The University of Queensland, 4068

For sponsors

While the launch of the first Australian Threatened Bird Index and interactive web visualisation tool is a huge achievement, it is just the beginning of a project that we hope will have a lasting impact on the Australian landscape. Our project is looking for support to improve the operability of the web tool, including creating an interface for users to upload species monitoring data and create tailored indices.

Download our TSX Sponsorship Prospectus (PDF, 2.2 MB) to find out how you can become part of this keystone project.

In the long term, we are hoping to see the index institutionalised to become a key feature of the Australian conservation landscape. Our prospects for achieving this would be strengthened by the creation of a 10-year endowment fund to support medium-term institutionalisation of the TSX into government and public reporting. Please contact our team if you are interested in discussing the creation of this legacy.