The University of Queensland, 4068

Month: November 2018

Picture showing the TSX Team and VIP speakers from the launch

Australia’s Threatened Species Index is alive!

Exciting time for tracking changes in threatened species populations! Australia (and the world) has now its first Threatened Species Index (TSX)! The TSX was launched on the 27th of November 2018 by the Australian Threatened Species Commissioner, Dr Sally Box. Prominent speakers endorsed the value of the TSX such as the Honourable Minister Leeanne Enoch…
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Four Eastern Regent Parrots in flight

Media Release: Australian threatened bird populations drop by half in 30 years on average

On average, populations of Australia’s threatened birds have decreased by half since 1985, according to Australia’s new Threatened Bird Index. According to Lead researcher Dr Elisa Bayraktarov from the University of Queensland, some bird species have decreased by more and others by less, but that is the average trend across species for which data is…
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A tiramisu cake showing 2 Threatened Species Index trends

Welcome to Australia’s new Threatened Species Index for birds!

We’d like to thank the National Environmental Science Program and supporters from BirdLife Australia, the Commonwealth and all State and Territory governments, and our partners from many conservation and research organisations for making the Threatened Species Index (TSX) possible! A warm thank you to everyone who provided data for the TSX – your efforts to…
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