata None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Conondale Spiny Crayfish Euastacus hystricosus None None Endangered - - - -
Cooktown Orchid Dendrobium bigibbum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Corang Pine Callitris oblonga subsp. corangensis None Vulnerable Critically Endangered - - - -
Cork Mallee, Mount Lesueur Mallee Eucalyptus suberea None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Corrigin Grevillea Grevillea scapigera None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Corunna Daisy Brachyscome muelleri None None Endangered - - - -
Cossinia Cossinia australiana None None Endangered - - - -
Coughran's Crayfish, Arte Spiny Crayfish Euastacus sp. 1 coughrani (McCormack & Fetzner) None None Endangered - - - -
Coveny's Zieria Zieria covenyi None None Endangered - - - -
Cranbrook Bell Darwinia meeboldii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Cranbrook Pea Gastrolobium lehmannii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Craven Grey Box Eucalyptus largeana None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Creeping Dusty Miller Spyridium obcordatum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Crowned Mallee Eucalyptus coronata None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Cudgegong Giant Spiny Crayfish Euastacus vesper None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Cumquat Eremophila Eremophila denticulata subsp. trisulcata None None Endangered - - - -
Cunderdin Daviesia Daviesia cunderdin None None Endangered - - - -
Curtis' Colobanth Colobanthus curtisiae None None Vulnerable - - - -
Curved-leaf Grevillea Grevillea curviloba subsp. curviloba None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Daintree Rainbowfish Cairnsichthys bitaeniatus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dalhousie Catfish Neosilurus gloveri None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dalhousie Goby Chlamydogobius gloveri None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dalhousie Hardyhead Craterocephalus dalhousiensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dalhousie Mogurnda, Dalhousie Purple-spotted Gudgeon Mogurnda thermophila None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dalveen Blue Box Eucalyptus dalveenica None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Dandaragan Mallee, Mount Misery Mallee Eucalyptus dolorosa None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Dargo Galaxias Galaxias mungadhan None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dark-bract Banksia Banksia fuscobractea None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Dark-stemmed Antler Orchid, Mangrove Orchid Dendrobium mirbelianum None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Davidson's Plum Davidsonia jerseyana None None Endangered - - - -
Deane's Boronia Boronia deanei None None Vulnerable - - - -
Deane's Melaleuca Melaleuca deanei None None Vulnerable - - - -
Deane's Tea-tree Leptospermum deanei None None Vulnerable - - - -
Deep Creek Correa Correa eburnea None None Endangered - - - -
Denman Pomaderris Pomaderris reperta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dense Cord-rush Baloskion longipes None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dergholm Guinea-flower Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Derwent River Seastar Marginaster littoralis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Desert Flannel-flower Actinotus schwarzii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Diels' Currant Bush Leptomeria dielsiana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Diels' Daviesia Daviesia dielsii None None Endangered - - - -
Diels' Wattle Acacia prismifolia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dorrigo Daisy-bush Olearia flocktoniae None None Endangered - - - -
Douglas' Broad-headed Bee, Rottnest Bee Hesperocolletes douglasi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Downy Ground-fern, Brake Fern, Ground Fern Hypolepis dicksonioides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Downy Wattle, Hairy Stemmed Wattle Acacia pubescens None None Vulnerable - - - -
Drummond's Conostylis Conostylis drummondii None None Endangered - - - -
Duck's-head Wasp-orchid Chiloglottis anaticeps None None Endangered - - - -
Dulacca Woodland Snail Adclarkia dulacca None None Endangered - - - -
Dunsborough Burrowing Crayfish Engaewa reducta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dural Land Snail Pommerhelix duralensis None None Endangered - - - -
Durikai Mallee Eucalyptus infera None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Desert Spike-rush Eleocharis papillosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Green Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos viridis subsp. terraspectans None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Hammer-orchid Drakaea micrantha None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Heath Casuarina Allocasuarina defungens None None Endangered - - - -
Dwarf Mountain Pine Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Dwarf Pea Ptychosema pusillum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Phyllota Phyllota humifusa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Rock Wattle Acacia pygmaea None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Dwarf Sawfish, Queensland Sawfish Pristis clavata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Violet Viola improcera None None Endangered - - - -
Dwellingup Synaphea Synaphea stenoloba None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Earp's Gum, Earp's Dirty Gum Eucalyptus parramattensis subsp. decadens None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
East Gippsland Galaxias Galaxias aequipinnis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Eastern Dwarf Galaxias, Dwarf Galaxias Galaxiella pusilla None None Endangered - - - -
Eastern Stirling Range Pygmy Trapdoor Spider Bertmainius colonus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Eastern Underground Orchid Rhizanthella slateri None None Endangered - - - -
Echidna Wattle Acacia depressa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Edgbaston Goby Chlamydogobius squamigenus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Elizabeth Springs Goby Chlamydogobius micropterus None None Endangered - - - -
Ellen Clark's Crayfish, Clark's Crayfish Euastacus clarkae None None Endangered - - - -
Elongate Sunskink Lampropholis elongata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Eltham Copper Butterfly Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida None None Endangered - - - -
Elusive Bush-pea Pultenaea elusa None None Endangered - - - -
Embezee's Crayfish Euastacus binzayedi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Eungella Spiny Crayfish Euastacus eungella None None Endangered - - - -
Euroa Guinea-flower Hibbertia humifusa subsp. erigens None None Vulnerable - - - -
Fairall's Honeysuckle Lambertia fairallii None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
False Plumed-Banksia Banksia pseudoplumosa None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Fan-leaf Grevillea Grevillea infundibularis None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Feldmark Grass Rytidosperma pumilum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Fine-leaved Darwinia Darwinia acerosa None None Endangered - - - -
Fitzgerald Eremophila Eremophila denticulata subsp. denticulata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Fitzgerald Woollybush Adenanthos dobagii None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish Euastacus dharawalus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Fitzroy Land Snail Mesodontrachia fitzroyana None None Endangered - - - -
Five-clawed Worm-skink Anomalopus mackayi None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Flat-leaved Triggerplant Stylidium applanatum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Flathead Galaxias, Beaked Minnow, Flat-headed Galaxias, Flat-headed Jollytail, Flat-headed Minnow Galaxias rostratus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Fletcher's Drumsticks Isopogon fletcheri None Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Flinders Ranges Mogurnda, Flinders Ranges Purple-spotted Gudgeon Mogurnda clivicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
Flockton Wattle Acacia flocktoniae None None Vulnerable - - - -
Floyd's Walnut, Crystal Creek Walnut Endiandra floydii None None Endangered - - - -
Forest's Wattle Acacia forrestiana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Fragrant Pepperbush Tasmannia glaucifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
Francistown Cave Cricket, Southern sandstone cave cricket Micropathus kiernani None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Freshwater Sawfish, Largetooth Sawfish, River Sawfish, Leichhardt's Sawfish, Northern Sawfish Pristis pristis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Freycinet Waxflower Philotheca freyciana None None Endangered - - - -
Fringed Fire-bush Seringia exastia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Fringed Mountain Bell, Pink Mountain Bell Darwinia squarrosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Funnel Heath, Smooth Heath Epacris glabella None None Endangered - - - -
Furneaux Burrowing Crayfish Engaeus martigener None None Endangered - - - -
Gamilaroi Crayfish, Gamilaroi Spiny Crayfish, Hanging Rock Crayfish Euastacus gamilaroi None None Endangered - - - -
Genoa River Correa Correa lawrenceana var. genoensis None None Endangered - - - -
Giant Freshwater Crayfish, Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster Astacopsis gouldi None None Vulnerable - - - -
Giant Gippsland Earthworm Megascolides australis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Gibson Wattle Acacia imitans None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Gillam's Bell Darwinia oxylepis None None Endangered - - - -
Glen Geddes Bloodwood Corymbia xanthope None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Glenelg Freshwater Mussel Hyridella glenelgensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Glenelg Spiny Freshwater Crayfish, Pricklyback Euastacus bispinosus None None Endangered - - - -
Glenugie Karaka Corynocarpus rupestris subsp. rupestris None None Vulnerable - - - -
Glory of the Centre Ricinocarpos gloria-medii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Glossy Spice Bush Triunia robusta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Glossy-leafed Hammer Orchid, Glossy-leaved Hammer Orchid, Warty Hammer Orchid Drakaea elastica None None Endangered - - - -
Gnarled Corkbark, Fraser's Hakea Hakea fraseri None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Goblet Mallee Eucalyptus merrickiae None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Golden Galaxias Galaxias auratus None None Endangered - - - -
Golden Sun Moth Synemon plana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Good's Banksia Banksia goodii None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Goodwood Gum Eucalyptus hallii None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Grand Heath, Tall Heath Epacris grandis None None Endangered - - - -
Granite Banksia, Albany Banksia, River Banksia Banksia verticillata None Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Granite Belt Leaf-tailed Gecko Saltuarius wyberba None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Granite Boronia Boronia granitica None None Endangered - - - -
Granite Featherflower Verticordia staminosa var. cylindracea None None Endangered - - - -
Granite Mudwort Limosella granitica None None Vulnerable - - - -
Granite Nightshade Solanum graniticum None None Endangered - - - -
Granite Pink Tribonanthes purpurea None None Vulnerable - - - -
Granite Poison Gastrolobium graniticum None None Endangered - - - -
Granite Tetratheca Tetratheca deltoidea None None Endangered - - - -
Grass Conostylis Conostylis misera None None Endangered - - - -
Grass Wattle, Chittering Grass Wattle Acacia anomala None None Vulnerable - - - -
Gray's Helicarionid Land Snail Mathewsoconcha grayi ms None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Great Lake Paragalaxias Paragalaxias eleotroides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Green Hill Thomasia Thomasia sp. Green Hill (S.Paust 1322) None None Endangered - - - -
Green Sawfish, Dindagubba, Narrowsnout Sawfish Pristis zijsron None None Vulnerable - - - -
Green Waxberry Gaultheria viridicarpa None None Endangered - - - -
Grey Deua Pomaderris Pomaderris gilmourii var. cana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Grey Nurse Shark (east coast population) Carcharias taurus (east coast population) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Grey Nurse Shark (west coast population) Carcharias taurus (west coast population) None None Vulnerable - - - -
Griffin's Waxflower Chamelaucium sp. Cataby (G.J.Keighery 11009) None None Vulnerable - - - -
Grooved Helmet-orchid Corybas sulcatus None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Gunn's Boronia, Cataract Gorge Boronia Boronia gunnii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Gypsum Goodenia Goodenia integerrima None None Vulnerable - - - -
Haines's Orange Mangrove Bruguiera x hainesii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Hairy Geebung, Hairy Persoonia Persoonia hirsuta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Hairy Marron, Margaret River Hairy Marron, Margaret River Marron Cherax tenuimanus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Hairy Mat Conostylis Conostylis seorsiflora subsp. trichophylla None None Endangered - - - -
Hairy Melichrus Melichrus sp. Newfoundland State Forest (P.Gilmour 7852) None None Endangered - - - -
Hairy Phalanx Grevillea Grevillea dryandroides subsp. hirsuta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Hairy Quandong Elaeocarpus williamsianus None None Endangered - - - -
Hairy-joint Grass Arthraxon hispidus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Hairy-stemmed Zig-Zag Wattle Acacia subflexuosa subsp. capillata None None Endangered - - - -
Hal Haloragodendron lucasii None None Endangered - - - -
Hando's Wattle, Percy Grant Wattle Acacia handonis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Hanging Fork-fern Tmesipteris norfolkensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Hann Gardenia Gardenia psidioides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Harlequin Bell Darwinia polychroma None None Endangered - - - -
Harsh Nematolepis Nematolepis squamea subsp. coriacea None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Hawkweed Picris evae None None Vulnerable - - - -
Hay River Featherflower, Scruffy Verticordia Verticordia apecta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Headland Commersonia Androcalva perkinsiana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Headland Zieria Zieria prostrata None None Endangered - - - -
Heath Wrinklewort Rutidosis heterogama None None Vulnerable - - - -
Helidon Ironbark Eucalyptus taurina None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Hidden Beard-heath Leucopogon obtectus None None Endangered - - - -
Hindmarsh Correa Correa calycina None None Vulnerable - - - -
Hinterland Spiny Crayfish, Hinterland Crayfish Euastacus maidae None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Hoary Sun-orchid Thelymitra orientalis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Hog Deer Axis porcinus None Endangered None - - - -
Holly-leaved Graptophyllum, Mt Blackwood Holly Graptophyllum ilicifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
Honey Blue Eye, Honey Blue-eye Pseudomugil mellis None None Endangered - - - -
Hook-point Poison Gastrolobium hamulosum None None Endangered - - - -
Hughan's Featherflower Verticordia hughanii None None Endangered - - - -
Hunter Galaxias, Hunter Upland Galaxias Galaxias sp. nov. 'Hunter' None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Hunter Valley Delma Delma vescolineata None None Endangered - - - -
Illawarra Socketwood Daphnandra johnsonii None None Endangered - - - -
Imlay Mallee, Mount Imlay Mallee Eucalyptus imlayensis None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Ingram's Zieria Zieria ingramii None None Endangered - - - -
Ironcap Boronia Boronia revoluta None None Endangered - - - -
Ironcaps Banksia, Ironcap Banksia Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Ironstone Beard-heath Leucopogon spectabilis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Ironstone Brachyscias Brachyscias verecundus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Ironstone Grevillea Grevillea elongata None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Ironstone Mulla Mulla Ptilotus beckerianus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Irwin's Conostylis Conostylis dielsii subsp. teres None None Endangered - - - -
Isis Tamarind Alectryon ramiflorus None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Jackson Tetratheca Tetratheca harperi None None Vulnerable - - - -
Jagara Hairy Crayfish Euastacus jagara None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Jerramungup Myoporum Myoporum cordifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
Jillaga Ash Eucalyptus stenostoma None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Jimberlana Mallee Eucalyptus platydisca None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Jingymia Mallee Eucalyptus synandra None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Johnson's Mallee Eucalyptus johnsoniana None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Julian's Hibbertia Hibbertia spanantha None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kalbarri Leschenaultia Lechenaultia chlorantha None None Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island Assassin Spider Zephyrarchaea austini None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Logania Logania insularis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island Micro-trapdoor Spider Moggridgea rainbowi None None Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Phebalium Leionema equestre None None Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Pomaderris Pomaderris halmaturina subsp. halmaturina None None Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island Turpentine Bush Beyeria subtecta None None Vulnerable - - - -
Keeled Tassel-fern Phlegmariurus carinatus None None Endangered - - - -
Keighery's Eleocharis Eleocharis keigheryi None None Vulnerable - - - -
Keighery's Macarthuria Macarthuria keigheryi None None Endangered - - - -
Key's Boronia Boronia keysii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Key's Matchstick Grasshopper Keyacris scurra None None Endangered - - - -
King Blue-grass Dichanthium queenslandicum None None Endangered - - - -
King Fern, Para, Potato Fern Ptisana salicina None None Endangered - - - -
King's Brakefern Pteris kingiana None None Endangered - - - -
King's Lomatia Lomatia tasmanica None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kneeling Hammer-orchid Drakaea concolor None None Vulnerable - - - -
Knotweed, Tall Knotweed Persicaria elatior None None Vulnerable - - - -
Koobabbie Eremophila, Koobabbie Poverty Bush Eremophila koobabbiensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kosciuszko Galaxias Galaxias supremus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kulin Conostylis, Single-flowered Conostylis Conostylis rogeri None None Vulnerable - - - -
Kundip Wattle Acacia rhamphophylla None None Endangered - - - -
Kurrajong Wikstroemia australis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Lake Eacham Rainbowfish Melanotaenia eachamensis None None Endangered - - - -
Lake Keepit Hakea Hakea pulvinifera None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Lake Varley Grevillea Grevillea involucrata None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Lamington Eyebright, Mt. Merino Eyebright Euphrasia bella None None Vulnerable - - - -
Langi Ghiran Grevillea Grevillea montis-cole subsp. brevistyla None None Vulnerable - - - -
Large-articled Samphire Tecticornia bulbosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Large-flowered Scaevola Scaevola macrophylla None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Large-flowered Short-styled Grevillea Grevillea brachystylis subsp. grandis None Vulnerable Critically Endangered - - - -
Large-fruited Tammin Wattle Acacia ataxiphylla subsp. magna None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Late Hammer-orchid Drakaea confluens None None Endangered - - - -
Laterite Petrophile Petrophile latericola None None Endangered - - - -
Latz's Wattle Acacia latzii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Leafless Rock Wattle Acacia aphylla None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Lesueur Hakea Hakea megalosperma None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Lilac Leek-orchid Prasophyllum colemaniarum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Lima Stringybark Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. limaensis None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Limestone Pea Chorizema varium None None Endangered - - - -
Little Kangaroo Paw, Two-coloured Kangaroo Paw, Small Two-colour Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor None None Endangered - - - -
Little Mountain Palm, Moorei Palm Lepidorrhachis mooreana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Little Pygmy Perch Nannoperca pygmaea None None Endangered - - - -
Lloyd's Olive Notelaea lloydii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Lonely Hammer-orchid Drakaea isolata None None Endangered - - - -
Long-flowered Nancy Wurmbea tubulosa None None Endangered - - - -
Long-leaved Daviesia Daviesia elongata subsp. elongata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Long-leaved Myrtle Hypocalymma longifolium None None Vulnerable - - - -
Long-sepalled Daviesia Daviesia megacalyx None None Endangered - - - -
Long-stalked Featherflower Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata None None Endangered - - - -
Lord Howe Earthworm Pericryptodrilus nanus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Lord Howe Flax Snail, Lord Howe Placostylus Placostylus bivaricosus None None Endangered - - - -
Lord Howe Island Phasmid, Land Lobster Dryococelus australis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
MacDonnell Ranges Cycad Macrozamia macdonnellii None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
MacGillivray Spyridium Spyridium eriocephalum var. glabrisepalum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Macadamia Nut, Queensland Nut Tree, Smooth-shelled Macadamia, Bush Nut, Nut Oak Macadamia integrifolia None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Macquarie Azorella, Macquarie Cushions Azorella macquariensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Macquarie Perch Macquaria australasica None None Endangered - - - -
Magenta Lilly Pilly, Magenta Cherry, Daguba, Scrub Cherry, Creek Lilly Pilly, Brush Cherry Syzygium paniculatum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Magnificent Helicarionid Land Snail Gudeoconcha sophiae magnifica None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Maidenhair Spleenwort Asplenium hookerianum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Malanda Rainbowfish Melanotaenia sp. nov. 'Malanda' None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mallee Box Eucalyptus cuprea None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Manning River Saw-Shelled Turtle Myuchelys purvisi None None Endangered - - - -
Many-bristled Crayfish Euastacus polysetosus None None Endangered - - - -
Many-flowered Commersonia Commersonia apella None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Manypeaks Rush Chordifex abortivus None None Endangered - - - -
Marbled Balogia, Jointed Baloghia Baloghia marmorata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Margaret River Burrowing Crayfish Engaewa pseudoreducta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Maroubra Woodland Snail, Maroubra Land Snail Meridolum maryae None None Endangered - - - -
Marrawah Skipper, Alpine Sedge Skipper, Alpine Skipper Oreisplanus munionga larana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mary River Cod Maccullochella mariensis None None Endangered - - - -
Masked Eyebright, Masked Cliff Eyebright Euphrasia sp. Bivouac Bay (W.R.Barker 7626 et al.) None None Endangered - - - -
Mason's Darwinia Darwinia masonii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Masters' Charopid Land Snail Mystivagor mastersi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Matchstick Banksia, Quairading Banksia Banksia cuneata None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Maugean Skate, Port Davey Skate Zearaja maugeana None None Endangered - - - -
Mauve Burr-daisy Calotis glandulosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mauve Coopernookia Coopernookia georgei None None Endangered - - - -
McCutcheon's Grevillea Grevillea maccutcheonii None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
McDowall's Galaxias Galaxias mcdowalli None None Critically Endangered - - - -
McKie's Stringybark Eucalyptus mckieana None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
McNutt's Wattle Acacia macnuttiana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Meelup Mallee Eucalyptus x phylacis None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Menindee Nightshade Solanum karsense None None Vulnerable - - - -
Metricup Pea Gastrolobium argyrotrichum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Middle Filmy Fern Polyphlebium endlicherianum None None Endangered - - - -
Midlands Buttercup, Tunbridge Buttercup Ranunculus prasinus None None Endangered - - - -
Midlands Gum, Jingymia Gum Eucalyptus pruiniramis None None Endangered - - - -
Midlands Mimosa, Midlands Wattle Acacia axillaris None None Vulnerable - - - -
Miena Cider Gum Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. divaricata None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Milky Emu Bush Eremophila lactea None None Endangered - - - -
Milky Silkpod Parsonsia dorrigoensis None None Endangered - - - -
Mingenew Everlasting Schoenia filifolia subsp. subulifolia None None Endangered - - - -
Miniature Moss-orchid, Hoop Pine Orchid Bulbophyllum globuliforme None None Vulnerable - - - -
Minnie Daisy Minuria tridens None None Vulnerable - - - -
Minnie Waters Olax Olax angulata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Minute Orchid, Ribbon-root Orchid Taeniophyllum norfolkianum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Minyon Quandong Elaeocarpus sedentarius None None Endangered - - - -
Mistletoe Ileostylus micranthus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mitchell's Rainforest Snail Thersites mitchellae None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mittagong Geebung Persoonia glaucescens None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Mogumber Bell, Narrogin Bell Darwinia carnea None None Endangered - - - -
Moleskin Dogwood Pomaderris pilifera subsp. talpicutica None None Vulnerable - - - -
Monaro Golden Daisy Rutidosis leiolepis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Monaro Grassland Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis osbornei None None Endangered - - - -
Monga Tea-tree Leptospermum thompsonii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Monkey Nut, Bopple Nut, Red Bopple, Red Bopple Nut, Red Nut, Beef Nut, Red Apple Nut, Red Boppel Nut, Ivory Silky Oak Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
Monteith's Crayfish, Monteith's Spiny Crayfish Euastacus monteithorum None None Endangered - - - -
Moore's Burr-daisy Calotis moorei None None Endangered - - - -
Morgan's Crayfish Euastacus morgani None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Moroka Galaxias Galaxias sp. nov. 'Moroka' None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Morrisby's Gum, Morrisbys Gum Eucalyptus morrisbyi None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Morseby Range Drummondita Drummondita ericoides None None Endangered - - - -
Morwell Galaxias Galaxias sp. nov. 'Morwell' None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mossgiel Daisy Brachyscome papillosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mossman Fairy Orchid Oberonia attenuata None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Mount Arthur Burrowing Crayfish Engaeus orramakunna None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mount Beerwah Mallee Eucalyptus kabiana None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Mount Illbilie Mintbush Prostanthera nudula None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mount Lidgbird Charopid Land Snail Pseudocharopa ledgbirdi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mount Lofty Speedwell Veronica derwentiana subsp. homalodonta None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mount Vincent Mintbush Prostanthera stricta None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mountain Angelica, Broad-leafed Carrot Gingidia rupicola None None Endangered - - - -
Mountain Coprosma Coprosma pilosa None None Endangered - - - -
Mountain Paper-heath Sphenotoma drummondii None None Endangered - - - -
Mountain Poranthera Poranthera petalifera None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mountain Procris Elatostema montanum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mountain Swamp Gum, Broad-leaved Sallee, Broad-leaved Sally Eucalyptus aquatica None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mountain Thryptomene Thryptomene wittweri None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mountain Trachymene Trachymene scapigera None None Endangered - - - -
Mountain Villarsia Ornduffia calthifolia None None Endangered - - - -
Mountain Wax-flower Philotheca obovatifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mountain White Gum, King Leopold Range Mallee, Moore's Gum Eucalyptus mooreana None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Mt Arthur Boronia Boronia hemichiton None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mt Augustus Foxglove Pityrodia augustensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mt Berryman Phebalium Phebalium distans None None Endangered - - - -
Mt Cameron Heath, Granite Heath Epacris graniticola None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mt Elliot Crayfish Euastacus bindal None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mt Ernest Bertya Bertya ernestiana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mt Finke Grevillea, Scarlet Grevillea Grevillea treueriana None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Mt Isa Mallee Eucalyptus nudicaulis None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Mt Larcom Silk Pod Parsonsia larcomensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Mt Lesueur Grevillea Grevillea batrachioides None None Endangered - - - -
Mt Marsh Leaf-tailed Gecko Saltuarius kateae None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Mt Stuart Ironbark Eucalyptus paedoglauca None None Vulnerable - - - -
Muchea Bell Darwinia foetida None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mud Gully Crayfish Euastacus dalagarbe None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mukinbudin Mallee Eucalyptus brevipes None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Murray Cod Maccullochella peelii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Murray Hardyhead Craterocephalus fluviatilis None None Endangered - - - -
Myola Palm, Myola Archontophoenix Archontophoenix myolensis None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Myrtle Elbow Orchid Thynninorchis nothofagicola None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Nabiac Casuarina Allocasuarina simulans None None Vulnerable - - - -
Nangetty Grass Glyceria drummondii None None Endangered - - - -
Narrabarba Wattle Acacia constablei None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Narrogin Pea Pultenaea pauciflora None None Vulnerable - - - -
Narrow curved-leaf Grevillea Grevillea curviloba subsp. incurva None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Narrow-leaf Melichrus Melichrus sp. Gibberagee (Benwell 97239) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Narrow-leaved Malletwood Rhodamnia angustifolia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Narrow-leaved Peppermint, Narrow-leaved Black Peppermint Eucalyptus nicholii None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Native Cucumber, Giant Cucumber Zehneria baueriana None None Endangered - - - -
Native Foxglove Dasymalla axillaris None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Native Guava Rhodomyrtus psidioides None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Native Jute Corchorus cunninghamii None None Endangered - - - -
Native Moth Orchid Phalaenopsis rosenstromii None None Endangered - - - -
Native Wintercress, Riverbed Wintercress Barbarea australis None None Endangered - - - -
Naturaliste Nancy Wurmbea calcicola None None Endangered - - - -
Needle Geebung Persoonia acerosa None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Needle Wattle, Dead Finish, Purple-wood Wattle Acacia carneorum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Net-veined Gyrostemon Gyrostemon reticulatus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Netted Brakefern Pteris zahlbruckneriana None None Endangered - - - -
New England Gentian Gentiana wissmannii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
New England Leaf-tailed Gecko Saltuarius moritzi None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
New Guinea Red-bellied Turtle Emydura subglobosa subglobosa None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Nielsen Park She-oak Allocasuarina portuensis None None Endangered - - - -
Ninghan Violet Hybanthus cymulosus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Nodding Geebung Persoonia nutans None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Non-parasitic Lamprey, Precocious Lamprey Mordacia praecox None None Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Abutilon Abutilon julianae None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Euphorbia Euphorbia norfolkiana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Mahoe Melicytus latifolius None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Orchid Dendrobium brachypus None None Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Phreatia Plexaure limenophylax None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Water-fern Blechnum norfolkianum None None Endangered - - - -
Norseman Pea Daviesia microcarpa None None Endangered - - - -
North Rothbury Persoonia Persoonia pauciflora None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Northcliffe Kennedia Kennedia glabrata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Bluetongue Tiliqua scincoides intermedia None Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Northern River Shark, New Guinea River Shark Glyphis garricki None None Endangered - - - -
Northern Serrate Dryandra Banksia serratuloides subsp. perissa None Vulnerable Critically Endangered - - - -
Nowra Heath-myrtle Triplarina nowraensis None None Endangered - - - -
Oleander Pittosporum bracteolatum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Omeo Stork's-bill Pelargonium sp. Striatellum (G.W.Carr 10345) None None Endangered - - - -
One-headed Smokebush Conospermum densiflorum subsp. unicephalatum None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Onionwood, Bog Onion, Onion Cedar Owenia cepiodora None None Vulnerable - - - -
Ooldea Guinea-flower Hibbertia crispula None None Vulnerable - - - -
Ooline Cadellia pentastylis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Opal Cling Goby Stiphodon semoni None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Orange Dryandra Banksia aurantia None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Orange-flowered Wattle Acacia auratiflora None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Orara Boronia Boronia umbellata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Orbost Spiny Crayfish Euastacus diversus None None Endangered - - - -
Ormeau Bottle Tree Brachychiton sp. Ormeau (L.H.Bird AQ435851) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Ovenden's Ironbark Eucalyptus caleyi subsp. ovendenii None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Oxleyan Pygmy Perch Nannoperca oxleyana None None Endangered - - - -
Paddle-leaf Daviesia Daviesia obovata None None Endangered - - - -
Pale Chandelier Orchid Acriopsis emarginata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Pale Umbrella Orchid Bulbophyllum longiflorum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Parris' Pomaderris Pomaderris parrisiae None None Vulnerable - - - -
Parris's Zieria Zieria parrisiae None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Paynes Find Mallee Eucalyptus crucis subsp. praecipua None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Paynter's Tetratheca Tetratheca paynterae None None Endangered - - - -
Peach Myrtle Uromyrtus australis None None Endangered - - - -
Peak Charles Drummondita Drummondita longifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
Pearl-like Androcalva Androcalva perlaria None None Endangered - - - -
Pedder Centrolepis, Pedder Bristlewort Centrolepis pedderensis None None Endangered - - - -
Peep Hill Hop-bush Dodonaea subglandulifera None None Endangered - - - -
Penda, Southern Penda, Luya's Hardwood Xanthostemon oppositifolius None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Peninsula Eyebright Euphrasia semipicta None None Endangered - - - -
Pennantia Pennantia endlicheri None None Endangered - - - -
Phalanx Grevillea Grevillea dryandroides subsp. dryandroides None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Phillip Island Chaffy Tree Achyranthes margaretarum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Phillip Island Helicarionid Land Snail Mathewsoconcha phillipii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Phillip Island Hibiscus Hibiscus insularis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Phillip Island Wheat Grass Anthosachne kingiana subsp. kingiana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Pine Mountain Grevillea Grevillea jephcottii None None Endangered - - - -
Pineapple Zamia Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Pink Gidgee Acacia crombiei None None Vulnerable - - - -
Pink Underwing Moth Phyllodes imperialis smithersi None None Endangered - - - -
Pinnate-leaf Eremophila Eremophila pinnatifida None None Endangered - - - -
Pokolbin Mallee Eucalyptus pumila None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Ponton Creek Mallee Eucalyptus articulata None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Popwood, Sandalwood, Bastard Ironwood Myoporum obscurum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Port Lincoln Speedwell Veronica parnkalliana None None Endangered - - - -
Preminghana Billybutton Craspedia preminghana None None Endangered - - - -
Pretty Heath, Dan Hill Heath Epacris virgata None None Endangered - - - -
Prickly Honeysuckle Lambertia echinata subsp. echinata None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Prickly Raspwort Haloragis eyreana None None Endangered - - - -
Proston Lasiopetalum Lasiopetalum sp. Proston (J.A.Baker 17) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Prostrate Flame Pea Chorizema humile None None Endangered - - - -
Ptunarra Brown, Ptunarra Brown Butterfly, Ptunarra Xenica Oreixenica ptunarra None None Endangered - - - -
Pungent Jacksonia Jacksonia pungens None None Endangered - - - -
Purple-flowered Wattle Acacia purpureopetala None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Purple-leaf Muttonwood, Lismore Muttonwood Myrsine richmondensis None None Endangered - - - -
Pygmy Cypress-pine, Pigmy Cypress-pine, Dwarf Cypress-pine Callitris oblonga None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Pyramid Mulla-mulla Ptilotus pyramidatus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Pythara Grevillea Grevillea pythara None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Quairading Jacksonia, Quairading Stinkwood Jacksonia quairading None None Endangered - - - -
Quartz-loving Synaphea Synaphea quartzitica None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Quassia Samadera bidwillii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Queensland White Gum, Queensland Western White Gum, Lapunyah, Scrub Gum, White Gum Eucalyptus argophloia None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus None Endangered None - - - -
Rainbow Valley Fuchsia Bush Eremophila prostrata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Rainforest Cool-skink Harrisoniascincus zia None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Rare Grevillea Grevillea rara None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Rat's Tail Tassel-fern Phlegmariurus filiformis None None Endangered - - - -
Ravine Orchid Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Recurved Wattle Acacia recurvata None None Endangered - - - -
Red Handfish Thymichthys politus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Red Silky Oak, Queensland Waratah, Tree Waratah Alloxylon flammeum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Red Snakebush Hemiandra gardneri None None Endangered - - - -
Red-fruited Ebony, Silky Persimmon, Ebony Diospyros mabacea None None Endangered - - - -
Redfin Blue Eye, Redfin Blue-eye Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis None None Endangered - - - -
Reedia Reedia spathacea None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Reflexed Everlasting Ozothamnus reflexifolius None None Vulnerable - - - -
Remote Thorny Lignum Duma horrida subsp. abdita None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Repand Boronia, Border Boronia Boronia repanda None None Endangered - - - -
Resinous Eremophila Eremophila resinosa None None Endangered - - - -
Resinous Poverty Bush Eremophila vernicosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Riek's Crayfish Euastacus rieki None None Endangered - - - -
Robert's Crayfish, Robert's Spiny Crayfish Euastacus robertsi None None Endangered - - - -
Robust Coneflower Isopogon robustus None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Rock Shield Fern Polystichum moorei None None Endangered - - - -
Rock Tassel-fern, Water Tassel-fern Phlegmariurus squarrosus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Rose Apple, Coolamon, Robby, Durobby, Watermelon Tree, Coolamon Rose Apple Syzygium moorei None None Vulnerable - - - -
Rose Mallee Eucalyptus rhodantha None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Rosewood Keeled Snail Ordtrachia septentrionalis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Rough Emu Bush Eremophila scaberula None None Endangered - - - -
Rough-shelled Bush Nut, Macadamia Nut, Rough-shelled Macadamia, Rough-leaved Queensland Nut Macadamia tetraphylla None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Round-leaf Lasiopetalum Lasiopetalum rotundifolium None None Endangered - - - -
Roundsnout Galaxias Galaxias terenasus None None Endangered - - - -
Royce's Waxflower Chamelaucium sp. S coastal plain (R.D.Royce 4872) None None Vulnerable - - - -
Running River Rainbowfish Melanotaenia sp. nov. 'Running River' None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Rupp's Wattle Acacia ruppii None None Endangered - - - -
Rusa Deer Cervus timorensis None Vulnerable None - - - -
Rusty Rose Walnut, Velvet Laurel Endiandra hayesii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Rylstone Bell Leionema sympetalum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Saddled Galaxias Galaxias tanycephalus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Saltmat Roycea pycnophylloides None None Endangered - - - -
Sambar Cervus unicolor None Vulnerable None - - - -
Sand Grasstree Xanthorrhoea arenaria None None Vulnerable - - - -
Sand Ixodia, Ixodia Ixodia achillaeoides subsp. arenicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
Sand Yabby Cherax robustus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Sandpaper Wattle Acacia denticulosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Sandplain Duck Orchid Caleana dixonii None None Endangered - - - -
Sandplain Thomasia Thomasia glabripetala None None Vulnerable - - - -
Sandstone Rough-barked Apple Angophora robur None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Sandy Hollow Commersonia Androcalva rosea None None Endangered - - - -
Sargents Snakebush, Colourful Snakebush Hemiandra rutilans None None Endangered - - - -
Satin-top Grass Bothriochloa bunyensis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Scale-leaf Poison Gastrolobium appressum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Scaly Butt Mallee, Scaly-butt Mallee Eucalyptus leprophloia None None Endangered - - - -
Scaly-leaved Featherflower Verticordia spicata subsp. squamosa None None Endangered - - - -
Scarlet Leschenaultia Lechenaultia laricina None None Endangered - - - -
Scarp Darwinia Darwinia apiculata None None Endangered - - - -
Scented Acronychia Acronychia littoralis None None Endangered - - - -
Scott River Boronia Boronia exilis None None Endangered - - - -
Scott River Darwinia Darwinia ferricola None None Endangered - - - -
Scottsdale Burrowing Crayfish Engaeus spinicaudatus None None Endangered - - - -
Scrambling Ground-fern Hiya distans None None Endangered - - - -
Seaforth Mintbush Prostanthera marifolia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Sedge Conostylis Conostylis lepidospermoides None None Endangered - - - -
Selena's Synaphea Synaphea sp. Fairbridge Farm (D.Papenfus 696) None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Senna Wattle Acacia praemorsa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Seppelt Range Gum Eucalyptus ceracea None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Shade Tree Melicope littoralis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Shade Tree, Broad-leaved Meryta Meryta latifolia None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Shannon Paragalaxias Paragalaxias dissimilis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Sharkwood, a tree Dysoxylum bijugum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Shaw Galaxias Galaxias gunaikurnai None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Shield-backed Trapdoor Spider, Black Rugose Trapdoor Spider Idiosoma nigrum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Shield-fern, Shieldfern Lastreopsis calantha None None Endangered - - - -
Shiny Cliff Eyebright Euphrasia amphisysepala None None Vulnerable - - - -
Shiny Grasstree Xanthorrhoea bracteata None None Endangered - - - -
Shiny-leaved Condoo, Black Plum, Wild Apple Planchonella eerwah None None Endangered - - - -
Short-leaved Frankenia Frankenia parvula None None Endangered - - - -
Short-tail Galaxias Galaxias brevissimus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Shrubby Creeper, Pohuehue Muehlenbeckia australis None None Endangered - - - -
Shy Eyebright, Southport Eyebright Euphrasia fragosa None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Shy Featherflower Verticordia fimbrilepis subsp. fimbrilepis None None Endangered - - - -
Shy Pinkbells, Shy Susan Tetratheca gunnii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Siah's Backbone, Sia's Backbone, Isaac Wood Streblus pendulinus None None Endangered - - - -
Sickle-leaved Waxflower Philotheca falcata None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Silky Eremophila Eremophila nivea None None Endangered - - - -
Silky Frankenia Frankenia conferta None None Endangered - - - -
Silver Mallee Eucalyptus crucis subsp. crucis None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Silver Mallet Eucalyptus recta None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Silver Perch, Bidyan Bidyanus bidyanus None None Endangered - - - -
Silver-leaf Candlebark, Mt Canobolas Candlebark Eucalyptus canobolensis None None Endangered - - - -
Silver-leaved Mountain Gum, Silver-leaved Gum Eucalyptus pulverulenta None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Simple Crayfish, Small Mountain Crayfish Euastacus simplex None None Endangered - - - -
Simson's Stag Beetle Hoplogonus simsoni None None Vulnerable - - - -
Slaty Red Gum Eucalyptus glaucina None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Slender Andersonia Andersonia gracilis None None Endangered - - - -
Slender Tailflower Anthocercis gracilis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Small Crayfish Euastacus spinichelatus None None Endangered - - - -
Small Helmet-orchid Corybas montanus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Small-flower Grevillea Grevillea parviflora subsp. parviflora None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Small-flowered Conostylis Conostylis micrantha None None Endangered - - - -
Small-flowered Daisy-bush Olearia microdisca None None Endangered - - - -
Small-fruited Queensland Nut, Gympie Nut Macadamia ternifolia None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Small-leaf Spyridium Spyridium lawrencei None None Endangered - - - -
Small-leaved Denhamia Denhamia parvifolia None None Vulnerable - - - -
Small-leaved Gum Eucalyptus parvula None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Small-leaved Hazelwood, Shrubby Hazelwood Symplocos baeuerlenii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Small-leaved Tamarind Diploglottis campbellii None None Endangered - - - -
Small-petalled Beyeria, Short-petalled Beyeria Beyeria lepidopetala None None Endangered - - - -
Smooth Bush-pea, Swamp Bush-pea Pultenaea glabra None None Vulnerable - - - -
Smooth Crayfish Euastacus girurmulayn None None Endangered - - - -
Smooth Davidsonia, Smooth Davidson's Plum, Small-leaved Davidson's Plum Davidsonia johnsonii None None Endangered - - - -
Smooth Scrub Turpentine Rhodamnia maideniana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Smooth-bark Rose Apple, Red Lilly Pilly Syzygium hodgkinsoniae None None Vulnerable - - - -
South Coast Underground Orchid Rhizanthella johnstonii None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
South Esk Heath Epacris exserta None None Endangered - - - -
South Esk Pine Callitris oblonga subsp. oblonga None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
South-Coast Mignonette Orchid Microtis globula None None Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Fontainea Fontainea australis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Ochrosia Ochrosia moorei None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Southern Pygmy Perch (Murray-Darling Basin lineage) Nannoperca australis Murray-Darling Basin lineage None None Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Serrate Dryandra Banksia serratuloides subsp. serratuloides None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Shy Featherflower Verticordia fimbrilepis subsp. australis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Speartooth Shark Glyphis glyphis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Spider Net Grevillea Grevillea thelemanniana None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Spike Poison, Wongan Poison Gastrolobium glaucum None None Endangered - - - -
Spiked Rice-flower Pimelea spicata None None Endangered - - - -
Spiked Sour-bush Choretrum spicatum subsp. spicatum None None Endangered - - - -
Spiky Adenanthos Adenanthos pungens subsp. pungens None Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Spiller's Wattle Acacia spilleriana None None Endangered - - - -
Spiny Gardenia Randia moorei None None Endangered - - - -
Spiral Bush Spirogardnera rubescens None None Endangered - - - -
Spiral-leaved Patersonia Patersonia spirifolia None None Endangered - - - -
Splendid Wattle, Dandaragan Wattle Acacia splendens None None Endangered - - - -
Spotted Handfish Brachionichthys hirsutus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Sprawling Spiky Adenanthos Adenanthos pungens subsp. effusus None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Spreading Grevillea Grevillea humifusa None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Spreading Stenanthemum, Propellor Plant Stenanthemum pimeleoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Square Tassel Fern Phlegmariurus tetrastichoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Square-fruited Ironbark Eucalyptus tetrapleura None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Steedmans Gum Eucalyptus steedmanii None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Stinking Cryptocarya, Stinking Laurel Cryptocarya foetida None None Vulnerable - - - -
Stirling Range Featherflower Verticordia carinata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Stirling Range Wattle Acacia awestoniana None Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Stirling Range Xyris Xyris exilis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Stocky Galaxias Galaxias tantangara None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Stoddart's Helicarionid Land Snail Quintalia stoddartii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Straggling Androcalva Androcalva bivillosa None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Stream Clematis Clematis fawcettii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Stringybark Tea-tree Leptospermum jingera None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Struck Oil Myrtle Decaspermum struckoilicum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Stuart's Heath, Southport Heath Epacris stuartii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Subantarctic Bedstraw Galium antarcticum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Success Bell, Red Mountain Bell Darwinia nubigena None None Vulnerable - - - -
Summer Honeypot Banksia mimica None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Sunshine Wattle (Sydney region) Acacia terminalis Eastern Sydney (G.P.Phillips 126) None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Suter's Striped Glass-snail Mathewsoconcha suteri None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Sutton's Crayfish Euastacus suttoni None None Endangered - - - -
Swamp Daisy, Water Daisy Olearia hygrophila None None Endangered - - - -
Swamp Eyebright Euphrasia gibbsiae subsp. psilantherea None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Swamp Galaxias Galaxias parvus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Swamp Honeypot Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa None Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Swamp Starflower Calytrix breviseta subsp. breviseta None None Endangered - - - -
Swamp Stringybark Eucalyptus conglomerata None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Swan Galaxias Galaxias fontanus None None Endangered - - - -
Swan Hydatella Trithuria occidentalis None None Endangered - - - -
Sweet Myrtle, Small-leaved Myrtle Gossia fragrantissima None None Endangered - - - -
Sword Bossiaea Bossiaea peninsularis None None Endangered - - - -
Sydney Hawk Dragonfly Austrocordulia leonardi None None Endangered - - - -
Tall Velvet Sea-berry Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina None None Vulnerable - - - -
Tallebudgera spikemoss Selaginella andrewsii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Tangled Wattle, Tangle Wattle Acacia volubilis None None Endangered - - - -
Tapered Galaxias Galaxias lanceolatus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Tara Wattle Acacia lauta None None Vulnerable - - - -
Tasmanian Bertya Bertya tasmanica subsp. tasmanica None None Endangered - - - -
Tasmanian Chaostola Skipper, Heath-sand Skipper Antipodia chaostola leucophaea None None Endangered - - - -
Tasmanian Live-bearing Seastar Parvulastra vivipara None None Vulnerable - - - -
Tasmanian Pearlwort Sagina diemensis None None Endangered - - - -
Thick Eyebright Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. glandulifera None None Vulnerable - - - -
Thick-margined Leucopogon Leucopogon marginatus None None Endangered - - - -
Thin Feather Orchid Dendrobium callitrophilum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Thorny Pea Pedleya acanthoclada None None Vulnerable - - - -
Three Brothers Wattle, Brother Wattle, Northern Brother Wattle Acacia courtii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Three Springs Daviesia Daviesia bursarioides None None Endangered - - - -
Three-flowered Stachystemon Stachystemon nematophorus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Three-leaved Bosistoa, Yellow Satinheart Bosistoa transversa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Three-veined Hakea Hakea trineura None Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Ti Cordyline obtecta None None Vulnerable - - - -
Tianjara Crayfish Euastacus guwinus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Tingle Pygmy Trapdoor Spider Bertmainius tingle None None Endangered - - - -
Tonsil Orchid Vrydagzynea grayi None None Endangered - - - -
Toolinna Adenanthos Adenanthos eyrei None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Toothed Helmet-orchid, Finniss Helmet-orchid Corybas dentatus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Torrington Beard-heath Leucopogon confertus None None Endangered - - - -
Torrington Pea Almaleea cambagei None None Endangered - - - -
Trailing Monotoca Monotoca rotundifolia None None Endangered - - - -
Trailing Woodruff Asperula asthenes None None Vulnerable - - - -
Tranquillity Mintbush, Tranquility Mintbush Prostanthera askania None None Endangered - - - -
Trigwell's Rulingia Commersonia erythrogyna None None Endangered - - - -
Trout Cod Maccullochella macquariensis None None Endangered - - - -
Tufted Bush-pea Pultenaea trichophylla None None Endangered - - - -
Tufted Plumed Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes None None Endangered - - - -
Twin Peak Island Mallee Eucalyptus insularis None Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Twining Finger-flower Cheiranthera volubilis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Twisted Sheoak Allocasuarina tortiramula None None Vulnerable - - - -
Undoolya Wattle, Sickle-leaf Wattle Acacia undoolyana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Vanderschoor's Stag Beetle Hoplogonus vanderschoori None None Vulnerable - - - -
Variable Smoke-bush Conospermum hookeri None None Vulnerable - - - -
Variegated Pygmy Perch, Ewens Pygmy Perch, Golden Pygmy Perch Nannoperca variegata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Varnish Bush Eremophila viscida None None Endangered - - - -
Vassal's Wattle Acacia vassalii None Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Vasse Featherflower Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis None None Endangered - - - -
Veiny Graptophyllum Graptophyllum reticulatum None None Endangered - - - -
Velvet Boronia Boronia hippopala None None Vulnerable - - - -
Velvet Hopbush Dodonaea rupicola None None Vulnerable - - - -
Velvet Jewel Orchid Zeuxine polygonoides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Velvet Woollybush Adenanthos velutinus None None Endangered - - - -
Velvet Zieria Zieria murphyi None None Vulnerable - - - -
Villous Mintbush Prostanthera densa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wagin Banksia Banksia oligantha None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Wallangarra White Gum, Willow Gum Eucalyptus scoparia None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Walpole Burrowing Crayfish Engaewa walpolea None None Endangered - - - -
Water Tassel-fern, Tea Leaf Tassel, Tea-leaf Tassel-fern Phlegmariurus delbrueckii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Watheroo Wattle Acacia aristulata None None Endangered - - - -
Wavy-leaved Smokebush Conospermum undulatum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Waxy Cabbage Palm Livistona lanuginosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Waxy Sarcochilus, Blue Knob Orchid Sarcochilus hartmannii None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wedge-leaf Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis shirleyana None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wee Jasper Grevillea Grevillea iaspicula None Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
West Coast Mintbush, Limestone Mintbush, Red Mintbush Prostanthera calycina None None Vulnerable - - - -
West Gippsland Galaxias Galaxias longifundus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Western Prickly Honeysuckle Lambertia echinata subsp. occidentalis None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Western Trout Minnow Galaxias truttaceus (Western Australian population) None None Endangered - - - -
Western Underground Orchid, Underground Orchid Rhizanthella gardneri None Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Western Wheatbelt Wattle Acacia brachypoda None Endangered Endangered - - - -
Whale Shark Rhincodon typus None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wheeler's Buttercup Hibbertia wheelerae None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Whibley Wattle, Whibley's Wattle Acacia whibleyana None None Endangered - - - -
Whicher Range Dryandra Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea None Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Whiskered Rein Orchid Habenaria maccraithii None None Endangered - - - -
White Featherflower Verticordia albida None None Endangered - - - -
White Shark, Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias None None Vulnerable - - - -
White Star-bush Asterolasia asteriscophora subsp. albiflora None None Critically Endangered - - - -
White's Seahorse, Crowned Seahorse, Sydney Seahorse Hippocampus whitei None None Endangered - - - -
White-flowered Philotheca Philotheca basistyla None None Endangered - - - -
White-flowered Wax Plant Cynanchum elegans None None Endangered - - - -
Whitelegge's Land Snail Pseudocharopa whiteleggei None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Whitesnout Anemonefish, McCulloch's Anemonefish Amphiprion mccullochi None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Whiteywood, a tree Melicytus ramiflorus subsp. oblongifolius None None Vulnerable - - - -
Whorled Eremophila Eremophila verticillata None None Endangered - - - -
Wilson's Wattle Acacia wilsonii None None Endangered - - - -
Wimmera Rice-flower Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Wing-fruited Lasiopetalum Lasiopetalum pterocarpum None None Endangered - - - -
Wingan Star-hair Astrotricha sp. Wingan Inlet (J.A.Jeanes 2268) None None Endangered - - - -
Wingecarribee Gentian Gentiana wingecarribiensis None None Endangered - - - -
Wingless Raspwort, Square Raspwort Haloragis exalata subsp. exalata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wispy Umbrella Orchid Bulbophyllum gracillimum None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wollemi Mint-bush Prostanthera cryptandroides subsp. cryptandroides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wollumbin Dogwood Ozothamnus vagans None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wongan Cactus Daviesia euphorbioides None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Conostylis Conostylis wonganensis None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Eremophila Eremophila ternifolia None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Eriostemon Philotheca wonganensis None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Featherflower Verticordia staminosa subsp. staminosa None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Gully Wattle Acacia pharangites None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Hills Triggerplant, Wongan Triggerplant Stylidium coroniforme subsp. coroniforme None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Melaleuca Melaleuca sciotostyla None None Endangered - - - -
Wongan Microcorys Microcorys eremophiloides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wongan Rhagodia Rhagodia acicularis None None Vulnerable - - - -
Woodman's Wattle Acacia woodmaniorum None None Endangered - - - -
Woods Well Spyridium Spyridium fontis-woodii None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Woolly Lysiosepalum Lysiosepalum abollatum None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Woolly Sheoak Allocasuarina fibrosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
Woolly Wattle Acacia lanuginophylla None None Endangered - - - -
Woronora Beard-heath Leucopogon exolasius None None Vulnerable - - - -
Wundowlin Wattle, Ghost Wattle Acacia sciophanes None None Endangered - - - -
Yalmy Galaxias Galaxias sp. nov. 'Yalmy' None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Yanchep Mallee, Wabling Hill Mallee Eucalyptus argutifolia None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Yandanooka Mallee Eucalyptus crispata None None Vulnerable - - - -
Yarra Pygmy Perch Nannoperca obscura None None Endangered - - - -
Yarwun Whitewood Atalaya collina None None Endangered - - - -
Yass Daisy Ammobium craspedioides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Yellow Bush-pea, Splendid Bush-pea Pultenaea villifera var. glabrescens None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Yellow Mountain Bell Darwinia collina None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Yellow Mountain Triggerplant Stylidium galioides None None Vulnerable - - - -
Yellow Swainson-pea Swainsona pyrophila None None Vulnerable - - - -
Yellow Swamp-orchid Phaius bernaysii None None Endangered - - - -
Yellow-leafed Gastrolobium Gastrolobium luteifolium None None Critically Endangered - - - -
Yellowjacket Corymbia leptoloma None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Ziebell's Handfish, Waterfall Bay Handfish Brachiopsilus ziebelli None None Vulnerable - - - -
Zig Zag Grevillea Grevillea flexuosa None None Vulnerable - - - -
a beetle Cormodes darwini None None Critically Endangered - - - -
a beetle Promethis sterrha None None Critically Endangered - - - -
a green alga Lychnothamnus barbatus None None Endangered - - - -
a green alga Nitella parooensis None None Critically Endangered - - - -
a land snail Semotrachia euzyga None None Endangered - - - -
a short-tongued bee Leioproctus douglasiellus None None Critically Endangered - - - -
a tree-fern Cyathea exilis None None Endangered - - - -
an orchid Dendrobium carronii None Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
an orchid Dienia lawleri None None Endangered - - - -
chittering Myrtle Hypocalymma sylvestre None None Endangered - - - -
cycad Macrozamia lomandroides None Endangered Endangered - - - -
cycad Macrozamia platyrhachis None Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Lagostrophus fasciatus baudinettei 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
None Petrogale lateralis pearsoni 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
None Bettongia gaimardi cuniculus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
None Dasyurus geoffroii fortis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Dasyurus geoffroii geoffroii 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
None Myrmecobius fasciatus fasciatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Myrmecobius fasciatus rufus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Arnhemland Bandicoot Isoodon auratus arnhemensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Black-footed Rock-wallaby Petrogale lateralis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Boodie, Burrowing Bettong (Barrow and Boodie Islands) Bettongia lesueur Barrow and Boodie Islands subspecies 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Broad-toothed Rat (mainland), Tooarrana Mastacomys fuscus mordicus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Cape York Rock-wallaby Petrogale coenensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Carpentarian Rock-rat Zyzomys palatalis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Central Rock-rat Zyzomys pedunculatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Gilbert's Potoroo Potorous gilbertii 50-5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Godman's Rock-wallaby Petrogale godmani 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Golden Bandicoot Isoodon auratus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Heath Rat Pseudomys shortridgei 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Dunnart Sminthopsis fuliginosa aitkeni 50-5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus multiaculeatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Long-footed Potoroo Potorous longipes 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Mareeba Rock-wallaby Petrogale mareeba 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Masked White-tailed Rat, Thornton Peak Uromys Uromys hadrourus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Nabarlek Petrogale concinna 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Nabarlek (Kimberley) Petrogale concinna monastria 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Nabarlek (Top End) Petrogale concinna canescens 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Nabarlek (Victoria River District) Petrogale concinna concinna 50-5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Parma Wallaby Notamacropus parma 50-5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Quokka Setonix brachyurus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Recherche Rock-wallaby Petrogale lateralis hacketti 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Rufous Hare-wallaby Lagorchestes hirsutus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Southern Brown Bandicoot (Nuyts Archipelago) Isoodon obesulus nauticus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Spectacled Hare-wallaby (Barrow Island) Lagorchestes conspicillatus conspicillatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Swamp Antechinus (mainland) Antechinus minimus maritimus 50-5000g,Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
West Kimberley Rock-wallaby, Wiliji Petrogale lateralis kimberleyensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Phascogale tapoatafa tapoatafa 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
None Phascogale tapoatafa wambenger 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
Black-footed Tree-rat Mesembriomys gouldii 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable None - - - -
Daintree River Ringtail Possum Pseudochirulus cinereus 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
Green Ringtail Possum Pseudochirops archeri 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
Kimberley brush-tailed phascogale, Brush-tailed Phascogale (Kimberley) Phascogale tapoatafa kimberleyensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Lemuroid Ringtail Possum Hemibelideus lemuroides 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
Northern Brush-tailed Phascogale Phascogale pirata 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Brushtail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula arnhemensis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Scaly-tailed Possum Wyulda squamicaudata 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
None Pteropus conspicillatus conspicillatus 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Endangered Endangered - - - -
Ghost Bat Macroderma gigas 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Mahogany Glider Petaurus gracilis 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant Endangered Endangered - - - -
Northern Greater Glider Petauroides minor 50-5000g,Terrestrial:Volant None Vulnerable - - - -
Butler's Dunnart Sminthopsis butleri <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Christmas Island Shrew Crocidura trichura <50g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Delicate Mouse Pseudomys delicatulus <50g,Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Fawn Hopping-mouse Notomys cervinus <50g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Kakadu Dunnart Sminthopsis bindi <50g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Northern Hopping-mouse Notomys aquilo <50g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Sandhill Dunnart Sminthopsis psammophila <50g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Western Mouse Pseudomys occidentalis <50g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Arnhem Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros inornatus <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Bare-rumped Sheath-tailed Bat, Bare-rumped Sheathtail Bat Saccolaimus saccolaimus nudicluniatus <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Cape York Sheath-tailed Bat, Papuan Sheathtail-bat Saccolaimus mixtus <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened None - - - -
Coastal Sheathtail-bat, North-eastern Sheathtail-bat Taphozous australis <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened None - - - -
Corben's Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus corbeni <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Eastern False Pipistrelle, Eastern Falsistrelle Falsistrellus tasmaniensis <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable None - - - -
Eastern Freetail-bat, Eastern Little Mastiff-bat Micronomus norfolkensis <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened None - - - -
Golden Horseshoe Bat, Orange Horseshoe Bat, Orange Leaf-nosed Bat Rhinonicteris aurantia <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Golden-tipped Bat Phoniscus papuensis <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable None - - - -
Hairy-nosed Freetail-bat Setirostris eleryi <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened None - - - -
Large-eared Horseshoe Bat, Greater Large-eared Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus robertsi <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros stenotis <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable None - - - -
Semon's Leaf-nosed Bat Hipposideros semoni <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Bent-winged Bat Miniopterus orianae bassanii <50g,Terrestrial:Volant None Critically Endangered - - - -
Tasmanian Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus sherrini <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Vulnerable None - - - -
Western False Pipistrelle, Western Falsistrelle Falsistrellus mackenziei <50g,Terrestrial:Volant Near Threatened None - - - -
None Balaenoptera musculus intermedia >5000g,Marine Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Balaenoptera musculus musculus >5000g,Marine Endangered Endangered - - - -
Antarctic Minke Whale Balaenoptera bonaerensis >5000g,Marine Near Threatened None - - - -
Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus >5000g,Marine Endangered Endangered - - - -
False Killer Whale Pseudorca crassidens >5000g,Marine Near Threatened None - - - -
Fin Whale Balaenoptera physalus >5000g,Marine Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Long-beaked Bottle-nosed Dolphin Tursiops aduncus >5000g,Marine Near Threatened None - - - -
Sei Whale Balaenoptera borealis >5000g,Marine Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus >5000g,Marine Vulnerable None - - - -
None Lasiorhinus krefftii barnardi >5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
None Lasiorhinus krefftii gillespiei >5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
None Petrogale purpureicollis >5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
None Lasiorhinus krefftii krefftii >5000g,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Barrow Island Wallaroo, Barrow Island Euro Osphranter robustus isabellinus >5000g,Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Black Wallaroo Osphranter bernardus >5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby Petrogale penicillata >5000g,Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Proserpine Rock-wallaby Petrogale persephone >5000g,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat Lasiorhinus latifrons >5000g,Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
None Phascolarctos cinereus adustus >5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Phascolarctos cinereus cinereus >5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
None Phascolarctos cinereus victor >5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Bennett's Tree-kangaroo Dendrolagus bennettianus >5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
Lumholtz's Tree-kangaroo Dendrolagus lumholtzi >5000g,Terrestrial:Arboreal Near Threatened None - - - -
Davies' Tree Frog Litoria daviesae Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
New England Tree Frog Litoria subglandulosa Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Barred Frog Mixophyes balbus Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Peppered Tree Frog Litoria piperata Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding None Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Heath Frog Litoria littlejohni Chytrid impacted,Stream breeding,Wetland breeding Endangered Endangered - - - -
Northern Bell Frog Litoria raniformis raniformis Chytrid impacted,Wetland breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Bell Frog Litoria raniformis major Chytrid impacted,Wetland breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Yellow-spotted Bell Frog Litoria castanea Chytrid impacted,Wetland breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Melville Range Tree Frog Litoria andiirrmalin Chytrid non-impacted,Stream breeding Vulnerable None - - - -
Beautiful Nursery Frog Cophixalus concinnus Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Bellenden Ker Nursery Frog Cophixalus neglectus Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Hip-pocket Frog Assa darlingtoni Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Hosmer's Nursery Frog Cophixalus hosmeri Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Magnificent Brood Frog Pseudophryne covacevichae Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Masked Mountain Frog Philoria loveridgei Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered None - - - -
Mountaintop Nursery Frog Cophixalus monticola Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Mt Elliot Nursery Frog Cophixalus mcdonaldi Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Mt Wollumbin Hip-pocket Frog Assa wollumbin Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Pugh's Mountain Frog Philoria pughi Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered Endangered - - - -
Red-crowned Toadlet Pseudophryne australis Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Near Threatened None - - - -
Sphagnum Frog Philoria sphagnicolus Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Tapping Nursery Frog Cophixalus aenigma Chytrid non-impacted,Terrestrial breeding Endangered Endangered - - - -
Cooloola Sedge Frog Litoria cooloolensis Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Near Threatened None - - - -
Giant Burrowing Frog Heleioporus australiacus australiacus Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Howard Springs Toadlet Uperoleia daviesae Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Mahony's Toadlet Uperoleia mahonyi Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered Endangered - - - -
Martin's Toadlet Uperoleia martini Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Northern Flinders Ranges Froglet Crinia flindersensis Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Near Threatened None - - - -
Sloane's Froglet Crinia sloanei Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered Endangered - - - -
Southern Flinders Ranges Froglet Crinia riparia Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Endangered None - - - -
Tasmanian Froglet Crinia tasmaniensis Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Near Threatened None - - - -
Tyler's Toadlet Uperoleia tyleri Chytrid non-impacted,Wetland breeding Near Threatened None - - - -
a cycad Cycas cairnsiana Cycad Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
a cycad Cycas platyphylla Cycad Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
a fern Lastreopsis walleri Fern None Vulnerable - - - -
fern Pneumatopteris truncata Fern None Critically Endangered - - - -
Bellinger River Saw-Shelled Turtle Myuchelys georgesi Freshwater None Critically Endangered - - - -
Pig-nosed Turtle Carettochelys insculpta Freshwater,Marine,Terrestrial Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Blue Mountains Water Skink Eulamprus leuraensis Freshwater,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Fitzroy River Turtle Rheodytes leukops Freshwater,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Grey Snake Hemiaspis damelii Freshwater,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Gulf Snapping Turtle Elseya lavarackorum Freshwater,Terrestrial None Endangered - - - -
Mary River Turtle Elusor macrurus Freshwater,Terrestrial Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Mertens's Water Goanna Varanus mertensi Freshwater,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Mitchell's Water Goanna Varanus mitchelli Freshwater,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Northern Snow Skink Carinascincus greeni Freshwater,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Swamp Skink Lissolepis coventryi Freshwater,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Western Saw-shelled Turtle Myuchelys bellii Freshwater,Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Western Swamp Turtle Pseudemydura umbrina Freshwater,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
White-throated Snapping Turtle Elseya albagula Freshwater,Terrestrial None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Lachnagrostis adamsonii subsp. adamsonii Grass None Endangered - - - -
None Lachnagrostis adamsonii subsp. ampla Grass None Endangered - - - -
None Lachnagrostis adamsonii subsp. limosa Grass None Endangered - - - -
None Deyeuxia appressa Grass None Endangered - - - -
Adamson's Blown-grass, Adamson's Blowngrass Lachnagrostis adamsonii Grass None Endangered - - - -
Drummond's Grass, Drummond Grass Deyeuxia drummondii Grass None Endangered - - - -
Narrow-leaf Bent-grass Deyeuxia pungens Grass None Vulnerable - - - -
River Swamp Wallaby-grass, Floating Swamp Wallaby-grass Amphibromus fluitans Grass None Vulnerable - - - -
Salt-lake Tussock-grass Poa sallacustris Grass None Vulnerable - - - -
Spalding Blown Grass, Spalding Blowngrass Lachnagrostis limitanea Grass None Endangered - - - -
a grass Paspalidium grandispiculatum Grass None Vulnerable - - - -
a grass Sporobolus pamelae Grass None Endangered - - - -
bluegrass Dichanthium setosum Grass None Vulnerable - - - -
None Eriocaulon carsonii subsp. carsonii Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
None Eriocaulon carsonii subsp. orientale Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
None Myriophyllum coronatum Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
None Lobelia gelida Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Austral Pipewort, Southern Pipewort Eriocaulon australasicum Herbaceous Endangered Endangered - - - -
Basalt Pepper-cress, Peppercress, Rubble Pepper-cress, Pepperweed Lepidium hyssopifolium Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Bogong Eyebright Euphrasia eichleri Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Chiddarcooping Myriophyllum Myriophyllum lapidicola Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Clover Glycine, Purple Clover Glycine latrobeana Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Coast Dandelion, Native Dandelion Taraxacum cygnorum Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Delicate Cress, Illawarra Irene Irenepharsus trypherus Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Dwarf Yellow-heads Trichanthodium baracchianum Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Erect Pepper-cress Lepidium pseudopapillosum Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Hoary Sunray, Grassland Paper-daisy Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Mueller Daisy Brachyscome muelleroides Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Osborn's Eyebright Euphrasia collina subsp. osbornii Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Purple Eyebright, Mueller's Eyebright Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Ridged Water-milfoil Myriophyllum porcatum Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Shining Cudweed Argyrotegium nitidulum Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Swamp Fireweed, Smooth-fruited Groundsel Senecio psilocarpus Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Tall Astelia Astelia australiana Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
Wandering Pepper-cress Lepidium peregrinum Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Winged Pepper-cress Lepidium monoplocoides Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
a creeper, Clematis Clematis dubia Herbaceous None Critically Endangered - - - -
a daisy Senecio australis Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
a daisy Senecio evansianus Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
a daisy Senecio hooglandii Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
a herb Euphorbia obliqua Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
a herb Typhonium jonesii Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
a herb Typhonium mirabile Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
a sedge Eleocharis retroflexa Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
a spike rush Eleocharis obicis Herbaceous None Vulnerable - - - -
a triggerplant Stylidium ensatum Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
an aquatic herb Aponogeton prolifer Herbaceous None Endangered - - - -
Dusky Sea Snake Aipysurus fuscus Marine Endangered Endangered - - - -
Flatback Turtle Natator depressus Marine None Vulnerable - - - -
Heard Island Black-faced Sheathbill Chionis minor nasicornis Marine None None - - - -
Heard Island Imperial Shag Leucocarbo atriceps nivalis Marine Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Leaf-scaled Sea Snake Aipysurus foliosquama Marine None Critically Endangered - - - -
Macquarie Island Imperial Shag Leucocarbo atriceps purpurascens Marine Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Pacific Sea Snake Hydrophis pacificus Marine Near Threatened None - - - -
Short-nosed Sea Snake Aipysurus apraefrontalis Marine None Critically Endangered - - - -
Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas Marine,Terrestrial Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Hawkesbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata Marine,Terrestrial Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Leatherback Turtle Dermochelys coriacea Marine,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta caretta Marine,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Olive Ridley Turtle Lepidochelys olivacea Marine,Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Amsterdam Albatross Diomedea amsterdamensis Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels None Endangered - - - -
Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche chlororhynchos Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered None - - - -
Buller's Albatross Thalassarche bulleri Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Campbell Albatross Thalassarche impavida Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Chatham Albatross Thalassarche eremita Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Eastern Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis antipodensis Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Gibson's Albatross Diomedea antipodensis gibsoni Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche carteri Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened None - - - -
Northern Buller's Albatross Thalassarche bulleri platei Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Royal Albatross Diomedea sanfordi Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Endangered - - - -
Salvin's Albatross Thalassarche salvini Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Buller's Albatross Thalassarche bulleri bulleri Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Southern Royal Albatross Diomedea epomophora Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels None Endangered - - - -
White-capped Albatross Thalassarche steadi Marine:Albatrosses and Giant-Petrels Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Fairy Tern Sternula nereis Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Vulnerable None - - - -
Furneaux White-fronted Tern Sterna striata incerta Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Near Threatened None - - - -
Indian Ocean Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata vittata Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Indo-Pacific Little Tern Sternula albifrons sinensis Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Least Concern None - - - -
New Caledonian Fairy Tern Sternula nereis exsul Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Vulnerable None - - - -
New Zealand Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata bethunei Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Least Concern Endangered - - - -
New Zealand White-fronted Tern Sterna striata striata Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Near Threatened None - - - -
Tasman Little Tern Sternula albifrons placens Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Least Concern None - - - -
White-fronted Tern Sterna striata Marine:Gulls Terns Noddies Skuas Jaegers Near Threatened None - - - -
Eastern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome filholi Marine:Penguins Vulnerable None - - - -
Erect-crested Penguin Eudyptes sclateri Marine:Penguins Endangered None - - - -
Fiordland Penguin Eudyptes pachyrhynchus Marine:Penguins Near Threatened None - - - -
Macaroni Penguin Eudyptes chrysolophus Marine:Penguins Vulnerable None - - - -
Snares Penguin Eudyptes robustus Marine:Penguins Vulnerable None - - - -
South American Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome Marine:Penguins Vulnerable None - - - -
Southern Rockhopper Penguin Eudyptes chrysocome Marine:Penguins Vulnerable None - - - -
Subantarctic Gentoo Penguin Pygoscelis papua papua Marine:Penguins Least Concern None - - - -
Barau's Petrel Pterodroma baraui Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Endangered None - - - -
Black Petrel Procellaria parkinsoni Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Blue Petrel Halobaena caerulea Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Buller's Shearwater Ardenna bulleri Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Collared Petrel Pterodroma brevipes Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Cook's Petrel Pterodroma cookii Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Herald Petrel Pterodroma heraldica Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Hutton's Shearwater Puffinus huttoni Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Endangered None - - - -
Jouanin's Petrel Bulweria fallax Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
Juan Fernandez Petrel Pterodroma externa Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Leach's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates leucorhous Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates matsudairae Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
New Caledonian Gould's Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera caledonica Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
New Caledonian Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata trouessarti Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
New Zealand Storm-Petrel Fregetta maoriana Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Critically Endangered None - - - -
Newell's Shearwater Puffinus newelli Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Critically Endangered None - - - -
Pacific Leach's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates leucorhous leucorhous Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Pacific Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata rostrata Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
Pink-footed Shearwater Ardenna creatopus Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Soft-plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates monorhis Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Near Threatened None - - - -
Tasman White-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta grallaria grallaria Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Vanuatu Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis occulta Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Endangered None - - - -
Whenua Hou Diving-Petrel Pelecanoides whenuahouensis Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters None None - - - -
White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
White-necked Petrel Pterodroma cervicalis Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
White-necked Petrel (subspecies) Pterodroma cervicalis cervicalis Marine:Petrels and Shearwaters Vulnerable None - - - -
Christmas Island Frigatebird Fregata andrewsi Marine:Tropicbirds Frigatebirds Gannets Boobies Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Christmas Island White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus fulvus Marine:Tropicbirds Frigatebirds Gannets Boobies Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Indian Ocean Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda westralis Marine:Tropicbirds Frigatebirds Gannets Boobies Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Indian Ocean White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus lepturus Marine:Tropicbirds Frigatebirds Gannets Boobies Least Concern None - - - -
None Pterostylis bicornis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
None Caladenia cruciformis Orchid Endangered None - - - -
None Callistemon pungens Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
None Callistemon pungens subsp. fletcheri Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
None Callistemon pungens subsp. pungens Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
None Callistemon pungens subsp. synoriensis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
None Corunastylis sp. Charmhaven (NSW 896673) Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Corunastylis tecta Orchid None Endangered - - - -
None Caladenia granitora Orchid Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Diuris eborensis Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Arthur River Greenhood Pterostylis rubenachii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Bago Leek-orchid Prasophyllum bagoense Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Ballerina Orchid, Ballerina Spider Orchid Caladenia melanema Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Ben Lomond Leek-orchid Prasophyllum stellatum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Betka Bottlebrush Callistemon kenmorrisonii Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Black-clubbed Spider-orchid Caladenia atroclavia Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Black-tipped Spider-orchid Caladenia anthracina Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Blue Star Sun-orchid Thelymitra hygrophila Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Blue Top Sun-orchid, Dark-tipped Sun-orchid Thelymitra cyanapicata Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Blue-tongued Orchid, Kiandra Greenhood Pterostylis oreophila Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Botany Bay Bearded Greenhood, Botany Bay Bearded Orchid Pterostylis sp. Botany Bay (A.Bishop J221/1-13) Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Brandy Marys Leek-orchid Prasophyllum innubum Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Brilliant Sun-orchid Thelymitra mackibbinii Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Bussell's Spider-orchid Caladenia busselliana Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Candy Spider-orchid Caladenia versicolor Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Cape Spider-orchid Caladenia caesarea subsp. maritima Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Carbunup King Spider Orchid Caladenia procera Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Cardwell Beard Orchid Calochilus psednus Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Charming Spider-orchid Caladenia amoena Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Chestnut Leek-orchid Prasophyllum castaneum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Christine's Spider Orchid Caladenia christineae Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Cinnamon Sun Orchid Thelymitra dedmaniarum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Coast Spider-orchid Caladenia conferta Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Coastal Leek Orchid Prasophyllum litorale Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Collie Spider Orchid Caladenia leucochila Orchid Endangered Endangered - - - -
Cossack Spider-orchid Caladenia dorrienii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Crimson Spider-orchid, Maroon Spider-orchid Caladenia concolor Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Dainty Leek-orchid Prasophyllum amoenum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Dense Leek-orchid Prasophyllum spicatum Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Desert Greenhood Pterostylis xerophila Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Don's Spider Orchid, Beady Spider Orchid Caladenia cremna Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Dunsborough Spider-orchid Caladenia viridescens Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Duramana Fingers Caladenia attenuata Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Dwarf Bee-orchid Diuris micrantha Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Spider-orchid Caladenia bryceana subsp. bryceana Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Dwarf Spider-orchid Caladenia pumila Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
East Lynne Midge-orchid Corunastylis vernalis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Eastern Spider Orchid Caladenia orientalis Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Elegant Spider-orchid Caladenia elegans Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Elegant Spider-orchid, Blood-red Spider-orchid Caladenia formosa Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Enigmatic Greenhood Pterostylis x aenigma Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Firth's Midge-orchid Corunastylis firthii Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Fleshy Greenhood Pterostylis wapstrarum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Floodplain Rustyhood Pterostylis cheraphila Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Forest Fingers Caladenia sylvicola Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Forrester's Bottlebrush Callistemon forresterae Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Frankston Spider-orchid Caladenia robinsonii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
French Island Spider-orchid Caladenia insularis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Fringed Spider-orchid Caladenia thysanochila Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Gaping Leek-orchid Prasophyllum correctum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Giant Spider-orchid Caladenia excelsa Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Goldsack's Leek-orchid Prasophyllum goldsackii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Golfers Leek-orchid Prasophyllum incorrectum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Gorae Leek-orchid Prasophyllum diversiflorum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Grassland Greenhood, Cape Portland Greenhood Pterostylis ziegeleri Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Graveside Leek-orchid Prasophyllum taphanyx Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Green-striped Greenhood Pterostylis chlorogramma Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Greencomb Spider-orchid, Rigid Spider-orchid Caladenia tensa Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Hale Dwarf Greenhood Pterostylis sp. Hale (R.Bates 21725) Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Harrington's Spider-orchid, Pink Spider-orchid Caladenia harringtoniae Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Hindmarsh Valley Greenhood Pterostylis bryophila Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Hinged Dragon Orchid Caladenia drakeoides Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Hoffman's Spider-orchid Caladenia hoffmanii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Kalbarri Spider-orchid Caladenia wanosa Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaloon Sun Orchid Thelymitra kangaloonica Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kelton's Leek-orchid Prasophyllum keltonii Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Kilsyth South Spider-orchid Caladenia sp. Kilsyth South (G.S.Lorimer 1253) Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
King Spider-orchid, Grand Spider-orchid, Rusty Spider-orchid Caladenia huegelii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Knocklofty Leek-orchid Prasophyllum perangustum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Lax Leek Orchid Prasophyllum laxum Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Leafless Tongue-orchid Cryptostylis hunteriana Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Lemon Spider Orchid Caladenia luteola Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Liawenee Greenhood Pterostylis pratensis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Limestone Spider-orchid Caladenia calcicola Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Lindley's Spider-orchid Caladenia lindleyana Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Little Dip Spider-orchid Caladenia richardsiorum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Lodge's Spider-orchid Caladenia lodgeana Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Majestic Spider-orchid Caladenia winfieldii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Marsh Leek-orchid Prasophyllum limnetes Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
McIvor Spider-orchid, Audas' Spider-orchid Caladenia audasii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Megalong Valley Bottlebrush Callistemon megalongensis Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Melblom's Spider-orchid Caladenia hastata Orchid Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Midland Greenhood Pterostylis commutata Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Mignonette Leek-orchid, Cobungra Leek-orchid, Dense Leek-orchid Prasophyllum morganii Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Milford Leek-orchid Prasophyllum milfordense Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Newcastle Doubletail Diuris praecox Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Nodding Rufoushood Pterostylis mirabilis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Northampton Midget Greenhood, Western Swan Greenhood Pterostylis sinuata Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Northern Dwarf Spider-orchid Caladenia bryceana subsp. cracens Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Northern Leek-orchid Prasophyllum secutum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Ornate Pink Fingers Caladenia ornata Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Pambula Midge-orchid, Rhyolite Midge Orchid Corunastylis rhyolitica Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Plumed Midge-orchid, Tallong Midge Orchid Corunastylis plumosa Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Pomonal Leek-orchid Prasophyllum subbisectum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Pretty Greenhood Pterostylis pulchella Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Pungent Leek-orchid Prasophyllum olidum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Purdie's Donkey-orchid Diuris purdiei Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Quindanning Spider Orchid, Boddington Spider Orchid Caladenia hopperiana Orchid Endangered Endangered - - - -
Robust Fingers Caladenia tonellii Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Robust Greenhood Pterostylis valida Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Robust Leek-orchid Prasophyllum robustum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Rosella Spider-orchid, Little Pink Spider-orchid Caladenia rosella Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Rosy Spider Orchid, Pale Spider-orchid, Summer Spider-orchid Caladenia pallida Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Sagg Spider-orchid Caladenia saggicola Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Sand-hill Spider-orchid Caladenia arenaria Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Sandplain Sun-orchid Thelymitra psammophila Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Shelley Leek Orchid Prasophyllum uvidulum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Short-spiked Midge-orchid, Rocky Cape Midge Orchid Corunastylis brachystachya Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Sky-blue Sun-orchid Thelymitra jonesii Orchid Endangered Endangered - - - -
Small Dragon Orchid, Common Dragon Orchid Caladenia barbarella Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Small Golden Moths Orchid, Early Golden Moths Diuris basaltica Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Small Snake Orchid, Two-leaved Golden Moths, Golden Moths, Cowslip Orchid, Snake Orchid Diuris pedunculata Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Snake Orchid Diuris lanceolata Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Spiral Sun-orchid Thelymitra matthewsii Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Star Sun-orchid Thelymitra stellata Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Sturdy Leek-orchid, Mount Remarkable Leek-orchid Prasophyllum validum Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Sunshine Diuris, Fragrant Doubletail, White Diuris Diuris fragrantissima Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Swamp Greenhood, Dainty Swamp Orchid Pterostylis tenuissima Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Sydney Plains Greenhood Pterostylis saxicola Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Tall Donkey Orchid Diuris drummondii Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Tapered Leek-orchid Prasophyllum apoxychilum Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Tawny Leek-orchid, Slaty Leek-orchid Prasophyllum fuscum Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Tawny Spider-orchid Caladenia fulva Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Thick-stem Caladenia, Thick-stem Fairy Fingers Caladenia campbellii Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Three Hummock Leek-orchid Prasophyllum atratum Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Tunbridge Leek-orchid Prasophyllum tunbridgense Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Tuncurry Midge Orchid Corunastylis littoralis Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Veined Doubletail, Goat Orchid, Veined Donkey-orchid Diuris venosa Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Wallum Leek-orchid Prasophyllum wallum Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Western Leek-orchid Prasophyllum favonium Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
White Lace Orchid Eria paleata Orchid None Endangered - - - -
White Rabbits, Flinders Ranges White Caladenia Caladenia xantholeuca Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Williams Spider Orchid Caladenia williamsiae Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Wimmera Bottlebrush Callistemon wimmerensis Orchid None Critically Endangered - - - -
Wimmera Spider-orchid Caladenia lowanensis Orchid None Endangered - - - -
Windswept Spider-orchid Caladenia dienema Orchid Endangered Endangered - - - -
Winter Spider-orchid Caladenia brumalis Orchid None Vulnerable - - - -
Wyong Midge Orchid 1, Variable Midge Orchid 1 Corunastylis insignis Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Wyong Sun Orchid Thelymitra adorata Orchid Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
an orchid Dendrobium nindii Orchid Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Anadyr Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica anadyrensis Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None - - - -
Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None - - - -
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None - - - -
Double-banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None - - - -
Eastern Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa melanuroides Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Eastern Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii leschenaultii Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Eastern Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola squatarola Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None - - - -
Kamchatkan Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus stegmanni Shoreline (migratory) Endangered Endangered - - - -
Latham's Snipe Gallinago hardwickii Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Mongolian Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus mongolus Shoreline (migratory) Endangered Endangered - - - -
New Siberian Islands Red Knot Calidris canutus piersmai Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
New Zealand Double-banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened None - - - -
North-eastern Siberian Red Knot Calidris canutus rogersi Shoreline (migratory) Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Palaearctic Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres interpres Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Wrangel Island Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola tomkovichi Shoreline (migratory) Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Beach Stone-curlew Esacus magnirostris Shoreline (resident) Near Threatened None - - - -
Eastern Hooded Plover Thinornis cucullatus cucullatus Shoreline (resident) Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Hooded Plover Thinornis cucullatus Shoreline (resident) Vulnerable None - - - -
Western Hooded Plover Thinornis cucullatus tregellasi Shoreline (resident) Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea ilicifolia Shrub Vulnerable None - - - -
None Grevillea obtusiflora subsp. fecunda Shrub Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea obtusiflora subsp. obtusiflora Shrub Endangered Endangered - - - -
None Grevillea steiglitziana Shrub Near Threatened None - - - -
None Hakea nodosa Shrub Vulnerable None - - - -
None Hakea rostrata Shrub Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea rugosa Shrub Endangered None - - - -
None Hakea tephrosperma Shrub Endangered None - - - -
None Hibbertia tenuis Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Isopogon ceratophyllus Shrub Endangered None - - - -
None Isopogon prostratus Shrub Near Threatened None - - - -
None Acacia meiantha Shrub None Endangered - - - -
None Leionema westonii Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
None Acacia ausfeldii Shrub Near Threatened None - - - -
None Almaleea capitata Shrub Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia rigida Shrub Vulnerable None - - - -
None Platylobium alternifolium Shrub Endangered None - - - -
None Xerothamnella herbacea Shrub None Endangered - - - -
None Acacia nanodealbata Shrub Endangered None - - - -
None Dodonaea procumbens x Dodonaea viscosa Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Aniseed Boronia, Galbraith's Boronia Boronia galbraithiae Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Bead Glasswort, Bead Samphire Tecticornia flabelliformis Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Chariot Wheels Maireana cheelii Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Colquhoun Grevillea, Nowa Nowa Grevillea Grevillea celata Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Downy Star-bush Asterolasia phebalioides Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Drooping Grevillea, Ben Major Grevillea Grevillea floripendula Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Dwarf Kerrawang Commersonia prostrata Shrub None Endangered - - - -
Enfield Grevillea Grevillea bedggoodiana Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Fern-leaf Baeckea Sannantha crenulata Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Grampians Rice-flower Pimelea pagophila Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Hairy-pod Wattle Acacia glandulicarpa Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Hill Zieria, Hilly Zieria, Illawarra Zieria Zieria granulata Shrub None Endangered - - - -
Kamballup Dryandra Banksia ionthocarpa Shrub Endangered Endangered - - - -
Kelleria Kelleria bogongensis Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Kowmung Hakea Hakea dohertyi Shrub Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Leafy Nematolepis Nematolepis frondosa Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
Marble Daisy-bush Olearia astroloba Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Mount Compass Oak-bush Allocasuarina robusta Shrub None Endangered - - - -
Phantom Wattle Acacia phasmoides Shrub Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Plains Rice-flower, Spiny Rice-flower, Prickly Pimelea Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
Round-leaf Pomaderris Pomaderris vacciniifolia Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
Rufous Pomaderris, Brown Pomaderris Pomaderris brunnea Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Shiny Nematolepis Nematolepis wilsonii Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Snowy River Westringia Westringia cremnophila Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
Trailing Hop-bush Dodonaea procumbens Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Turnip Copperburr Sclerolaena napiformis Shrub None Endangered - - - -
Velvety Spiral Pod Wattle Acacia cochlocarpa subsp. velutinosa Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
Whipstick Westringia Westringia crassifolia Shrub None Endangered - - - -
Williamsons Bush-pea Pultenaea williamsoniana Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
Wrinkled Cassinia, Wrinkled Dollybush Cassinia rugata Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a bottlebrush Callistemon purpurascens Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
a mint-bush Prostanthera staurophylla Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
a shrub Acacia praetermissa Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Acacia unguicula Shrub Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
a shrub Hibiscus brennanii Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Homoranthus decumbens Shrub None Endangered - - - -
a shrub Kardomia granitica Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Sannantha tozerensis Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Xylopia monosperma Shrub None Endangered - - - -
a shrub Grevillea corrugata Shrub Endangered Endangered - - - -
a shrub Bertya calycina Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Bertya granitica Shrub None Endangered - - - -
a shrub Bertya ingramii Shrub None Endangered - - - -
a shrub Bertya pinifolia Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Boronia quadrilata Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Boronia viridiflora Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
a shrub Acacia equisetifolia Shrub None Critically Endangered - - - -
a shrub Cyclophyllum costatum Shrub None Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus camphora subsp. humeana Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus cladocalyx Shrub,Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus dumosa Shrub,Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leptophylla Shrub,Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus oleosa Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus oleosa subsp. oleosa Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus socialis Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus socialis subsp. socialis Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Lambertia orbifolia subsp. Scott River Plains (L.W.Sage 684) Shrub,Tree None Endangered - - - -
None Persoonia chamaepeuce Shrub,Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Acacia howittii Shrub,Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
Roundleaf Honeysuckle Lambertia orbifolia Shrub,Tree None Endangered - - - -
None Zaglossus bruijnii Terrestrial Critically Endangered None - - - -
Ajana Ctenotus Ctenotus alleni Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Alpine Bog Skink Pseudemoia cryodroma Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Alpine She-oak Skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Arafura Snake-eye Skink Cryptoblepharus gurrmul Terrestrial None Endangered - - - -
Arcadia Velvet Gecko Oedura lineata Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Arnhem Land Gorges Skink Bellatorias obiri Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Arnhem Phasmid Gecko Strophurus horneri Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Atherton Delma Delma mitella Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Atherton Scrubwren Sericornis keri Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Barkly Death Adder Acanthophis hawkei Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Barrier Range Dragon Ctenophorus mirrityana Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Bartle Frere Bar-sided Skink Concinnia frerei Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Bartle Frere Skink Techmarscincus jigurru Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Black-striped Burrowing Snake Neelaps calonotos Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Blue-winged Parrot Neophema chrysostoma Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Bold-striped Slider Lerista christinae Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Bower's Shrike-thrush Colluricincla boweri Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Broad-headed Snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Bronzeback Ophidiocephalus taeniatus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Bulburin Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus caudiannulatus Terrestrial Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Cape Melville Leaf-tailed Gecko Saltuarius eximius Terrestrial Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Cape Melville Rainbow-skink Carlia wundalthini Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Cape Melville Shadeskink Saproscincus saltus Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Cape Range Rufous Grasswren Amytornis striatus parvus Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Cape Range Stone Gecko Diplodactylus capensis Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Cape York Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae galei Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Capricorn Glossy Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami erebus Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Chestnut-breasted Whiteface Aphelocephala pectoralis Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Christmas Island Bent-toed Gecko Cyrtodactylus sadleiri Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Christmas Island Blind Snake Ramphotyphlops exocoeti Terrestrial Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Christmas Island Snake-eye Skink Cryptoblepharus egeriae Terrestrial None Critically Endangered - - - -
Coastal Plains Ctenotus Ctenotus ora Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Collared Delma Delma torquata Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Condamine Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis condaminensis Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Corangamite Water Skink Eulamprus tympanum marnieae Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Dotty-tailed Robust Slider Lerista puncticauda Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Dunmall's Snake Furina dunmalli Terrestrial None Vulnerable - - - -
Dusky Robin Melanodryas vittata Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Eared Worm-lizard Aprasia aurita Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Eastern Bristlebird Dasyornis brachypterus Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Eastern White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus caudacutus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Eungella Brown Gerygone Gerygone mouki amalia Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Eungella Honeyeater Bolemoreus hindwoodi Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Eungella White-throated Treecreeper Cormobates leucophaea intermedia Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Eyre Peninsula Southern Emu-wren Stipiturus malachurus parimeda Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Fassifern Blind Snake Anilios insperatus Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Fernwren Oreoscopus gutturalis Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Flinders Adelaide Rosella Platycercus elegans subadelaidae Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Flinders Worm-lizard Aprasia pseudopulchella Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Gilled Slender Bluetongue Cyclodomorphus branchialis Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Glossy Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Gnaraloo Mulch Slider Lerista haroldi Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Gnaraloo Worm-lizard Aprasia litorea Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Golden Bowerbird Prionodura newtoniana Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Granite Belt Thick-tailed Gecko Uvidicolus sphyrurus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Gravel-downs Ctenotus Ctenotus serotinus Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Great Desert Skink Liopholis kintorei Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Grey Falcon Falco hypoleucos Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Grey-headed Robin Heteromyias cinereifrons Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus Terrestrial Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Gulbaru Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus gulbaru Terrestrial Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Gurney's Eagle Aquila gurneyi Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Guthega Skink Liopholis guthega Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Hamelin Pool Ctenotus Ctenotus zastictus Terrestrial Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Hobson's Fine-lined Slider Lerista hobsoni Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Java Sparrow Lonchura oryzivora Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Jurien Bay Rock-skink Liopholis pulchra longicauda Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Kalkadoon Grasswren Amytornis ballarae Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla zietzi Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Brown-headed Honeyeater Melithreptus brevirostris magnirostris Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans melanopterus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island Grey Currawong Strepera versicolor halmaturina Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Little Wattlebird Anthochaera chrysoptera halmaturina Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island New Holland Honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae campbelli Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Purple-gaped Honeyeater Lichenostomus cratitius cratitius Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Red Wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata clelandi Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Shy Heathwren Calamanthus cautus halmaturinus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island Southern Emu-wren Stipiturus malachurus halmaturinus Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Spotted Scrubwren Sericornis frontalis ashbyi Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island Striated Thornbill Acanthiza lineata whitei Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Kangaroo Island Superb Fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus ashbyi Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Kangaroo Island White-eared Honeyeater Nesoptilotis leucotis thomasi Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Kaputar Rock Skink Egernia roomi Terrestrial None Critically Endangered - - - -
Kimberley Death Adder Acanthophis cryptamydros Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
King Island Dusky Robin Melanodryas vittata kingi Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Koumala Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus championae Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Kurnbudj Ctenotus Ctenotus kurnbudj Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Lake Disapoinment Gecko Diplodactylus fulleri Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Lake Disappointment Dragon Ctenophorus nguyarna Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Lancelin Ctenotus Ctenotus lancelini Terrestrial Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Leaden-bellied Fine-lined Slider Lerista vanderduysi Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Letter-winged Kite Elanus scriptus Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Limbless Fine-lined Slider Lerista ameles Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Lister's Gecko Lepidodactylus listeri Terrestrial None Critically Endangered - - - -
Little Treecreeper Cormobates leucophaea minor Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Lord Howe Island Gecko Christinus guentheri Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands Skink Oligosoma lichenigerum Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Lowland Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus sandlandi Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Lyon's Grassland Striped Skink Austroablepharus barrylyoni Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Lyre-patterned Slider Lerista chordae Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
McIlwraith Leaf-tailed Gecko Orraya occultus Terrestrial Vulnerable Critically Endangered - - - -
McIlwraith Range Lewin's Honeyeater Meliphaga lewinii amphochlora Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Montane Rock-skink Liopholis montana Terrestrial Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Mount Lofty Ranges Southern Emu-wren Stipiturus malachurus intermedius Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Mountain Skink Carinascincus orocryptus Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Mountain Thornbill Acanthiza katherina Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Mt Blackwood Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus isis Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Mt Elliot Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus amnicola Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Mt Surprise Slider Lerista storri Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Mukarrthippi Grasswren Amytornis striatus striatus Terrestrial Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Nangur Spiny Skink Nangura spinosa Terrestrial Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Ningaloo Worm-lizard Aprasia rostrata Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Noisy Scrub-bird Atrichornis clamosus Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
North West Cape Delma Delma tealei Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Northern Pilbara Tree Dragon Diporiphora vescus Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Northern Shrike-tit Falcunculus whitei Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Nubbinned Fine-lined Slider Lerista colliveri Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Oakview Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus kabikabi Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Oenpelli Python Nyctophilopython oenpelliensis Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Ornamental Snake Denisonia maculata Terrestrial None Vulnerable - - - -
Pedra Branca Skink Carinascincus palfreymani Terrestrial Vulnerable Critically Endangered - - - -
Perth Slider Lerista lineata Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Pilbara Four-lined Slider Lerista nevinae Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Pilbara Olive Python Liasis olivaceus barroni Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Pink-tailed Worm-lizard Aprasia parapulchella Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Pinnacles Leaf-tailed Gecko Phyllurus pinnaclensis Terrestrial Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Pygmy Bluetongue Tiliqua adelaidensis Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Quinkan Velvet Gecko Oedura jowalbinna Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Retro Slider Lerista allanae Terrestrial Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Rochford Slider Lerista rochfordensis Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Roebuck Bay Mangrove Snake Myron resetari Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Roma Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis wilsoni Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Samphire Thornbill Acanthiza iredalei rosinae Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Side-striped Fine-lined Slider Lerista vittata Terrestrial Critically Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Slater's Desert Skink Liopholis slateri slateri Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Southern Barking Owl Ninox connivens connivens Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Southern Snow Skink Carinascincus microlepidotus Terrestrial Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Southern Whiteface Aphelocephala leucopsis Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Spotted Sandplain Gecko Diplodactylus polyophthalmus Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Stephens' Banded Snake Hoplocephalus stephensii Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Striped Desert Skink Liopholis slateri virgata Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Striped Legless Lizard Delma impar Terrestrial Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Stuart's Ctenotus Ctenotus stuarti Terrestrial Endangered None - - - -
Tasmanian Azure Kingfisher Ceyx azureus diemenensis Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Tasmanian Dusky Robin Melanodryas vittata vittata Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Tasmanian Ground Parrot Pezoporus wallicus leachi Terrestrial Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Tasmanian Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae castanops Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagle Aquila audax fleayi Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Three-toed Snake-tooth Skink Coeranoscincus reticulatus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Tooth-billed Bowerbird Scenopoeetes dentirostris Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Upland Pilotbird Pycnoptilus floccosus floccosus Terrestrial Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Victoria's Riflebird Lophorina victoriae Terrestrial Vulnerable None - - - -
Victorian Grassland Earless Dragon Tympanocryptis pinguicolla Terrestrial Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Vine-thicket Fine-lined Slider Lerista cinerea Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Western Spiny-tailed Skink Egernia stokesii badia Terrestrial Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Western Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus indulkanna Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Wet Tropics Australian King-Parrot Alisterus scapularis minor Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Wet Tropics Brown Gerygone Gerygone mouki mouki Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Wet Tropics Eastern Whipbird Psophodes olivaceus lateralis Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Wet Tropics Large-billed Scrubwren Sericornis magnirostra viridior Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Wet Tropics Satin Bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus minor Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Yakka Skink Egernia rugosa Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Yellabinna Rufous Grasswren Amytornis striatus aenigma Terrestrial Least Concern None - - - -
Yellow-snouted Ground Gecko Lucasium occultum Terrestrial Endangered Endangered - - - -
Yinnietharra Rock Dragon Ctenophorus yinnietharra Terrestrial Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Yuna Broad-blazed Slider Lerista yuna Terrestrial Near Threatened None - - - -
Princess Parrot Polytelis alexandrae Terrestrial:Arid Woodland/ shrubland Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Forty-spotted Pardalote Pardalotus quadragintus Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Endangered Endangered - - - -
Regent Honeyeater Anthochaera phrygia Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
South-eastern Glossy Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami lathami Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus banksii graptogyne Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Southern Squatter Pigeon Geophaps scripta scripta Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Western Bassian Thrush Zoothera lunulata halmaturina Terrestrial:Dry sclerophyll woodland/forest Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Carpentarian Grasswren Amytornis dorotheae Terrestrial:Grassland Vulnerable Endangered - - - -
Cowarie Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus cowarie Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Eyre Peninsula Western Grasswren Amytornis textilis myall Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Flinders Ranges Short-tailed Grasswren Amytornis merrotsyi merrotsyi Terrestrial:Grassland Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Flinders Ranges Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus raglessi Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Gawler Ranges Short-tailed Grasswren Amytornis merrotsyi pedleri Terrestrial:Grassland Near Threatened Endangered - - - -
Grey Range Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus obscurior Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Lake Frome Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus curnamona Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Short-tailed Grasswren Amytornis merrotsyi Terrestrial:Grassland Near Threatened None - - - -
Thick-billed Grasswren Amytornis modestus Terrestrial:Grassland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
White-throated Grasswren Amytornis woodwardi Terrestrial:Grassland Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Flinders Ranges Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Calamanthus pyrrhopygius pedleri Terrestrial:Heathland Least Concern None - - - -
Mount Lofty Ranges Chestnut-rumped Heathwren Calamanthus pyrrhopygius parkeri Terrestrial:Heathland Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Western Bristlebird Dasyornis longirostris Terrestrial:Heathland Endangered Endangered - - - -
Western Heath Whipbird Psophodes nigrogularis nigrogularis Terrestrial:Heathland Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Barrow Island White-winged Fairy-wren Malurus leucopterus edouardi Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Christmas Island Boobook Ninox natalis Terrestrial:Island endemic Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Cocos Keeling Buff-banded Rail Hypotaenidia philippensis andrewsi Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Houtman Abrolhos Painted Button-quail Turnix varius scintillans Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Kangaroo Island Western Whipbird Psophodes nigrogularis lashmari Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
King Island Black Currawong Strepera fuliginosa colei Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
King Island Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla magnirostris Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
King Island Green Rosella Platycercus caledonicus brownii Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
King Island Scrubtit Acanthornis magna greeniana Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
King Island Yellow Wattlebird Anthochaera paradoxa kingi Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern None - - - -
Norfolk Island Golden Whistler Pachycephala pectoralis xanthoprocta Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Norfolk Island Green Parrot Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae cookii Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Morepork Ninox novaeseelandiae undulata Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Norfolk Island Robin Petroica multicolor Terrestrial:Island endemic Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Red-fronted Parakeet Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Slender-billed White-eye Zosterops tenuirostris Terrestrial:Island endemic Vulnerable None - - - -
Tiwi Hooded Robin Melanodryas cucullata melvillensis Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Critically Endangered - - - -
Tiwi Horsfield's Bushlark Mirafra javanica melvillensis Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Tiwi Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae melvillensis Terrestrial:Island endemic Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Mallee Whipbird Psophodes nigrogularis leucogaster Terrestrial:Mallee woodland Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Australian Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus macgillivrayi Terrestrial:Rainforest Near Threatened Vulnerable - - - -
Black-breasted Button-quail Turnix melanogaster Terrestrial:Rainforest Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Cape York Eclectus Parrot Eclectus polychloros macgillivrayi Terrestrial:Rainforest Least Concern None - - - -
Coxen's Fig-Parrot Cyclopsitta coxeni Terrestrial:Rainforest Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Palm Cockatoo Probosciger aterrimus Terrestrial:Rainforest Near Threatened None - - - -
Rufous Scrub-bird Atrichornis rufescens Terrestrial:Rainforest Endangered Endangered - - - -
Southern Cassowary Casuarius casuarius Terrestrial:Rainforest Least Concern Endangered - - - -
Buff-breasted Button-quail Turnix olivii Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Eastern Partridge Pigeon Geophaps smithii smithii Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Eastern Purple-crowned Fairy-wren Malurus coronatus macgillivrayi Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern None - - - -
Golden-shouldered Parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Endangered Endangered - - - -
Northern Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae kimberli Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Western Partridge Pigeon Geophaps smithii blaauwi Terrestrial:Tropical savanna woodland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
None Eucalyptus albens Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus arenicola Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus aromaphloia Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus baueriana Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus behriana Tree Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus blakelyi Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus bosistoana Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus botryoides Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. camaldulensis Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus globoidea Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus hawkeri Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus largiflorens Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. bellarinensis Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. leucoxylon Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. pruinosa Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus melliodora Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus microcarpa Tree Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus mitchelliana Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus obliqua Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus ovata Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. hedraia Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. pauciflora Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus polyanthemos Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. marginalis Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. vestita Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus radiata subsp. radiata Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus rubida Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus spathulata subsp. spathulata Tree Endangered None - - - -
None Eucalyptus stellulata Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus viminalis Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. pryoriana Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. viminalis Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
None Eucalyptus yarraensis Tree Endangered None - - - -
None Nothofagus cunninghamii Tree Vulnerable None - - - -
None Persoonia arborea Tree Critically Endangered None - - - -
None Corymbia gummifera Tree Near Threatened None - - - -
Black Gum Eucalyptus aggregata Tree Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
Limestone Blue Wattle, Buchan Blue, Buchan Blue Wattle Acacia caerulescens Tree None Vulnerable - - - -
Narrow-leaved Meryta Meryta angustifolia Tree None Vulnerable - - - -
Nightcap Oak Eidothea hardeniana Tree Critically Endangered Critically Endangered - - - -
Silver Gum, Buxton Gum Eucalyptus crenulata Tree Critically Endangered Endangered - - - -
Strzelecki Gum Eucalyptus strzeleckii Tree Endangered Vulnerable - - - -
Warby Range Swamp Gum Eucalyptus cadens Tree Vulnerable Vulnerable - - - -
a palm Hydriastele costata Tree Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
a stringybark Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. miscella Tree Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
a tree Toechima sp. East Alligator (J.Russell-Smith 8418) Tree None Endangered - - - -
a vine Hoya australis subsp. oramicola Vine None Vulnerable - - - -
a vine Mitrella tiwiensis Vine None Vulnerable - - - -
Australian Painted-Snipe Rostratula australis Wetland Endangered Endangered - - - -
Australian Sarus Crane Grus antigone gillae Wetland Vulnerable None - - - -
Black-necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus Wetland Near Threatened None - - - -
Recherche Cape Barren Goose Cereopsis novaehollandiae grisea Wetland Least Concern Vulnerable - - - -
Sarus Crane Grus antigone Wetland Vulnerable None - - - -
Torresian Black-necked Stork Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus australis Wetland Near Threatened None - - - -