In 2023, a comprehensive update to Australia’s Threatened Bird Index (TBX) occurred. This is the first major update to the bird index since it was first released in 2018. This significant update occurred in collaboration with BirdLife Australia, the largest data contributor to the Threatened Bird Index to date. This page provides users with a summary of the results from the Threatened Bird Index 2023. The full set of trends for the bird index can be explored using the TSX trend visualiser tool here.

Figure 1: The Threatened Bird Index 2023, showing trends up to 2020 across all bird taxa.
Interpreting the index graphs
The index shows the average change in populations compared to a base year. It shows a relative change and not population numbers themselves. The base year of our index is 1985, which gets an index score of one. A score of 1.2 would mean a 20% increase compared to numbers in 1985 on average, while a score of 0.8 would mean a 20% decrease compared to 1985 on average.
Threatened Bird Index 2023
The dataset
Taxa represented …………………………………………….…………. 72 (up 14 from 2018)
Terrestrial birds ……………………………………….……….…….. 43 (up 8 from 2018)
Shoreline (migratory) birds ……………………….……….……. 13 (up 3 from 2018)
Marine birds …………………..……………………….………….…… 15 (up 4 from 2018)
Wetland birds ………………………………….……….…….…….. 1 (down 1 from 2018)
EPBC listed taxa represented …………………………………………………….……………..58
National priority taxa represented ..…………………….………………….………………….9
IUCN listed taxa represented (threatened) ………….……………….…………………..29
IUCN listed taxa represented (near threatened) ..……..………….…………………. 10
2020 Bird Action Plan listed taxa represented ..……………….…….…………………58
Total data sources ………………………………………..……….…… 54 (up 15 from 2018)
Total number of time series ……………………..…..… 19,814 (up 9,065 from 2018)
Total number of sites …………………………………..…. 10,784 (up 6,548 from 2018)
Key findings: Headline trends
- At the national scale, threatened and near-threatened bird species continue to trend downward, with an average decline of 60% in relative abundance since 1985 for the 72 species represented (Figure 1). Overall, the relative abundance of threatened and near-threatened bird species in the TBX database has declined by 2.2% per annum since the year 2000.
- Among groups with adequate data, terrestrial birds showed the greatest declines (62.5%), followed by migratory shorebirds (42.5%) and marine birds (33.8%), since the year 2000.
- The most significant declines since 2000 across all species were in South Australia (69.6%) and Queensland (65.7%).
- The ACT and New South Wales recorded a decline of 56.3%, Victoria 47.9%, WA 29.9% and Tasmania 27.6% since 2000.
- The trend for NT showed a decline of only 3.4% overall but the trend has fluctuated significantly since 2000, driven strongly by data for migratory shorebird species.
2023 TBX Results Summary:
Threatened Bird Index 2023 Trend Summary (PDF, 5.6MB)
Data sources
- AAD (2023). Albatross and Giant-Petrel breeding counts (Macquarie Island). Australian Antarctic Division. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AAD (2023). Black-browed Albatross (Heard Island 1947-2001). Australian Antarctic Division. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- AAD (2023). Southern Giant-Petrel (Antarctic territory). Australian Antarctic Division. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Alderman R, Gales R, Tuck G, Lebreton J (2023). Shy Albatross monitoring. Alderman R, Gales R, Tuck G, Lebreton J-D (2012). Global population status of Shy albatross and an assessment of colony-specific trends and drivers. CSIRO Wildlife Research 38: 10.1071/WR10199. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Antos M (2023). Vehicle surveys of Plains-Wanderer in Terrick Terrick National Park. Compiled by Mark Antos. Antos, M. (2020). Northern Plains Grassland Fauna Surveys at Terrick Terrick National Park. July 2019-June 2020 Progress Report. Report to Parks Victoria, Melbourne. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Benshemesh J (2023). Malleefowl mound monitoring. The National Malleefowl Recovery Team. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Bird monitoring data collated and curated in Birdata by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Great Cocky Count (Baudin’s Black-Cockatoo) monitoring data collated and curated by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Great Cocky Count (Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo) monitoring data collated and curated by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Great Cocky Count (Forest Red-tailed Black-cockatoo) monitoring data collated and curated by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Northern Rufous Scrub-bird monitoring data collated and curated by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Orange-bellied Parrot (winter counts) monitoring data collated and curated by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA (2023). Shorebird monitoring data collated and curated by BirdLife Australia, Melbourne. BirdLife Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BLA, QWSG (2023). Limosa lapponica baueri and Limosa lapponica menzbieri shorebird data from BirdLife Australia and Queensland Wader Studies Group. The geographical cutoff for splitting up the Bar-tailed Godwit species level data was based on the location of Adelaide (longitude 138.6): baueri subspecies considered to occur to the east, menzbieri subspecies to the west. BirdLife Australia, Queensland Wader Studies Group. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- BTFRT (2023). Black-throated Finch Waterhole Counts. Black-throated Finch Recovery Team. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Burbidge A, Rolfe J, Mcnee S, Newbey B, Williams M (2023). WA South Coast Threatened Birds Recovery Program. Burbidge A, Rolfe J, Mcnee S, Newbey B, Williams M (2007). Monitoring population change in the cryptic and threatened Western Ground Parrot in relation to fire. Emu. 107. 10.1071/MU06016. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Director of National Parks (2023). Christmas Island endemics. Director of National Parks. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Houston W (2023). Capricorn Yellow Chat annual trend data 2004-2016. Central Queensland University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- LaTrobe University (2023). LaTrobe Mallee fire and biodiversity project. LaTrobe University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lindenmayer D (2023). Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Bird Point Count Data, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 1998-2011. Long Term Ecological Research Network. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Lord Howe Board (2023). Lord Howe Woodhen census. Lord Howe Board. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Newman M, Stuart A (2023). Southern rufous scrub-bird (Gloucester Tops). Stuart A (2020) Rufous Scrub-bird population trend in the Gloucester Tops: results from 2010-2019 monitoring program. The Whistler 14: 28-34. Plus unpublished monitoring data for 2020. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (2023). Saving Our Species monitoring – Mainland Ground Parrot (NSW). Compiled by Damon Oliver. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving our Species monitoring – Australian Gould’s Petrel Recovery Plan. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving Our Species monitoring – Gould’s Petrel. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving Our Species monitoring – Kermadec Petrel. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving Our Species monitoring – Lord Howe Pied Currawong. Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving Our Species monitoring – Mainland Ground Parrot (NSW). Compiled by David Bain. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving our Species monitoring – Mainland Ground Parrot (NSW). Compiled by Mick Andren. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving our Species monitoring – Malleefowl. Compiled by the Department of Planning Industry and Environment. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving our Species monitoring – Northern population of the Eastern Bristlebird (NSW). Compiled by Kelly Roche. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Saving our Species Monitoring – Plains-Wanderer. Compiled by David Parker. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Southern Eastern Bristlebird (NSW). Compiled by David Bain. The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NSW Government (2023). Southern Rufous Scrub-bird (New England). The State of New South Wales. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- NT Government (2023). Gouldian Finch Recovery Team (NT). Compiled by Brydie Hill. Northern Territory Government. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Nugent D (2023). Plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) nocturnal monitoring on Victoria’s Northern Plains. Nugent, D. (2020). Plains-wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) nocturnal monitoring on Victoria’s Northern Plains in 2020. Report prepared for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning by Open Plains Ecological Services. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Peters A (2023). Western Purple-crowned Fairy-wren dataset. Monash University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Priddel D, Carlile N, Fullagar P, Hutton I, O’Neill L (2023). Saving our Species monitoring – Flesh-footed shearwater (Lord Howe Island). Compiled by Nicholas Carlile. Priddel D, Carlile N, Fullagar P, Hutton I, O’Neill L (2006). Decline in the distribution and abundance of flesh-footed shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) on Lord Howe Island, Australia. Biological Conservation 128: 412-424. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Qld Government (2023). Northern Rufous Scrub-bird (QLD). Compiled by D Stewart. The State of Queensland. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- QWSG (2023). Queensland Wader Studies Group shorebird monitoring updated. Queensland Wader Studies Group. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Robin Leppitt (2023). Alligator Rivers Yellow Chat monitoring. Charles Darwin University. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2023). Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) data extract 2020 – birds. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2023). Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) data extract. The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2023). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo (1996-2013). The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- SA Government (2023). Kangaroo Island Glossy Black-Cockatoo (2014-2022). The State of South Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Save the Gouldian Fund (2023). Save the Gouldian Fund. Save the Gouldian Fund. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Schulz M, Robinson S, Gales R (2023). Grey Petrel Macquarie Island (2000-2003). Schulz M. Robinson S. Gales R. 2005. Breeding of the Grey Petrel (Procellaria cinerea) on Macquarie Island: population size and nesting habitat. Emu 105: 323-329. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Smith K (2023). Data on Eastern Regent Parrot breeding observations in South Australia. Private individuals. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Surman CA, Burbidge AA, Fitzhardinge J (2023). Houtman Abrolhos Lesser Noddy. Surman CA, Burbidge AA, Fitzhardinge J (2016). Long-term population trends in the vulnerable Lesser Noddy Anous tenuirostris melanops at the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia. Corella 40(3): 69-75. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Thomson RB, Alderman RL, Tuck GN, Hobday AJ (2023). Shy Albatross monitoring. Thomson RB, Alderman RL, Tuck GN, Hobday AJ (2015). Effects of climate change and fisheries bycatch on Shy Albatross (Thalassarche cauta) in Southern Australia. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127006. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2023). Helmeted Honeyeater (Yellingbo). The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2023). Mainland Ground Parrot (DELWP). Data compiled by Lucas Bluff. The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- Vic Government (2023). Southern Eastern Bristlebird (Victoria). The State of Victoria. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.
- WA Government (2023). Dirk Hartog Island wrens – Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, WA. The State of Western Australia. Aggregated for the Australian Threatened Species Index, an output of the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub and operated by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, The University of Queensland.