The 2022 Threatened Species Index (TSX) provides an update to the existing bird, mammal and plant indexes.

Figure 1: The Threatened Species Index 2022, showing trends up to 2019 across all species and separately for birds, mammals and plants.
Threatened Species Index 2022
The dataset
Species represented …………………………….……………………. 278 (up 24 in 2022)
Birds ……………………………………………………………… 70 species (up 3 in 2022)
Mammals ………………………………….…………………… 79 species (up 4 in 2022)
Plants ……………………………………………………….…129 species (up 17 in 2022)
EPBC listed species represented …………………………..……………………..…..… 228
National priority species represented …………………………………………….……..30
IUCN listed species represented (threatened) ……………………..………..…..….92
IUCN listed species represented (near-threatened) …………………….……..… 42
Total data sources ………………………………………………..…….. 230 (up 28 in 2022)
Total number of time-series …………………………………. 19,893 (up 625 in 2022)
Total number of sites …………………………………………………………..……….… 10,741
Key findings: Overall trends
- At the national scale, threatened and near-threatened species continue to trend downward, with an average decline of 55% in abundance since 1985 for the 278 species represented (Figure 1). Overall, the abundance of threatened and near-threatened species in the TSX database has declined by 3% per annum since 2000.
- Trends for birds are similar to the main index, with an average decline of 48% since 1985 across the 70 species represented (Figure 1). Since 2000, birds have declined by an average of 2.7% per annum.
- Trends for mammals are less severe. Across the 79 species for which the TSX has data, the average decline in abundance is 19% since 1985 (Figure 1). Since 2000, mammals have declined by 1.5% per annum but displayed a relatively stable trend since 2003.
- Across the 129 plants for which the TSX has suitable data, the average decline in abundance is 77% since 1985 (Figure 1). The decline since 2000 is steep and linear, averaging 3.25% per annum.
2022 TSX Results Summary:
TSX 2022 Results Summary (PDF, 1.78MB)
2022 TSX Factsheets:
New South Wales + Australian Capital Territory (PDF, 1MB)
Data sources
The current Threatened Species Index includes data sources from the following organisations, individuals and reports:
- Ehmke G (2022). Orange-bellied Parrot (winter counts). BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Birdata import 2022. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo (2014-2016). The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Mainland Ground Parrot (NSW). Compiled by Mick Andren. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Northern population of the Eastern Bristlebird (NSW). Compiled by Kelly Roche. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Southern Eastern Bristlebird (NSW). Compiled by David Bain. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Southern Eastern Bristlebird (Victoria). The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Southern Rufous Scrub-bird (New England). The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Blue-billed Duck (DELWP, ARI, BLA). The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Dirk Hartog Island wrens – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Alderman R, Gales R, Tuck G, Lebreton J (2022). Shy Albatross monitoring. Alderman R, Gales R, Tuck G, Lebreton J-D (2012). Global population status of Shy albatross and an assessment of colony-specific trends and drivers. CSIRO Wildlife Research 38: 10.1071/WR10199. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Thomson RB, Alderman RL, Tuck GN, Hobday AJ (2022). Shy Albatross monitoring. Thomson RB, Alderman RL, Tuck GN, Hobday AJ (2015). Effects of climate change and fisheries bycatch on Shy Albatross (Thalassarche cauta) in Southern Australia. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127006. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Priddel D, Carlile N, Fullagar P, Hutton I, O’Neill L (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Flesh-footed shearwater (Lord Howe Island). Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. Priddel D, Carlile N, Fullagar P, Hutton I, O’Neill L (2006). Decline in the distribution and abundance of flesh-footed shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) on Lord Howe Island, Australia. Biological Conservation 128: 412-424. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NT Government (2022). Gouldian Finch Recovery Team (NT). Compiled by Brydie Hill. Northern Territory Government. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AAD (2022). Albatross and Giant-Petrel breeding counts (Macquarie Island). Australian Antarctic Division. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AAD (2022). Black-browed Albatross (Heard Island 1947-2001). Australian Antarctic Division. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Schulz M, Robinson S, Gales R (2022). Grey Petrel Macquarie Island (2000-2003). Schulz M. Robinson S. Gales R. 2005. Breeding of the Grey Petrel (Procellaria cinerea) on Macquarie Island: population size and nesting habitat. Emu 105: 323-329. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Albert’s Lyrebird (Border Ranges). BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Mainland Ground Parrot (DELWP). Data compiled by Lucas Bluff. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lindenmayer D (2022). Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Central Highlands of Victoria, Australia, 2014. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lindenmayer D (2022). Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 1998-2011. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Peters A (2022). Western Purple-crowned Fairy-wren dataset. Monash University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) data extract. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Benshemesh J (2022). Malleefowl mound monitoring. The National Malleefowl Recovery Team. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Great Cocky Count (Forest Red-tailed Black-cockatoo). BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BTFRT (2022). Black-throated Finch Waterhole Counts. Black-throated Finch Recovery Team. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Northern Rufous Scrub-bird (QLD). Compiled by D Stewart. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Surman CA, Burbidge AA, Fitzhardinge J (2022). Houtman Abrolhos Lesser Noddy. Surman CA, Burbidge AA, Fitzhardinge J (2016). Long-term population trends in the vulnerable Lesser Noddy Anous tenuirostris melanops at the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia. Corella 40(3): 69-75. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- LaTrobe University (2022). LaTrobe Mallee fire and biodiversity project. LaTrobe University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Great Cocky Count (Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo). BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Great Cocky Count (Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo). BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Burbidge A, Rolfe J, Mcnee S, Newbey B, Williams M (2022). WA South Coast Threatened Birds Recovery Program. Burbidge A, Rolfe J, Mcnee S, Newbey B, Williams M (2007). Monitoring population change in the cryptic and threatened Western Ground Parrot in relation to fire. Emu. 107. 10.1071/MU06016. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Director of National Parks (2022). Christmas Island endemics. Director of National Parks. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Shorebirds 2022 (various species). BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo (1996-2013). The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Save the Gouldian Fund (2022). Save the Gouldian Fund. Save the Gouldian Fund. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AAD (2022). Southern Giant-Petrel (Antarctic territory). Australian Antarctic Division. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lord Howe Board (2022). Lord Howe Woodhen census. Lord Howe Board. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Australian Gould’s Petrel Recovery Plan. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Smith K (2022). Data on Eastern Regent Parrot breeding observations in South Australia. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NT Government (2022). NT Government Top End Ecological Monitoring Program. Compiled by Brydie Hill. Northern Territory Government. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NT Government (2022). NT Government Top End Ecological Monitoring Program (Brush-tailed Rabbit-rat). Compiled by Brydie Hill. Northern Territory Government. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Australian Sea-lion Monitoring Department for the Environment and Water (DEW) & South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). Compiled by Simon Goldsworthy. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Subantarctic Fur Seal Monitoring (South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI)). Compiled by Simon Goldsworthy. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Australian Sea-lion Monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Simon Goldsworthy. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary Bridled Nailtail Wallaby Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary Bilby Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Scotia Wildlife Sanctuary Numbat Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Yookamurra Wildlife Sanctuary Bettong Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Yookamurra Wildlife Sanctuary Bilby Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Yookamurra Wildlife Sanctuary Numbat Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Brooklyn Wildlife Sanctuary Spatial Mark-Resight Trapping (Northern Quoll). Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Brooklyn Wildlife Sanctuary Camera Trapping (Northern Quoll). Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Piccaninny Plains Wildlife Sanctuary Spatial Mark-Resight Trapping (Carpentarian Antechinus). Compiled by Fay Lewis.. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Piccaninny Plains Wildlife Sanctuary Camera Trapping (Black-footed Tree-rat). Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary Black-footed Rock-wallaby Activity Surveys. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary Woylie Population Survey. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary Black-flanked Rock-wallaby Trapping. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Buckaringa Wildlife Sanctuary Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Kalamurina Wildlife Sanctuary Spatial Mark-Resight Trapping (Crest-tailed Mulgara). Compiled by Fay Lewis. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Kalamurina Wildlife Sanctuary Crest-tailed Mulgara Mulgara Tracking. Compiled by Fay Lewis. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Hayes C (2022). Conservation ecology of Sharman’s rock-wallaby PhD project. Compiled by Catherine Hayes. Australian Wildlife Conservancy, The University of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Upper Warren Region fauna monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Marika Maxwell. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Bilby Monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Martin Dziminski. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Dibbler Recovery Program Monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Tony Friend. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Dirk Hartog Island Return to 1616 Source population monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Colleen Sims. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Gorgon Offset – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Colleen Sims. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Kingston Project (Western Ringtail Possum) – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Marika Maxwell. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Montebello Renewal – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Colleen Sims. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Numbat Recovery Program Monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Tony Friend. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Shark Bay World Heritage Threatened Species (Biodiversity Conservation Initiative – Caring for Country) and Dirk Hartig Island Return to 1616 Source population monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Colleen Sims. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Western Shield Monitoring – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Michelle Drew. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lazenby BT, Tobler MW, Brown WE, Hawkins CE, Hocking GJ, Hume F, Huxtable S, Iles P, Jones ME, Lawrence C, Thalmann S, Wise P, Williams H, Fox S, Pemberton D (2022). Save The Tasmanian Devil Program Monitoring. Lazenby BT, Tobler MW, Brown WE, Hawkins CE, Hocking GJ, Hume F, Huxtable S, Iles P, Jones ME, Lawrence C, Thalmann S, Wise P, Williams H, Fox S, Pemberton D (2018) Data from: Density trends and demographic signals uncover the long-term impact of transmissible cancer in Tasmanian Devils. Dryad Digital Repository. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Heinze D (2022). Long-term Mountain Pygmy-possum monitoring. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Zoos Victoria (2022). Lowland Leadbeater’s Possum Population Monitoring. Compiled by Dan Harley. Zoos Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Arid Recovery (2022). Arid Recovery Monitoring. Compiled by Georgina Neave. Arid Recovery. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Goldingay R (2022). Yellow-bellied glider monitoring Richmond Range National Park. Southern Cross University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Noad MJ, Kniest E, Dunlop RA, Paterson RA, Paterson P, Cato DH (2022). Point Lookout Humpback Whale Survey. Noad MJ, Kniest E, Dunlop RA (2019). Boom to bust? Implications for the continued rapid growth of the eastern Australian humpback whale population despite recovery. Population Ecology 1-12. doi:10.1002/1438-390X.1014 AND Paterson RA, Paterson P, Cato DH (2001) Status of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, in east Australia at the end of the 20th century. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 47(2): 579-586. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Landscape Conservation Initiative – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. Compiled by Ian Radford. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Wombat – Internal Department of Environment and Science Report. Compiled by Alan Horsup. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- FCNSW (2022). Forestry Corporation of NSW Yellow-bellied Glider Monitoring Bago Plateau. Data compiled by Rohan Bilney. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Winter J (2022). Yellow-bellied Glider (Wet Tropics) Project – Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Compiled by John Winter. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- FCNSW (2022). Forestry Corporation of NSW Long-nosed Potoroo Monitoring. Data compiled by Rohan Bilney. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Director of National Parks (2022). Christmas Island Flying-fox island-wide survey. Director of National Parks. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies H (2022). Tiwi Mammal Monitoring. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Tas Government (2022). Annual population estimates of Southern Elephant Seals at Macquarie Island from censuses made annually on October 15th – Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. Extracted from Australian Antarctic Data Centre – CAASM Metadata. Australian Antarctic Data Centre Elephant Seal Census. The State of Tasmania. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Hernandez-Santin L, Fisher D (2022). Northern quoll monitoring – UQ. Compiled by Diana Fisher. The University of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Fisher D (2022). Bridled nailtail wallaby – UQ field course monitoring BIOL3016. Compiled by Diana Fisher. The University of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Fisher D (2022). Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby – UQ field course monitoring BIOL3016. Compiled by Diana Fisher. The University of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Kaluza J (2022). Water mouse monitoring. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Diamantina Pest Arrest Project (Kowari) – Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by John Augusteyn. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Bilby monitoring program – Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by John Augusteyn; source: Peter McRae. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Idalia Pest Arrest project (Bridled Nailtail Wallaby) – Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by John Augusteyn. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Helmeted Honeyeater (Yellingbo). The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Salgado Kent C, Recalde-Salas A (2022). Humpback Whale Monitoring. Compiled by Angela Recalde Salas. Salgado Kent; Recalde-Salas. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Milledge D (2022). Ngunya Jargoon Indigenous Protected Area Northern Long-nosed Potoroo Population Monitoring. Compiled by David Milledge. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Baker A, Batista S (2022). Antechinus argentus monitoring survey. Compiled by Stephane Batista. Queensland University of Technology. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Baker A, Batista S (2022). Antechinus arktos monitoring survey. Compiled by Stephane Batista. Queensland University of Technology. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) data extract. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Water mouse monitoring – Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by Tina Ball. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Kowari monitoring – South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board. Compiled by Rob Brandle and Catherine Lynch.. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Threatened Species Operations Monitoring – Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by Ian Gynther, data sourced from WildNet. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Threatened Species Operations Monitoring (Large-eared Pied Bat) – Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by Ian Gynther, data sourced from WildNet. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Newman M, Stuart A (2022). Southern rufous scrub-bird (Gloucester Tops). Stuart A (2020) Rufous Scrub-bird population trend in the Gloucester Tops: results from 2010-2019 monitoring program. The Whistler 14: 28-34. Plus unpublished monitoring data for 2020. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Preece HJ (2022). South East Queensland Koala Surveys. Department of Environment and Science (DES). Compiled by Harriet Preece. Data sourced from Koala Research Unit database, DES (1996-2013); Koala Survey Team, DES (2018); Hasagewa M (1995). Habitat utilisation by koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) at Point Halloran, Queensland. MSc Thesis, The University of Queensland; White NA, Kunst ND (1988). A report on ecological research on population and habitat features of the koala in key sites in South Eastern Queensland, Internal report to Qld Parks and Wildlife Service. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Sullivan BJ, Baxter GS, Lisle AT, Pahl L, Norris WM, Seabrook L, McAlpine C, Baxter G, Rhodes J, Bradley A, Lunney D (2022). Qld Mulga Lands Koala Surveys. Sullivan BJ, Baxter GS, Lisle AT, Pahl L, Norris WM (2004). Low-density koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in the mulgalands of south-west Queensland. IV. Abundance and conservation status. Wildlife Research 31, 19-29 AND Seabrook L, McAlpine C, Baxter G, Rhodes J, Bradley A, Lunney D (2011). Drought-driven change in wildlife distribution and numbers: a case study of koalas in south west Queensland. Wildlife Research 38: 509-524. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Gordon G, deVilliers D (2022). Oakey koala surveys (1972 to 2010). Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Salgado Kent C, Burton C, Recalde-Salas A, Marley S, Kniest E (2022). Land based surveys – Theodolite tracking (Pygmy Blue Whale). Compiled by Angela Recalde Salas. Salgado Kent C, Burton C, Recalde-Salas A, Marley S, Kniest E (2014). Defining the significance of resting and migratory areas in a key habitat in Australia’s southwest for baleen whales. Report presented to The International Fund of Animal Welfare (IFAW). Project CMST 1199. Curtin University. Perth. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Pungalina-Seven Emu Wildlife Sanctuary Spatial Mark-Resight Trapping (Black-footed Tree-rat). Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Pungalina-Seven Wildlife Sanctuary Spatial Mark-Resight Trapping (Carpentarian Antechinus). Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Collier P, Garnett R, Carter O, Dick J (2022). Forico and Threatened Plants Tasmania, Wildcare Tasmania Inc. (2016 MOU), see 2017 report at DPIPWE and Forico. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Collier P, Garnett R, Carter O, Dick J (2022). Owners of Rubicon covenanted property: orchid monitoring data, see annual reports at DPIPWE or TLC. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Collier P, Garnett R, Carter O, Dick J (2022). Forico and Threatened Plants Tasmania, Wildcare Tasmania Inc. (2016 MOU), shared data. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Monitoring of vulnerable daisy Senecio macrocarpus in Messent Conservation Park, South Australia. Davies R-JP (2009, 2005a, 2005b). The monitoring of the impact of fire and hydrological change on the nationally threatened daisy Senecio macrocarpus in Messent Conservation Park in the Upper South East of South Australia, 1992-2009. Consultant’s report prepared for South East Region, Department for Environment & Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R (2022). Superb Groundsel (Senecio megaglossus) adjacent to The Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park in South Australia. Davies, R (2004). The endangered Superb Groundsel (Senecio megaglossus) in and adjacent to The Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park in South Australia. Consultant’s report to Yorke and Mid-North Region, Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Balcanoona Wattle. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Acacia menzelii. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Birds Nest Wattle. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Resin Wattle. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Caladenia gladiolata. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Codonocarpus pyramidalis. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Pleuropappus phyllocalymmeus. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Prasophyllum pallidum. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Pterostylis arenicola. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Davies R-JP (2022). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia – Pterostylis cucullata. Davies, R (2000). Population Trends for Threatened Plant Species in Parks and Pastoral Leases in South Australia. Report prepared for the Department for Environment and Heritage. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- ACT Government (2022). Canberra spider orchid monitoring. Australian Capital Territory. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- ACT Government (2022). Brindabella Midge orchid monitoring. Australian Capital Territory. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- ACT Government (2022). Small Purple pea monitoring. Australian Capital Territory. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- ACT Government (2022). Tuggeranong Lignum monitoring. Australian Capital Territory. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- ACT Government (2022). Tarengo Leek orchid monitoring. Australian Capital Territory. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Curly-bark Wattle (Acacia curranii) annual monitoring. Compiled by Darren Shelly. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Eriocaulon carsonii monitoring on artesian springs at Peery Lake. Compiled by Darren Shelly. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Grevillea kennedyana monitoring within exclosures in Sturt National Park. Compiled by Darren Shelly. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Xerothamnella parvifolia census monitoring on Mt. Poole. Compiled by Darren Shelly. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Zieria obcordata population trend monitoring. Compiled by Darren Shelly. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Banksia vincentia. Data compiled by David Bain. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Genoplesium baueri. Data compiled by David Bain and James Dawson. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Grimm W (2022). Genoplesium baueri monitoring Ku-ring-gai Chase NP & Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden populations. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Pterostylis vernalis. Data compiled by David Bain. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Grevillea obtusiflorat. Data compiled by David Coote. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Pultenaea sp. Genowlan Point. Compiled by David Coote. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). DBCA threatened plants monitoring – Midwest, South Coast and Warren. Compiled by Colin Yates. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Astrotricha roddii, Isoglossa eranthemoides. Compiled by Jill Smith. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Grevillea wilkinsonii, Prasophyllum affine, Zieria Adenophora, Zieria buxijugum, Zieria formosa. Compiled by John Briggs. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Diuris ochroma, Pomaderris delicata. Compiled by Keith McDougall. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Pomaderris cotoneaster, Prasophyllum petilum and Pomaderris pallida. Compiled by Rob Armstrong. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Wollemia nobilis. Compiled by Tony Auld and Berin Mackenzie. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Robin Leppitt (2022). Alligator Rivers Yellow Chat monitoring. Charles Darwin University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Project 832: IMPACT OF FIRE ON ORCHID POLLINATION-MLR Caladenia behrii, Caladenia rigida. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Northern Lofty Block Threatened Orchid Recovery Team – Caladenia argocalla, C. gladiolata, C. intuta, C. macroclavia, C. woolcockiorum, Pterostylis despectans, P. lepida. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Malleefowl. Compiled by the Department of Planning Industry and Environment. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Gould’s Petrel. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Lord Howe Pied Currawong. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Kermadec Petrel. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). SA Murray Darling Basin Threatened Flora Recovery Team dataset. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Project 377: THREATENED ORCHID MONITORING (SE) Prasophyllum frenchii. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Dickson C (2022). Nationally threatened flora status assessment in the South East of South Australia. Dickson C.R. (2016) Nationally threatened flora status assessment in the South East of South Australia. Report to Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Government of South Australia. NGT Consulting – Nature Glenelg Trust, Mount Gambier, South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Nano C, Nano T, Gibson J, Pavey C (2022). Recovery action implementation for threatened arid acacias . Nano et al. (2008). Recovery action implementation for threatened arid acacias: distribution, monitoring and Indigenous ecological knowledge of A. peuce, A. undoolyana, A. pickardii and A. latzii. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Dasyurus maculatus. Compiled by James Dawson. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Pennay M, Leary T (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Chalinolobus dwyeri maternity roost monitoring. Compiled by Michael Pennay. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Acanthocladium dockeri natural sites counting in South Australia. Compiled by Doug Bickerton. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Eucalyptus recurva. Compiled by John Briggs. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Duncan M (2022). National Recovery Plan for the Bald-tip Beard Orchid Calochilus richiae. Duncan, M. (2010). National Recovery Plan for the Bald-tip Beard Orchid Calochilus richiae. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Reiter NH, Walsh NG, Lawrie AC (2022). Causes of infertility in the endangered Australian endemic plant Borya mirabilis. Reiter et al. (2015). Causes of infertility in the endangered Australian endemic plant Borya mirabilis (Boryaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 63, 554-565. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Rule K, Molyneux WM (2022). Two new mallee Eucalypts (Myrtaceae) from Gippsland, Victoria. Rule, K. & Molyneux, W.M. (2011). Two new mallee Eucalypts (Myrtaceae) from Gippsland, Victoria. Muelleria 29, 16-26. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Taylor T (2022). T. Taylor, unpublished data on Gossia gonoclada. National Action Plan for Australia’s Imperilled Plants (draft). Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Callen R, Silock J (2022). R. Callen & J. Silcock, unpublished data on Grevillea hodgei. Compiled by Jen Silock. The University of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Carter O (2022). Unpublished data on Phebalium daviesii from the Tasmanian threatened flora database. Compiled by Oberon Carter. National Action Plan for Australia’s Imperilled Plants (draft). Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Reiter NH (2022). N. Reiter, unpublished data on Sphaerolobium acanthos. National Action Plan for Australia’s Imperilled Plants (draft). Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- N Walsh, J Lynch, O Carter O, J Downe, Threatened Species Scientific Committee (2022). N. Walsh & J. Lynch unpublished data on Spyridium furculentum, and data from published sources. National Action Plan for Australia’s Imperilled Plants (draft). Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Nugent D (2022). Plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) nocturnal monitoring on Victorias Northern Plains. Nugent, D. (2020). Plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) nocturnal monitoring on Victoria’s Northern Plains in 2020. Report prepared for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning by Open Plains Ecological Services.. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species Monitoring – Plains-Wanderer. Compiled by David Parker. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government / Forestry Corporation NSW (2022). Forestry Corporation Biodiversity Monitoring (Western) – Little Pied Bat. Compiled by Brad Law. The State of New South Wales & FCNSW. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Mifud G (2022). Ecology of the Julia Creek Dunnart. Mifud, G. (1999). Ecology of the Julia Creek Dunnart, Sminthopsis douglasi. Unpublished master’s thesis. La Trobe University, Bundoora. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Southgate R, Moseby K, Peddler R (2022). Dusky Hopping Mouse Notomyus fuscus distribution inside the Dog Fence in northern South Australia. Southgate, R. & Moseby, M. (2011). An expansion of Dusky Hopping Mouse Notomyus fuscus distribution inside the Dog Fence in northern South Australia. South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board, Port Augusta AND Southgate, R., Moseby, M. & Peddler, R. (2012). A reassessment of Dusky Hopping Mouse Notomyus fuscus distribution in proximity to the Dog Fence in northern South Australia. South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board, Port Augusta. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Platypus Watch Network – Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland (2022). eDNA Platypus Monitoring. Compiled by Tamielle Brunt. Platypus Watch Network – Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species Monitoring – Burramy sparvus. Compiled by Dr Linda Broome . The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lunney D, Predavec M, Miller I, et al. (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Interpreting patterns of population change in koalas from long-term datasets in Coffs Harbour. Data compiled by Stephanie Stuart and Renae Hockey. Lunney et al. (2016). Interpreting patterns of population change in koalas from long-term datasets in Coffs Harbour on the north coast of New South Wales. Australian Mammalogy, 2016, 38, 29-43 . Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lunney D, Predavec M, Sonawane I et al. (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – The remaining koalas of the Pilliga forests. Data compiled by Stephanie Stuart and Renae Hockey . Lunney, D., Predavec, M., Sonawane, I., et al. (2017). The remaining koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) of the Pilliga forests, north-west New South Wales: refugial persistence or a population on the road to extinction? Pacific Conservation Biology, 23, 277–294. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Preen AR, Marsh H, Lawler IR, Prince RIT, Shepherd R, Gales NJ, McCauley RD, Lanyon JM, Holley DK, Hodgson AJ, Kelly N, Peel D, Bayliss P, Raudino H, Hutton M, Murray K, Waples K, Strydom S, Lanyon JM (2022). Dugong aerial surveys in WA from multiple published sources. Compiled by Holly Raudino. Preen et al. (1997). Distribution and Abundance of Dugongs, Turtles, Dolphins and other Megafauna in Shark Bay, Ningaloo Reef and Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. Wildlife Research, 24, 185-208 AND Gales et al (2004). Change in abundance of dugongs in Shark Bay, Ningaloo and Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia: evidence for large scale migration. Wildlife Research, 31, 283-¬290 AND Holley et al (2006). Summer survey of dugong distribution and abundance in Shark Bay reveals additional key habitat area. Wildlife Research, 33, 243-250 AND Hodgson et al. (2008). Dugong population trends across two decades in Shark Bay, Ningaloo Reef and Exmouth Gulf. WA Department of Environment and Conservation AND Hodgson et al. (2013). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Surveying Marine Fauna: A Dugong Case Study. PLoS ONE, 8, e79556 AND Bayliss et al (2019). Modelling the spatial relationship between dugong (Dugong dugon) and their seagrass habitat in Shark Bay Marine Park before and after the marine heatwave of 2010/11. CSIRO and Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions AND Hodgson, AJ (2007). The distribution, abundance and conservation of dugongs and other marine megafauna in Shark Bay Marine Park, Ningaloo Reef Marine Park and Exmouth Gulf. WA Department of Environment and Conservation and James Cook University AND Bayliss et al (2018). Dugong (Dugong dugon) population and habitat survey of Shark Bay Marine Park and Ningaloo Reef Marine Park, and Exmouth Gulf. CSIRO and WA Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Antos M (2022). Vehicle surveys of Plains-Wanderer in Terrick Terrick National Park. Compiled by Mark Antos. Antos, M. (2020). Northern Plains Grassland Fauna Surveys at Terrick Terrick National Park. July 2019-June 2020 Progress Report. Report to Parks Victoria, Melbourne. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Southern Brown Bandicoot. Compiled by Andrew Claridge. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby. This dataset has had significant involvement from the Mutawintji Local Aboriginal Land Council and Mutawintji Board of Management who are the traditional owners of the site where the rock-wallaby occurs. Compiled by Sarah Bell. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Long-nosed Potoroo. Compiled by Andrew Claridge. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Diuris aequalis. Compiled by Laura Canackle. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Adam Mckeown, Chris Pavey, Eric Vanderbuys, Stewart Mcdonald (2022). Summary of the National Flying-Fox Monitoring Program results – Spectacled Flying Fox. CSIRO Land and Water. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Victorian Biodiversity Atlas data extract – plants. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Koala Monitoring in SENSW Coastal Forests: 2007-19. Compiled by Rod Pietch. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- QWSG (2022). Queensland Wader Studies Group shorebird monitoring updated. Queensland Wader Studies Group. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). DBCA threatened plants monitoring – Wheatbelt. Compiled by Colin Yates. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Driessen M (2022). Threatened mammal monitoring. Driessen, M. M., Jarman, P. J., Visoiu, M., and Dewar, E. (2021). Mammal responses to moderate-intensity planned burning in a small, isolated woodland reserve. Wildlife Research 48, 561–576. doi: 10.1071/WR20165. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Victorian Biodiversity Atlas data extract 2020 – mammals. Compiled by Mel Hardie. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Caladenia tessellata. Compiled by Kylie Coutts-McClelland. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Charnley River-Artesian Range Wildlife Sanctuary Monjon surveys. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Faure Boodie (Shark Bay) Trapping Survey. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary Northern Quoll Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary Western Barred Bandicoot. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AWC (2022). AWC Charnley River-Artesian Range Wildlife Sanctuary Northern Quoll Monitoring. Compiled by Fay Lewis and Liana Joseph. Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2022). Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) data extract 2020 – birds. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Mainland Ground Parrot (NSW). Compiled by David Bain. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Mainland Ground Parrot (NSW). Compiled by Damon Oliver. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Tulloch A (2022). Post-fire distribution abundance and habitat use of small mammals in Royal National Park. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Pale Yellow Double-tail (Diuris flavescens) monitoring. Compiled by Paul Hillier. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Somersby Mintbush (Prosthanthera junonis) Flora Survey and Monitoring. Compiled by Paul Hillier. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Baeckea kandos monitoring. Compiled by David Coote. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Persoonia marginata monitoring. Compiled by David Coote. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Acacia gordonii monitoring. Compiled by Ahamad Sherieff. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Bossiaea fragrans monitoring. Compiled by Jessica Peterie. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Acacia meiantha monitoring. Compiled by Jessica Peterie. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Persoonia hindii monitoring. Compiled by Jessica Peterie. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Neoastelia spectabilis monitoring. Compiled by Paul Sheringham. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Wilson B (2022). Pseudomys novaehollandiae monitoring. Wilson Barbara A., Lock Mandy, Garkaklis Mark J. (2017) Long-term fluctuations in distribution and populations of a threatened rodent (Pseudomys novaehollandiae) in coastal woodlands of the Otway Ranges, Victoria: a regional decline or extinction?. Australian Mammalogy 40, 281-293. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Houston W (2022). Capricorn Yellow Chat annual trend data 2004-2016. Central Queensland University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Cremasco P (2022). Spotted-tailed Quoll moniotring in Cullendore, border of QLD and NSW. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2022). Northern Rufous Scrub-bird BLA. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Micromyrtus blakelyi annual population monitoring. Compiled by Vera O`Donovan. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Southern Right Whale SE AUS population long-term monitoring. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Pilbara northern quoll research program. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Webb J (2022). Kakadu Northern Quoll Monitoring. University of Technology Sydney. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Collingwood T (2022). Rhodamnia rubescens data. Compiled by Teghan Collingwood.. The University of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving Our Species monitoring – Zieria tuberculata monitoring. Compiled by David McCreery. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2022). Pingaring Spider Orchid long term monitoring WA DBCA. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Rowland J (2022). Spotted-tailed quoll monitoring. Rowland, J., Hoskin, C. J. and Burnett, S. (2022). Camera-trapping density estimates suggest critically low population sizes for the Wet Tropics subspecies of the spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus gracilis). Austral Ecology. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lazenby BT, Bell P, Driessen MM, Pemberton D, Dickman CR (2022). Tassie Devil monitoring via live trapping. The State of Tasmania. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2022). Taunton spotlighting and thermal imaging BNT monitoring. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2022). Saving our Species monitoring – Rosewood Mistletoe, Coastal Fontainea and Willi Willi Zieria SoS species monitoring. Compiled by Dianne Brown. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- ACT Government (2022). Offset monitoring data on Ginninderra Peppercress, Lepidium ginninderrense and Button wrinklewort . Australian Capital Territory. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Victorian Biodiversity Atlas data extract – Macquarie Island Wandering Albatross data extracted from multiple sources: 1: de la Mare, W.K., and Kerry, K.R. 1994. Population dynamics of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans on Macquarie Island and the effects of mortality from longline fishing. Polar Biology 14: 231-241. 2: Carrick, R., and Ingham, S.E. 1970. Ecology and population dynamics of Antarctic sea birds. Pp. 20-45 in Antarctic Ecology Vol. I. Holdgate M.W. (ed.). Academic Press, London. 3: Tomkins, R.J. 1985. Reproduction and mortality of Wandering albatrosses on Macquarie Island. Emu 85: 40-42. 4: Garnett, S.T. 1992. The Action Plan for Australian Birds. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra. 5: G. Copson pers. comm. on DEH web page 6: Gales, R., Brothers, N., Terauds, A., and Copson, G. in press. Population status, productivity and at-sea records of albatrosses and giant-petrels breeding on Macquarie Island. Marine Ornithology: in press. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2022). Melbourne Strategic Assessment monitoring. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA, QWSG (2022). Limosa lapponica baueri and Limosa lapponica menzbieri shorebird data from Bar-tailed Godwit data BirdLife Australia and Queensland Wader Studies Group. The geographical cutoff for splitting up the Bar-tailed Godwit species level data was based on the location of Adelaide (longitude 138.6): baueri subspecies considered to occur to the east, menzbieri subspecies to the west. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensla