The University of Queensland, 4068

Using the threatened species index

The Threatened Species Index is a dynamic tool that helps us understand how Australia’s threatened species are faring. So far, birds, mammals and plants have are included and we hope that this will expand to other threatened species groups in the future.

The index is growing. More data can be added as they become available. As data for more threatened species are added, the index will become even more powerful, meaningful and representative.

The Threatened Species Index for Australia has been generated through a partnership between the National Environmental Science Program’s Threatened Species Recovery Hub, The University of Queensland and BirdLife Australia. It is supported by the Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy, all State and Territory governments, and over 30 other conservation and research organisations. It was made possible through our many partners, including the contributions of over 70 teams and individuals dedicated to monitoring our threatened species.

This section of the website points you to resources that can help you contribute to and use the index.